Title: Open Archives Initiative Primer
1Open Archives Initiative Primer
Thomas Krichel Palmer School of Library and
Information Science Long Island University With
apologies to Carl Lagoze
DC2001 Tokyo, October 25, 2001
2Where I come from...
- Trained economist
- Early (1991) visionary of free online scholarship
- Creator of NetEc in 1993
- Principal founder of RePEc in 1997
- Largest distributed academic DL in the world
- Collection that is open for
- Contribution
- Usage
- Grown to over 100 archives, over 10 partly
interoperable user services
3Metadata collection process
- Free online scholarship requires academic
self-documentation - Metadata is expensive to collect
- Building free metadata collection is difficult
- no established business model
- no established funding channels
- Only a collaborative effort will be succeed.
4The example of eprint servers
- attractive building block for the transformation
of scholarly communication - but isolated efforts do not make for a scholarly
communication system - need to federate archive
- need to interoperate with other scholarly
communication components
5Example e-print accessibility
6Example e-print accessibility
7metadata harvesting
8metadata harvesting
9other examples
- within the area of scholarly commuication
- already implemented in RePEc
- Sharing of log data between service providers
- Provision non-document data for document data
provider - personal data
- institutional data
10core concepts in OAI 1.1
- low-barrier interoperability
- data-provider / service-provider model
- metadata harvesting model
OAI 1.1 protocol
HTTP based
Dublin Core
- parallel metadata formats
Community specific
11harvester / repository
12OAI protocol requests
service provider
data provider
- Supporting protocol requests
- Identify
- ListMetadataFormats
- ListSets
- Harvesting protocol requests
- ListRecords
- ListIdentifiers
- GetRecord
13HTTP encoding - requests
BASE-URL -----------gt an.oa.org/OAI-scriptkeyword
arguments --gt verbListIdentiferssetS1
GET http//an.oa.org/OAI-script?verbListIdenti
POST POST http//an.oa.org/OAI-script
HTTP/1.0 Content-Length 78 Content-Type
14HTTP encoding - responses
ltxml version1.0 encodingUTF-8
?gtltGetRecord xmlnshttp//oai.namespace.uri
xmlnsxsihttp//w3.namespace.uri xsischemaL
ocationhttp//oai.namespace.uri http//oai.sc
hemaURLgt ltresponseDategt2000-19-01T193030-0400
lt/responseDategt ltrequestURLgthttp//an.oa.org/OAI-
script?verbGetRecord ampidentifieroai3Aar
Xiv3A0001 ampmetadataPrefixoai_dclt/request
URLgt ltrecordgt record contents lt/recordgt addi
tional recordslt/GetRecordgt
ltrecordgt ltheadergt ltidentifiergtoaieg001lt/ident
ifiergt ltdatestampgt1999-01-01lt/datestampgt lt/head
ergt ltmetadatagt ltdc xmlnshttp//purl.org/dcgt
lttitlegtMy Examplelt/titlegt lt/dcgt lt/metadatagt
ltaboutgt ltea xmlnshttp//www.arXiv.org/ea
ltusagegtNo restrictionslt/usagegt lt/eagt lt/aboutgtlt
16selective harvesting - datestamps
17selective harvesting - sets
18Communication re OAI
- lists subscribe via http//www.openarchives.org
- oai-general list
- oai-implementers list
- web http//www.openarchives.org
- FAQ http//www.openarchives.org/faq.htm
- mail openarchives_at_openarchives.org
19revision of specifications
- Currently frozen specifications for 12 -18
months - stable for experimentation not definitive
- minimize risk for early adopters
- maximize chances for future interoperability
across communities
The technical committee are working on the
definitive specifications
20The technical committee
- - Herbert Van de Sompel (British Library) -
Carl Lagoze (Cornell U) - Thomas Krichel
(Long Island U RePEc) - Jeff Young (OCLC)
- Tim Cole (U of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
- Hussein Suleman (Virginia Tech) - Simeon
Warner (LANL arXiv) - Michael Nelson (NASA
NACA) - Caroline Arms (Library of Congress) -
Muhammad Zubair (Old Dominion U ARC) - Steven
Bird (U Penn Open Language Archive Community)
- Robert Tansley (MIT DSpace) - Andy Powell
UK (UKOLN) - Mogens Sandfaer Denmark (DTV) -
Thomas Severiens Germany - Thomas Baron
Switserland (CERN) - Les Carr UK (U of
Southampton) - Thomas Place Netherlands (Tilburg
21Current activities
Currently they are working on a list of
technical issues related to the protocol A new
specification is supposed to be drafted
2002-02 Alpha testing will start 2002-04 The
new specification will be released shortly after
22Thank you for your attention!
- Thomas Krichel
- Palmer School of Library and Information Science
- 720 Northern Boulevard
- Brookville NY 11548-1300
- http//openlib.org/home/krichel