Title: Entropic uncertainty relations for anticommuting observables
1Entropic uncertainty relations for anti-commuting
- Stephanie Wehner
- Joint work with Andreas Winter
- Uncertainty Relations
- What are they?
- What is known?
- A meta-uncertainty relation
- Clifford algebra
- Characterizing quantum states
- Strong uncertainty relations
- .. for the collision entropy
- for the Shannon entropy
- Relation to BB84
- Open questions
3The setting
Shannon entropy H(PX) - ?j2 X PX(j) log PX(j)
Collision entropy H2 (PX) - log ? j2 X PX (j)2
4What are uncertainty relations?
- Each measurement
- Set of possible outcomes X
- Measuring a state distribution PX over X
- Historic uncertainty relations bound variance
- And depend on state to be measured!
- Entropic uncertainty relations
(Byalynicki-Birula, Mycielski
CMP75, Deutsch PRL83) - Only depend on chosen properties!
- Goal for any state, give a lower bound for
5Entropic uncertainty relations
- Example for two outcomes X 0,1 and Y 0,1
- No entropy for one, means maximal entropy for the
other! - Maximally incompatible!
- But, what characterizes incompatible
measurements? - Find such measurements
- Minimize over states
6So, why they are interesting?
- Physics
- Quantum cryptography
- Quantum key distribution
- Quantum cryptography in the bounded storage
model security based on uncertainty relations! - Non-local games (interactive proof systems with
- Uncertainty Relations
- What are they?
- What is known?
- A meta-uncertainty relation
- Clifford algebra
- Characterizing quantum states
- Strong uncertainty relations
- .. for the collision entropy
- for the Shannon entropy
- Relation to BB84
- Open questions
8Known results 2 measurements
- Two measurements (MaassenUffink, PRL89)
- A a1gt,,adgt and B b1gt,,bdgt
- ½ (H(A½) H(B½)) - log c(A,B)
- c(A,B) maxltabgt agt 2 A, bgt 2 B
- H(A½) -? Tr(ajgtltaj½) log Tr(ajgtltaj½)
- Maximal if overlaps are all equal and
9Known results 2 measurements
- Maximized if the two bases are mutually unbiased
- Intuition If we measure any element of one basis
in the other, all outcomes are equally likely.
10Known results many measurements
- All mutually unbiased bases (Sanchez,PLA 93)
- Random (Hayden,Leung,Shor,Winter,CMP04)
- How about more than two measurements?
- Maybe chosing them to be mutually unbiased is
good enough? - NO! (Ballester, W, PRA07)
For d2 2/3
- What characterizes maximally incompatible
measurements? - Find measurements for which we get strong
uncertainty relations - Here for two outcome measurements
- Need anti-commutation!
- Uncertainty Relations
- What are they?
- What is known?
- A meta-uncertainty relation
- Clifford algebra
- Characterizing quantum states
- Strong uncertainty relations
- .. for the collision entropy
- for the Shannon entropy
- Relation to BB84
- Open questions
13What is Clifford algebra?
- Algebra generated by
- Generators 1,,N
- For all pairs i,j i j j i 0
- For each i 2 I
- View 1,..,N as basis vectors for an
N-dimensional real vector space. - Vector a (a1,,aN) ?j aj j
14Matrix representation
- For j 1,,n
- 2j Y (j-1) Z I (n-j)
- 2j-1 Y (j-1) X I (n-j)
- For 2 (d2)
- 1 X, 2 Z
- Represented N2n basis vectors with 2n 2n
matrices - To recall
- a 2 R2n is a vector a ? aj j
- a is also a 2n 2n matrix
- Two matrices anti-commute iff vectors are
15Rotating the basis
- If the original vectors generated a Clifford
algebra, so do the new ones - inner products are preserved
- ..and thus all anti-commutation relations!
- Uncertainty Relations
- What are they?
- What is known?
