Title: Milking System
1Milking System
Measurements A Pump - air flow (cfu) B
Regulator - efficiency, sensitivity C Milk line
- vacuum D Pulsator line - vacuum E Teat end -
vacuum fluctuation
- Pump - air flow (cfu) 10 cfu/units or (30102)
reserve air flow (1/2) - motor (HP) 10 cfu/hp
- Distribution tank Milk line pulsator line
- Sanitary trap Milk side is sanitzed
- Receiving jar
- Regulator Diaphram (sensitive), effeciency 12.5
- 15Hg - Pulsator line Looped - PVC, SS (2. 3)
- Pulsators Ratio 6040 Simultaneous (1),
Alternating (2) - Milk line Looped - glass, SS (1.5, 2, 3),
long milk hose - Milking unit
- claw Size and design
- inflations Stiffness, thickness
- shells
- shut-off valve Manual, automatic
- short milk tube
2Milking Systems
Component/ Measurements/ Function A Pump - air
flow (cfu) (30/10/2) cfu cubic feet per minute
Pump removes air from the pipeline to
maintain vacuum in the milk system. B Regulator
vacuum level , airflow-efficiency, sensitivity
(90 ) Regulator admits air to maintain a
stable vaccum. (adjustable) C Pulsator line
vacuum (12.5 Hg) Non-sanitary vacuum line
that provide vacuum to the pulsators. D
Pulsators - 6040 milkrest ration (5050 to
7030) Cyclic opening and closing of the
liner (inflation) E Sanitary Trap location
Separates the sanitary milking side from the
vacuum supply side. F Receiving Jar line
slope cleaning Collect milk from each
milking unit and the milk pump transfer it to the
bulk tank. G Milk Line vacuum (11-14.5 Hg)
Sanitary vacuum line that removes milk and
moves milk from the cow to the receiving
jar-bulk tank. H Claw Inflations - Teat end -
vacuum fluctuation (12.5 Hg) Inflation and
claw attaches to the cow and remove milk by
vacuum. I Bulk Tank SCC, SPC, PI, Temperature
Store milk until transfer to milk plant for
processing. Must be clean and cold.
Temperature must be below 45o within 2 hours.
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