Title: International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS Transition
1International Financial Reporting Standards
Prepared by L. Murphy Smith Professor of
Accounting Texas AM University For permission
to use or adapt this presentation, please contact
Dr. Smith, Lmsmith_at_tamu.edu
2Questions and Comments are Welcome Any Time
3International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRSs)are shooting down the competition (other
IFRSs are now accepted or required in more than
100 countries.
4U.S. Leaders Call for Acceptance of IFRSs
- Among those calling for acceptance of IFRSs are
John Thain, CEO of the New York Stock Exchange,
and former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.
- FASB Chairman Robert Herz has expressed his
expectation that US companies would eventually be
required to follow a single accounting standard,
which would be the IFRSs.
5Why do we need IFRSs and financial reporting
- Expanding world trade
- Proliferation of multinational corporations
- Increasing role of global capital markets
- Increased foreign direct investment
- Growth of multinational political organizations
- A way to minimize costs
6Why Does GAAP Differ Among Countries?
- Political/Legal System
- Sources of Capital
- Inflation
- Taxation
- Culture
- Accidents of History
- Business Complexity
Stop Reflect Is there one GAAP that works best
7Key Problems that Cause Resistance to IFRSs
- Agreeing on who will create the rules
- How different the rules will be from current
national GAAP - Costs of changing GAAPs
- National sovereignty
8International Financial Reporting Standards
- IFRSs are the accounting standards published by
the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB). - The IASB was established in 2001 by its
forerunner, the International Accounting
Standards Committee, which itself was established
in 1973. - In the past decade, the IFRSs went from being
little used to what is now the worlds dominant
set of accounting standards. - Leading accounting experts anticipate that IFRSs
will be accepted for financial reporting, in
place of US GAAP, for all companies listed in US
stock market, as early as 2016.
9Pivotal Events Propelling the IFRSs Juggernaut
- Financial scandals occurring in the US in the
early 2000s, notably Enron, which highlighted
shortcomings in US GAAP. - IOSCO recommended use of IFRSs in 2000.
- Adoption of IFRSs for financial reporting by
listed companies in the EU in 2005. - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissions
announcement in 2007 to accept IFRSs for
financial reporting by non-US companies listed in
the US stock market (no Form 20-F reconciliation
to U.S. GAAP). - SEC Commissioners propose timeline for IFRS
adoption by 2016.
10SEC Proposed Timeline for Moving Companies to
- End of 2009 Limited group of large companies
given the option to use IFRS. SEC estimates 110
U.S. companies will be able to take advantage of
the offer. - 2011 SEC evaluates the progress of achieving
proposed milestones, and makes a decision about
whether to mandate adoption of IFRS. If IFRS is
mandated, the commission will develop a staged
roll out, starting with the largest public
companies first. - 2014 Year the first wave of companies will be
mandated to report financial results using
international accounting standards, if IFRS
requirements are adopted in 2011. - 2016 Year that all public companies, big and
small, will be mandated to report financial
results using international accounting standards,
if IFRS requirements are adopted in 2011.
Stop Reflect Is the timeline moving too fast?
11Overview of the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB)
- The London-based IASB is an independent,
privately funded accounting standard-setting
body. - Board members are from nine countries and include
a variety of functional backgrounds. - The over-arching commitment of the IASB is to
develop, in the public interest, one set of
high-quality, understandable, and enforceable
global accounting standards that require
transparent and comparable information in general
purpose financial statements. - National accounting standard-setters have worked
with the IASB to converge accounting standards
around the globe.
12Overview of the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) -- continued
- The International Accounting Standards Committee
Foundation is the parent body of the IASB. - The IASBs structure and organization resulted
from a strategy review undertaken by its
predecessor body, the Board of the International
Accounting Standards Committee. - The body of standards issued by the Board of the
International Accounting Standards Committee was
subsequently adopted by the IASB. - These older standards were issued between 1973
and 2000, and continue to be designated
International Accounting Standards (IASs).
13Structure of the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB)
- IASB projects generally take three years or more,
from formation to standard issuance. - Release of an IFRS, Exposure Draft, or final SIC
Interpretation requires approval by 8 of the
boards 14 members.