- A meta-uncertainty relation
- Clifford algebra
- Characterizing quantum states
- Strong uncertainty relations
- .. for the collision entropy
- for the Shannon entropy
- Relation to BB84
- Open questions
17Basis for dxd matrices
- Generators also give a basis for matrices with
18Basis rotations on matrices
- Given a matrix
- .. then basis elements transform as vectors
Can extend this to include the final term! 2n1
dimensional real vector space!
19Tool 1 Rotation
- Given a matrix
- Can rotate ? gj j onto 1
- R½Ry (1/d)(I v(?i gi 2i) 1 ?j lt k gjk j
20Tool 2 Sign flips
- Given a matrix
- ½ (1/d)(I v(?i gi 2i) 1 gjk j
k .) - Can find unitary Fj which maps
- j ! -j
- k ! k for k ? j
- Fj ½ Fj y (1/d)(I v(?i gi 2i) 1 - gjk j
21When is a matrix ? a valid state?
- To minimize over states ?, we often want to
parametrize them - But what conditions do the coefficients need to
satisfy such that ? is a state?
22The Bloch sphere d2
When is ½ a quantum state? (½ 0)
Difficult for d gt 2!
23Generalized Bloch sphere
- Given state ½ (1/d) (I ?i gi i ?i,k gik
ik ) - Rotate onto 1
- R ½ Ry (1/d) (I v(?i gi 2i) 1 ?i,k gik i
k ) - Dephase
- Fj j Fjy -j and Fj k Fjy k
- Dj (1/2) (½ Fj ½ Fjy)
- Iterate for all j 2 2,,N
- Left with ½ (1/d) (I v(?i gi 2) 1)
- Must have I (v?i gi 2) 1 -I, hence ?i gi 2
24Generalized Bloch sphere
- For any quantum state ½ in d2n and K 2n1
observables j
- Uncertainty Relations
- What are they?
- What is known?
- A meta-uncertainty relation
- Clifford algebra
- Characterizing quantum states
- Strong uncertainty relations
- .. for the collision entropy
- for the Shannon entropy
- Relation to BB84
- Open questions
26Matrix representation
Measurements we will consider!
- Algebra generated by
- Generators 1,,N
- For all pairs i,j i j j i 0
- For each i 2 I
- Two eigenvalues /- 1 j j 0 - j 1
27Why may this be a good choice?
- Similarly unbiased
- Observing 0 or 1 has equal probability
when measuring with a different observable.
28Collision entropy
- For d2n and K 2n1 observables j
- Uncertainty Relations
- What are they?
- What is known?
- A meta-uncertainty relation
- Clifford algebra
- Characterizing quantum states
- Strong uncertainty relations
- .. for the collision entropy
- for the Shannon entropy
- Relation to BB84
- Open questions
30Shannon entropy
- For d2n and K 2n1 observables j
- Rewrite as before and use meta-uncertainty
relation - Maximally strong Maximum uncertainty for all
measurements except one!
- Uncertainty Relations
- What are they?
- What is known?
- A meta-uncertainty relation
- Clifford algebra
- Characterizing quantum states
- Strong uncertainty relations
- .. for the collision entropy
- for the Shannon entropy
- Relation to BB84
- Open questions
32Relation to BB84
- Encode a bit into the positive or negative
eigenspace of these operators. - Choose operator at random
- Task determine bit without knowing operator
- BB84 scenario
- Alice picks x 2 R 0,1 and b 2 R ,
- Sends xgtb to Bob
- Extension
- Alice picks x 2 R 0,1, and b 2 R 1,N
- Sends b x to Bob
Previous uncertainty relations for MUBs (BB84
states) in d2 follow as a special case!
- Could implement 1-k oblivious transfer protocols
in the bounded storage model. (Damgard, Fehr,
Renner, Salvail, Schaffner, CRYPTO 07) - Same for the noisy storage model (but no direct
proof) - Relatively easy to implement in practice.
34Open questions
- For two-outcome measurements, anti-commutation is
enough! - Optimal uncertainty relations for Shannon entropy
- Near optimal uncertainty relations for collision
entropy - Strong uncertainty relations for more then two
outcome measurements? - Other applications?
- Small state within a large state!
- Non-local games need the same operators to
implement quantum XOR-games