Title: New Strategies for Supervision MAQ Exchange
1New Strategies for SupervisionMAQ Exchange
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2Pictures of Supervision
3Supervision Visit
4Supervision Visit
5Supervision Visit
6Supervision Visit
7Typical supervision
- Inspection!
- Visits, not relationships
- Supervisory control, not teamwork
- Individuals, not processes
- Episodic problem solving
- Lack of follow up and continuity
8Todays Objectives
- To share . . .
- A new vision of supervision, focused on outcomes
- Ideas and strategies for moving forward
9The New Vision
- Supervision . . .
- Is an ongoing process, not an event.
10The Process of Supervision
11The New Vision
- Supervision . . .
- Is an ongoing process, not an event.
- Forges relationships within the system.
12Supervision Forges Relationships Within the System
13The New Vision
- Supervision . . .
- Is an ongoing process, not an event.
- Forges relationships within the system.
- Reinforces quality outcomes at all levels.
14Supervision Reinforces Quality Outcomes at All
15Aspects of Supportive Supervision
Internal Supervision
Self/Peer Supervision
Standards Teamwork Monitoring and Feedback
Problem Solving Optimization of Resources Open
Communication Data for Decision Making
External Supervision
16What is self- or peer supervision?
- Personal and team responsibility
- Job aids
- Professional standards
- Job expectations
17What is internal supervision?
- Onsite guidance from technical specialist or
- Support for personal and team responsibility
- Continuous quality management
18What is external supervision?
- Facilitation for self-supervision and internal
- Reinforcement for program priorities
- Facilitating communication within the system
19Summary of Supportive Supervision
- Facilitation!
- Relationships and processes
- Teamwork and ownership at all levels
- Continuous quality improvement
20Challenge for the Future
- Build capacity to provide and sustain supportive
21Priorities for Action
- At the facility level, encourage
- Self assessment and peer review
- Internal supervision and technical support
- Local problem solving and ownership
22Priorities for Action
- At the district level
- Reorient external supervision toward teamwork
and continuous support - Coaching
- Using data
- Problem solving
- Strengthen logistics
- Improve internal supervision
23Priorities for Action
- At the national/regional level
- Set and enforce technical standards
- Implement supervision guidelines
- Provide necessary resources
- Reward quality
24Vision for the Future Supportive Supervision
25Problem solving is a team activity.
26The focus is on meeting client needs.
27Decision-making is participatory.
28Supervisor is facilitator, trainer, coach.
29Vision for the Future Supportive Supervision
- Problem solving is a team activity.
- The focus is on meeting client needs.
- Decision making is participatory.
- Supervisor is facilitator, trainer, coach.
30New Strategies for SupervisionMAQ Exchange
Please see Notes Page View