14Major Contributions of the IASB
- Harmonizing accounting standards and disclosures
to meet the needs of the worlds capital markets. - Providing an accounting foundation for
underdeveloped or newly industrialized countries
to use as the accounting profession emerges in
those countries. - Advancing compatibility of domestic and
international accounting requirements.
15Principles-Based Versus Rules-Based
- IFRSs are often referred to as being
principles-based. - US GAAP is said to be more rules-based.
- This has led to about 25,000 pages of US GAAP
versus about 2,000 pages of IFRSs. - With fewer pages and less detail, IFRSs still
address all major accounting issues, from
financial statement presentation to business
Stop Reflect Which is better, rules-based or
16Required Use of IFRSs by World Region 2003-2006
17Impact of Cultural and Economic Factors on
International Financial Reporting
- Accounting standards vary among countries due to
the culture, economics, politics, and the legal
environment that are unique to each country. - For example, in economies where inflation is high
set up rules to improve period to period
comparability by use of inflation indices. - In countries like the U.S., stockholders provide
the majority of capital to businesses. Individual
stockholders generally own relatively small
ownership stakes and are not involved with
company operations. - Consequently, U.S. GAAP is geared towards full-
disclosure and relative transparency. In
countries where capital-providers have access to
corporate financial information from sources
other than financial reports, transparency and
disclosure is not as critical.
18Benefits to Countries with Weak Financial
Reporting Requirements
- In nations with weak financial disclosure
requirements, investors often demand additional
financial information when companies issue stock.
- Consequently, governments in these nations may be
compelled to revise or create securities laws
that require improved financial reporting
disclosure. - A simpler and better solution is to adopt IFRSs,
which have a higher level of financial reporting
disclosure than most countries GAAP.
Stop Reflect Will better GAAP (i.e., IFRS)
lead to economic development in developing
19Benefits to Countries with Strong Financial
Reporting Requirements
- While there is lower motivation to adopt IFRSs,
due to a smaller incremental benefit of investor
protection, a nation with strong financial
disclosure requirements in its existing GAAP can
still benefit from adopting IFRSs. - Such a nation benefits by participating in
uniform, multinational financial reporting
standards. - Investors are aided by this cross-national
comparability. - Uniform reporting standards reduce costs of
financial statement reconciliation associated
with multinational stock listings.
Stop Reflect Do you believe that one set of
GAAP (i.e., IFRS) is really the best thing for
the US? For the world?
20IFRSs Reduce Complexity
- Complexity is associated with global operations
resulting from subsidiary operations in cultural
settings that differ substantially from the
parent. - This leads to complex operating, reporting, and
information environments. - Multinational companies do business in a more
complex environment than strictly domestic firms
and financial reporting differences contribute to
this complexity. - Use of one set of accounting standards, such as
the IFRSs, will help reduce this complexity.
21Examining Differences Between U.S. GAAP and IFRS
- There are many areas of difference between U.S.
GAAP and IFRSs, but similarities far outweigh
differences. - Accounting rules vary across countries and
differences can be cosmetic or substantive.
22Cosmetic Differences Financial Statement
Presentation Per IAS 1
- IAS 1 does not prescribe a particular format for
presentation of financial statements (B/S, I/S,
SCF, SCE) multiple formats have evolved in
practice. In the U.S., a common format has
evolved. - Re Balance Sheet
- An illustration of a cosmetic difference is the
presentation of the balance sheet in many
countries that are, or were, members of the
British Commonwealth. - The balance sheet of a UK company is often
presented (1) in the form of A L OE rather
than A L OE and (2) in reverse order of
23Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs Cosmetic
Another example of a cosmetic difference is use
of different word to refer to the same item. A
few examples are as follows, international term
followed by U.S. counterpart
- Turnover Sales
- Stocks Inventory
- Share Capital Common Stock or Paid-in Capital
- Share Issue Premium Additional Paid-in Capital
- Debtors Accounts Receivable
- Creditors Accounts Payable
- Revenue Reserves Retained Earnings
24Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs Cosmetic
25Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs Cosmetic
GlaxoSmithKline Consolidated Balance Sheet -
Note Differences from U.S. GAAP include order of
reverse liquidity and model of A - L (Net
assets) SE (Capital Employed) instead of A L
26Financial Statement Presentation Per IAS 1
- Re Income Statement
- No distinction between Revenues/Gains or
Expenses/Losses - Re Statement of Changes in Equity
- Two different approaches can be used
- Benchmark treatment similar to US GAAP
- Alternative treatment include portions e.g.
