Title: Use of Equal Sign
1Use of Equal Sign
2Approximate Sign vs Equal Sign
When do we use or in our number
3Which is correct?
1 678 is not the same as 1 680.
1 678 1 680
1 678 1 680
1 680 is an approximate value of 1 678.
Therefore must be used.
4Which is correct?
6 345 m? is an exact value of 6 ? 345 m?.
Therefore must be used.
6 ? 345 m? 6 345 m?
6 ? 345 m? 6 345 m?
6 345 m? is not an approximate value of 6 ? 345
5Using unitary method to solve word
problems E.g. 40 1 600 10 1 600 4
400 100 10 x 400
4 000 40 1600 100 4 000
This is because amount of money is not the same
as .
6Ali and Shawn have a total of 210 stamps. Shawn
has twice as many stamps as Alan. How many
stamps does Shawn have? 3 units 210 1
unit 210 3 70 2
units 2 x 70
140 Shawn has 140 stamps.
7Dollar and cent notation Muthu bought a pen for
40 and a book for 1.40. How much did he spend
altogether? Amount spent altogether 1.40
40 1.40
8Dollar and cent notation Muthu bought a pen
for 40 and a book for 1.40. How much did she
spend altogether? Amount spent altogether
1.40 40 1.80
9Conversion of unit of measurements
during intermediate steps E.g. 52 litres
52 000 cm3 52 litres 52 000 52 litres 52
Units missing
10A fraction is not equal or the same as a whole
1 8 x 16 128
Note The answer may be correct but the method
is wrong and therefore no mark will be awarded.
Here the fraction represents a whole number.
1 8 x 16 128
Or we can also use the unitary method
1 unit 16 8 units 8 x 16
John had 128 stamps at first.
Many pupils will do this
- This is incorrect because
- is missing!
- is not the same as itself x 100 !
Or we can also use the unitary method
4 units 100 3 unit