Title: Animals at the Zoo
1Animals at the Zoo
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There are two kinds of elphants African elphant
and Indian elephant.
They eat grass, leaves and fruit.
They are often hunted for their fangs.
Giraffes live in Africa. They can be up to 6
meters tall.
They eat leaves from trees.
They have seven bones in the neck, just like
Lions live in Africa. They are predators.
Lion cubs live with their mother about 2 years.
Later they live in prides.
This is a plant-eating and water-loving animal
whose name means river-horse.
Their home is in rivers, lakes and swamps of
The hippo's night life begins a few hours after
sunset, when all the hippos file out of the water
to graze on land by the light of the moon.
Zebras belong to the same family as horses. They
are grass-eaters.
Zebras can not be domesticated like horses.
They can be identified by their stripes. There
are no zebras who look exactly the same.
Camels are desert travellers.
There are camels with one or two humps.
They can eat plants with sharp thorns. Its
possible to be without drinking even for 3 weeks.
Lynx is a predator that secretly hunts in the
They mark their living area by scratching trees.
It is said that they never attack from the tree.
Fox is up to 85 centimetres long and its tail can
even be 50 cm.
They live in burrows that are dug under ground.
The sence of smell allows them to smell a bevy of
grouse in 40 metres.
Deer live in Europe, Asia, Africa and
They eat grass and leaves. Only bucks have
Fawns are born in May.
11Panda bear
Pandas name means bamboo bear.
They live in Tibetian forests and mostly eat
bamboo leaves.
Nowadays there are more pandas at zoos than in
the wild nature.
There are 47 species of kangaroos in Australia.
The largest red kangaroos can grow as long as 1.5
Gray kangaroos can clear more than nine metres in
a single bound. These animals can reach speeds of
48 kilometres an hour.
Apes can grow up to 2 metres and the heaviest of
them weigh 350 kg.
They are very intelligent. Apes can communicate
with signs and sounds.
They have no tails and their arms are longer than
14Brown bear
Bears are omnivore mammals who belong to the
group of predators.
Although they seem clumsy they can climb to
trees, swim and even run quite fast.
Bears live everywhere on the northern hemisphere.
Tigers live in forests of Asia.
Tigers are very hunted because all his body parts
are considered to have mystical power.
- How many bones are in giraffes neck?
- What do zebras eat?
- How long can a camel be without drinking?
- How does lynx mark the living area?
- Where do foxes live?
- What does pandas name mean?
- How far can a kangaroo jump?
- What shows that apes are intelligent?
- Where do bears live?
- 10. Why are tigers often hunted?