capital transactions in notes
27Financial Statement Presentation Per IAS 1
- Re Statement of Cash Flows
- Per IAS 7, the cash flow statement is a required
statement. Requirements of IAS 7 are much the
same as SFAS 95 in the U.S. with a few
differences. - In the U.S., interest paid, interest received,
and dividends received are shown in the operating
section, while dividends paid is shown in the
financing section. - Under IFRS, interest paid, interest received, and
dividends received are normally accounted for as
operating cash flows as well. However, interest
paid may be accounted for as a financing cash
flow, while interest received and dividends
received may be accounted for as investing cash
flows, because they are costs of obtaining
financial resources or returns on investments.
28Financial Statement Presentation Per IAS 1
- Re Statement of Cash Flows
- Non-cash transactions (e.g., issue bonds for LT
assets) do not need to be disclosed on the face
of the cash flow statement - CF from extraordinary discontinued items must
be disclosed separately in each section
Stop Reflect Do you see any problems with the
IFRS approach to the SCF?
29Financial Statement Presentation Per IAS 1
- Re Notes
- IFRS requires disclosure of currency used in the
FS - Does not need to be the primary currency of the
enterprise - For example, Jardine Matheson, a diversified
Bermuda-based company with operations primarily
in Asia and Australia uses the U.S. dollar.
Stop Reflect Why is it necessary to disclose
currency used under IFRS, but not US GAAP?
30Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs PPE
- Under IFRS, the benchmark treatment under IAS 16
is to report PPE at cost net of depreciation and
potential impairments. - IAS 16 provides for an alternative treatment, to
revalue PPE to fair value. Companies may use
highest and best use to determine fair value. - After a company begins to revalue PPE, it must
continue to doing so . . .with sufficient
regularity to ensure that the carrying amount
does not differ materially from that which would
be determined using fair value at the balance
sheet date. - Example Journal entry to revalue land that cost
200,000 to FV of 240,000 - Land 40,000
- Revaluation Surplus 40,000
31Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSsPPE
- Re. revaluation, downward revaluations are
possible - Determined on an asset-by-asset basis, not by the
class as a whole - If downward revaluation, it is offset against the
revaluation equity, to the extent it exists. Any
excess goes to expense - If subsequent upward revaluation, goes to income
to extent of any prior revaluation expense taken - Construction period interest may be expensed or
capitalized (US GAAP requires capitalization
only) - Depreciation determined similarly under IFRS US
32Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSsLeases
- Under US GAAP, leases are classified as capital
if one or more of the 4 criteria are met (title
transfer, bargain purchase option, 75 of
economic life, MLP gt 90 of asset FMV) - Under IFRS, criteria are less rigid.
33Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSsLeases
- Under IAS 17, a leases is classified as either an
operating lease or a finance lease (U.S. GAAP
refers to finance leases as capital leases). - Per IAS 17 a finance lease transfers
substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership of an asset. Title may
or may not eventually be transferred. - Example situations
- 1. The lease transfers ownership to the lessee,
- 2. The lessee has a bargain purchase option,
- 3. The lease term is for the major part of the
economic life of the asset, - 4. The present value of the minimum lease
payments amounts to at least substantially all
of the fair value of the leased asset,
34Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs Leases
- Example situations continued
- 5. The leased assets are of a specialized nature
such that only the lessee can use them, - 6. If the lease is cancelable by the lessee, the
lessors costs associated with the cancellation
are borne by the lessee, - 7. Gains or losses associated with fluctuations
in the leased asset FMV are borne by the lessee,
and - 8. The lessee can continue to lease the asset for
a secondary period for a substantially lower rent
than market rent. - The first four criteria are similar to criteria
under U.S. GAAP but are not identical criteria 5
through 8 are not included in U.S. GAAP.
Stop Reflect Regarding leases, which do you
think gives the better result, rules-based US
GAAP or principles-based IFRS?
35Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs Intangible Assets
- Purchased intangibles
- Recorded at cost
- Amortized finite life intangibles over useful
life. Both IFRS and US GAAP have no upper
amortization term - Internally-generated intangibles
- Normally expensed as incurred
- In the case of internal RD, IFRS splits the
costs into a research phase and a development
phase (similar definition to US GAAP) - Research phase costs are expensed under US GAAP
and IFRS
36Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs Intangible Assets
- Accounting may differ in development phase
- Under US GAAP, costs are expensed
- Under IFRS, costs can be capitalized if ALL the
following are met - Completion is technically feasible
- Intention is to complete asset and use or sell
- Company has ability to do so
- Can demonstrate how asset will generate future
benefit - Company has resources to complete the asset
- Company can reliably measure development
Stop Reflect Do you think it makes sense to
allow capitalization of some RD, as permitted
under IFRS?
37Comparing U.S. GAAP and IFRSs Accounting Changes
- IFRS 2, Stock-Based Payment, includes stock
compensation - US GAAP followed with SFAS 123 (R) (fair value)
38FASB IASB Working Together
- In October 2002, the FASB and the IASB issued a
memorandum of understanding (referred to as the
Norwalk Agreement or MoU) formally announcing
their commitment to converging U.S. GAAP and
IFRSs. - In recent years, both the FASB and IASB have
issued rules that converge (or almost converge)
their accounting standards with the standards of
the other body. - For example, the IASB essentially conformed to
U.S. GAAP for pooling and accounting for goodwill
with the issuance of IFRS 3, Business
Combinations. - The FASB conformed to IFRS when it issued SFAS
151 on Inventory, SFAS 153 on Like-Kind
Exchanges, and SFAS 154 on Accounting Changes.
39If Everyone Adopts IFRSs, its Still Not a
Perfect World
- Uniformity in accounting standards is a gigantic
step toward understanding financial statements
prepared in different nations however,
uniformity alone is not a total solution. - Environmental factors such as culture, language,
legal system, and economic conditions affect how
any GAAP, including IFRS, is applied. - For example, regarding environmental factors, the
litigation environment affects conservatism in
financial reporting. - For a company located in a nation where there is
a high risk of investor lawsuits, such as the US,
there will be a different perspective on
conservatism than in a nation that is less
litigious. - Thus, IFRS will be applied differently depending
on the national culture. Properly evaluating
investment opportunities in any country requires
that the investor understand the culture of that
40Impact of Ethics on International Financial
- No set of accounting standards, whether IFRSs, US
GAAP, or other set of accounting standards, can
replace the necessity for accountants to have the
highest level of ethical character. - Corporate financial scandals rarely ever result
from deficiencies in accounting standards alone,
but are frequently the result from weaknesses in
the ethical character of the perpetrators, which
may include top management, corporate
accountants, and auditors. - Greed and over-reaching ambition have led to
disastrous consequences for corporations and
their stakeholders. - Considering the problem of greed, Solomon wrote
Whoever loves money never has money enough
whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his
income (Ecclesiastes 510).
41Impact of Ethics on International Financial
- Author, Army veteran, U.S Congress Representative
from Tennessee, and hero of the Alamo, David
Crockett used the following campaign slogan - Be sure youre right, then go ahead.
42Winning isnt everything, but doing whats right
43Impact of Ethics on International Financial
- Without ethical character, proper professional
judgment is virtually impossible. - Since IFRSs are regarded as more principles-based
as opposed to the more rules-based US GAAP,
ethical character and professional judgment will
be even more critical (if that is possible) in an
IFRS-based financial reporting environment.
44Take-Away Points
- IFRSs are the accounting standards published by
the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB). - IFRSs are now accepted or required in more than
100 countries. - Leading accounting experts anticipate that IFRSs
will be accepted for financial reporting, in
place of US GAAP, for all companies listed in US
stock market, as early as 2012 or 2013. - Since IFRSs are regarded as more principles-based
as opposed to the more rules-based US GAAP,
ethical character and professional judgment will
be even more critical (if that is possible) in an
IFRS-based financial reporting environment. - Be sure youre right, then go ahead.