Title: WSSC Compliance Tracking
1WSSC Compliance Tracking
SymTrac A Web-Based Subcontract Compliance Tool
Bi-County Tunnel Project Small, Local and
Minority Business Enterprise Office March 12,
2SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
- What is SymTrac?
- How does SymTrac work?
- Is SymTrac a requirement?
- Feature of the system
- How to access SymTrac
3SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
What is SymTrac? SymTrac is a web-enabled tool
designed to monitor contract compliance
requirements. Prime contractors can document
their payments to approved SLMBE (MBE SLBE)
subcontractors, and subcontractors can validate
payments received from prime contractors.
4SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
Where does the contract information come
from? SymTrac interfaces with the Commissions
acquisition and disbursements systems to import
contract award and payment data.
5SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
Who needs to use SymTrac? Firms who are
awarded contracts with minority subcontract
participation. The prime contractor will be
responsible for submitting the MBE subcontract
plan through SymTrac and the sub-contractor(s)
will be required to record invoices submitted to
the prime and also to verify payments received
from the prime.
6SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
Contractor information in SYMTRAC may
be proprietary how will this data be
protected? Contractors will only be able to see
data that pertains to them. Subcontractors can
only look at the contracts where they are
subcontractors and prime contractors can only
view contracts that they have been awarded.
7SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
- We need the help of Prime and sub- contractors
to make the system work. - WSSC IS SERIOUS
8SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
- Is SymTrac a Requirement?
- SymTrac reporting is a contract performance
issue, this is stated in the contract language in
all contracting areas. -
9SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
- Is SymTrac a Requirement?
- No Notice to Proceed will be issued until an
approved MBE or SLBE subcontract plan has been
entered and accepted through SymTrac.
10SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
- Features and Functions of the System
- Captures goals for each contract
- Controls acceptance of subcontracting plans
- Only certified MBEs and approved/registered SLBEs
listed in subcontracting plan are counted toward
meeting any contract goals. - Achieving goals is based on actual payments
validated by subcontractors
Information Courtesy of Symbiont,
Inc. Confidential - Proprietary Information 2006
11SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
- Features and Functions of the System
- Simplifies the reporting process for WSSC and
vendors - Increases accuracy of compliance reporting
- Gives WSSC complete transparency of our
compliance reporting process
Information Courtesy of Symbiont,
Inc. Confidential - Proprietary Information 2006
12SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool
- How to access SymTrac
- Gain internet access
- Type in https//slmbe/wssc/
- Save as your favorite (on your first visit)
- Type in your user ID and password
13 Your Login Your Password
Slide Courtesy of Symbiont, Inc. Confidential -
Proprietary Information 2006
14SymTrac A web-based subcontract compliance tool