Optimization Problems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Optimization Problems


Currently, best known solutions for NP-complete problems typically have ... If you can find a polynomial time solution to an NP-complete RC problem: I'll give you an A ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Optimization Problems

Optimization Problems
  • Greg Stitt
  • ECE Department
  • University of Florida

  • Why are we studying optimization problems?
  • Just about every RC-tool related issue is an
    optimization problem
  • This lecture should provide abstract solutions to
    many RC tool problems

Time Complexity
  • Time Complexity - Informal definition
  • Defines how execution time increases as input
    size increases
  • We are interested in worst case execution time
  • Big O Notation
  • O(n)
  • Execution time increases linearly with input size
  • O(n2)
  • Quadratic growth
  • O(2n)
  • Exponential growth

Problem Classes
  • P
  • A problem is in P if it has a polynomial time
  • O(n), O(n2), O(n3), etc.
  • Undecidable
  • Provably impossible to solve
  • Example halting problem
  • NP
  • Does not mean Not-Polynomial!!!!
  • A NP problem has a non-deterministic polynomial
    time solution
  • NP-hard
  • A problem is NP-hard if every problem in NP is
    reducible to it
  • Basically means that NP-hard problems are at
    least as hard as the hardest problems in NP
  • NP-complete
  • NP NP-hard
  • Most interesting problems are NP-complete!!!!
  • Traveling salesman, Subset sum, 0-1 knapsack,
    graph coloring, vertex cover
  • Place and route, logic minimization, minimum
    resource scheduling, hw/sw partitioning, etc.

The Big Question
  • Does P NP?
  • Been studied for a long time
  • Never been proven either true or false
  • Why do we care?
  • Currently, best known solutions for NP-complete
    problems typically have complexity of O(2n),
  • Known as intractable takes more than your
    lifetime to solve
  • If one NP-complete problem can be solved in
    polynomial time (is in P), then all NP-complete
    problems can be solved in polynomial time
  • Remember, many interesting problems are
  • If you can find a polynomial time solution to an
    NP-complete RC problem
  • Ill give you an A

And, Ill get a million dollars
(www.claymath.org/millennium/P_vs_NP/ )
Problem Classes
Optimization Problems
  • Informal definition
  • Problem of finding the best solution from all
    possible solutions
  • Typically involves finding best solution for
    millions, billions, or even more possibilities
  • Possible solution exhaustive search
  • Check every possible solution, save best one
  • Works, but
  • Many optimization problems are NP-complete
  • Not feasible to generate all possible solutions
  • Example O(2n)
  • n 5 gt 32, n 10 gt 1024, n 100 gt 1.3
  • Problem If most optimization problems are
    intractable, how do we solve them?
  • Could use solution to any NP-complete problem!
  • Remember any NP-complete problem can be reduced
    to any other NP-complete problem
  • But, this doesnt really help
  • There is no known polynomial solution to any
    NP-complete problem
  • So, what can we do?

Branch and Bound
  • Another solution
  • Branch and bound
  • Idea Try to eliminate many possibilities without
    evaluating them
  • How it works
  • Imagine a tree representing all possible
  • Algorithm progressively builds tree
  • Maintains best found solution so far
  • When considering a branch in the tree, determines
    best possible solution represented by branch
  • If branch cant possibly be better than current
    best, dont bother to explore possible solutions
  • Prunes solution space
  • Result
  • Very often, can eliminate large percentage of
    possible solutions
  • Still finds optimal solution
  • Usually, much faster than exhaustive search
  • - But, still has exponential complexity ?
  • O(2n), O(n!)
  • - Still not feasible for large input sizes

  • Another solution
  • Forget about trying to find the best solution
  • Focus on finding a good solution quickly
  • Known as heuristics
  • Good candidates for heuristics
  • Map problem to other NP-complete problem, use
    heuristic for that problem
  • Source of way too many publications
  • Use generalized optimization problem heuristic
  • Due to large number of interesting optimization
    problems, research has introduced general
    heuristics that apply to all optimization
  • Examples
  • Hill Climbing
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Genetic Algorithms

