Title: Beauty of the Polish Mashrooms
1Beauty of the Polish Mashrooms
- By Robert K. Lesniakiewicz
2Amanina muscarina Boletus edulis- living
together, growing together!
- In every Autumn, people in Poland visit their
forests in order to give themselves to a pleasure
of the bringing mushrooms. This is a kind of the
Polish national sport. In this presentation Id
like to show you the mushrooms beauty and a charm
of the so called Gold Polish Autumn
3Langermannia gigantea
- Langermannia gigantea is a very big mushroom,
which is quite protected species in Poland. Those
samples grew at the Jordanóws Town Hall! The
mushroom has grown there for many years and is
protected by Mayor of the Jordanów town.
4Shambhallah in the Beskidy Mts.
- These are two views from the Shambhallah of the
Beskidy Mts. in Poland. Upper picture shows the
Mt. Babia Góra 1,725 m high. In the another
picture is Mt. Hyckowa 685 m high. I very often
visit those woods and forests
5Mushrooms, which grow on cut trees
6Sparassis crispa and Cantharellus cibarius
7Calocera viscosa the forest flames
8Is it a monster after the Chernobyl disaster?
9Boletus erythropus
10Sparassis brevipes (laminosa)
11Mushrooms in the Spring
- The mushrooms grow not only in the Autumn period
but in the Spring as well. The forests around
Jordanów are also full of the spring mushrooms
such like those
12 Morchella conica and
13 Gyromitra esculenta the spring killer
14Treasures of the Polish woods
15Treasure fond among birches
- This fungus weights 1,5 kg
16Seeing with the eagles eyes
17 and the frogs ones the Amanita muscaria
18Helvella crispa a rare guest
19Gyromitra infulata the last fungus of the
Beskidys Autumn
20 Ramaria obtusissima
21Coprinus comatus - just like ones taken from
the Jules Verne novel!
22The mystrious world of mushrooms
23Our organizations
24The End
- Author wishes to thank the Internet Club of the
Mushrooms Lovers DARZ GRZYB and the Internet
Mushroom Lovers Society in Cracow for photos and
an idea of the making this PPT.