Hill Climbing
  • Background Graph of solution space
  • x axis possible solutions
  • y axis quality of solution
  • Height of solution represents goodness
  • Peak represents best solution
  • Informal description
  • 1) Choose a solution s (usually randomly)
  • 2) Find neighboring solution n (i.e. change 1
  • 3) If n better than s (climbs the hill)
  • s n, Repeat from 2)
  • 4) If all neighboring solutions worse than s
  • s is answer (s is a peak)
  • Example Traveling Salesman
  • 1) Find a solution
  • 2) Swap 2 cities, if improves solution keep, if
    not reject
  • 3) repeat 2) until no improvement can be found

Hill Climbing
  • Advantages
  • Very fast, works well for certain problems
  • Disadvantages
  • What if there are multiple peaks?
  • Hill climbing gets stuck at all peaks, known as
    local maxima
  • Optimal solution is highest peak global maximum
  • May result in extremely suboptimal solution if
    many peaks exist, which is common

Simulated Annealing
  • Problem Hill climbing suffered from local peaks
  • Need way of escaping local peaks
  • gt Have to accept some bad moves
  • Solution Simulated annealing
  • Annealing is process of heating and cooling
    metals in order to improve strength
  • Idea Controlled heating and cooling of metal
  • When hot, atoms move around
  • When cooled, atoms find configuration with lower
    internal energy
  • i.e. makes metal stronger
  • Analogy
  • Temperature probability of accepting worse
    neighboring solution
  • When temperature is high, likely to accept worse
    neighboring solutions (but may lead to better
    overall solution)
  • Analogous to atoms wandering around
  • Cooling represents shrinking probability of
    accepting worse solutions

Simulated Annealing
  • Informal description
  • 1) Set initial temperature and probability p
  • 2) Find initial solution s
  • 3) Find neighboring solution n
  • 4) If n better than s
  • s n (always accept better solutions)
  • 5) If n worse than s
  • Accept n with probability p
  • 6) Reduce temperature and p by some amount
  • 7) If final temperature not reached, repeat from
  • 8) If final temperature reached, report best
    solution found

Simulated Annealing
  • Advantages
  • Can find near optimal solutions escapes local
  • Disadvantages
  • Takes a long time to find near optimal solution
  • But, still fast compared to algorithms
  • Very sensitive to input parameters must be
    configured well to get good results
  • How long to run?
  • Initial temperature/final temperature
  • What should initial probability be?
  • Cooling schedule
  • How much to reduce temperature and probability at
    each step?

Genetic Algorithms
  • Another possible solution
  • Imitate evolution survival of the fittest
  • Assumption evolution produces better
  • Implies genetic processes must work well
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Generates a population of solutions
  • Selection chooses members of population
    (solutions) to survive by probability based on
    fitness function (i.e. natural selection)
  • Bad solutions less likely to survive
  • Reproduction combines attributes of selected
  • Crossover/Inheritence Combines traits for each
    parent (solution)
  • Mutation Random change to characteristic
  • Repeat until solution has evolved to acceptable

Genetic Algorithms
  • Advantages
  • Can find near optimal solutions
  • Disadvantages
  • Takes a long time to find near optimal solution
  • But, still fast compared to algorithms
  • Very sensitive to input parameters must be
    configured well to get good results
  • How large should population be?
  • How does reproduction occur?
  • How many generations should be considered?
  • How much of each generations should be killed
  • Same advantages/disadvantages as simulated

Other Heuristics
  • Ant colony optimization
  • Tabu search
  • Stochastic optimization
  • Many others

  • Optimizations problems search huge solution space
    for best solution
  • Many optimization problems are NP-complete
  • No known efficient solution
  • Branch and bound helps a little
  • Heuristics must be used
  • Find a good solution in reasonable time
  • General optimization problem heuristics
  • Hill climbing fast, but gets stuck at local
  • Simulated annealing works well but sensitive to
  • Genetic algorithms - work well but sensitive to
  • Why should you care about any of this?
  • Most RC tool problems are NP-complete
    optimization problems
  • You now know how to solve almost all tool
  • You can use branch and bound, hill climbing,
    simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, ant
    colony optimization, tabu search, etc.
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