International Monetary System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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International Monetary System


In a free market, exchange rates are determined by the interaction of currency ... goods, France could increase local money and allow the franc to depreciate. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: International Monetary System

International Monetary System
  • International Corporate Finance
  • P.V. Viswanath

Learning Objectives
  • Alternative Exchange Rate Systems
  • Equilibrium under different exchange rate systems
  • Categories of Central Bank Intervention

Alternative Exchange Rate Systems Free Float
  • In a free market, exchange rates are determined
    by the interaction of currency supplies and
  • Supply and demand schedules are influenced by
    price level changes, interest differentials and
    economic growth.
  • In a free float, as these economic parameters
    change, market participants will adjust their
    current and expected future currency needs.
    These adjustments will lead to changing exchange

Free Float
Managed/Dirty Float
  • Three types of central bank intervention
  • Smoothing out daily fluctuations something akin
    to a specialist on the NYSE.
  • Leaning against the wind maintaining an
    exchange rate against temporary irrational
  • Unofficial pegging attempt to manipulate
    fundamental exchange rates without public

Other Exchange Rate Systems
  • Target Zone Arrangement countries adjust their
    national economic policies to maintain their
    exchange rates within a specific margin around
    agreed-upon, fixed central exchange rates.
    Example European Monetary System.
  • Fixed-Rate System Governments are committed to
    maintaining target exchange rates. All
    participants must, effectively, have the same
    monetary policy else, equilibrium rates would
    shift. Example Bretton Woods.

Classical Gold Standard
  • Countries on the Gold Standard agree to maintain
    convertibility of their currency into gold.
  • This ensures predictability of exchange rates
  • Gold is a durable, storable, portable, easily
    recognized, divisible commodity. Short-run
    changes in its stock are limited by high
    production costs hence it is difficult for
    governments to manipulate its value.
  • Its value as a commodity, relative to other
    commodities taken as a whole is relative stable.

Gold Standard
  • Great Britain maintained a fixed price of gold
    from 1821 to 1914 at 4.2474 an ounce.
  • The US maintained the price of gold at 20.67 an
    ounce from 1834-1933 (except 1861-1878).
  • This led to long-run price stability as well as
    international trade, facilitated by exchange rate
  • However, governments monetary policy is forced
    by changes in the supply of gold e.g., greater
    exports lead to greater inflows of gold, which,
    in turn, imply a larger money supply and ensuing

How the Gold Standard Works
Suppose higher productivity in the non-gold
producing sector of the US lowers the prices of
other goods relative to gold and the US price
level declines.
Prices are equal again, but probably at a lower
level than before.
Post-Gold Standard
  • The Gold-Exchange Standard operated from
    1925-1931 the US and England could hold only
    gold reserves, but other nations could hold both
    gold and dollars or pounds as reserves. In 1931,
    England suffered due to massive capital flows and
    devalued the pound.
  • Other countries devalued competitively. This led
    to a trade war. Protectionist exchange rate
    policies fueled the global depression of the

Bretton Woods
  • The Bretton Woods Agreement was implemented in
    1946. Each government agreed to maintain a
    pegged exchange rate for its currency vis-à-vis
    the dollar or gold (35/oz.). The exchange rate
    could fluctuate only within 1 of its stated par
  • The fixed rates were maintained by official
    intervention in foreign exchange markets.
  • However, in practice, governments were unwilling
    to suffer the political costs of such
  • The lack of US monetary discipline due to the
    Vietnam war made it difficult for the US to
    maintain the official 35/oz. gold price.
  • W. Germany, Japan and Switzerland refused to
    accept the inflation that a fixed exchange rate
    would have forced on them.
  • The dollar therefore depreciated rapidly.
    Subsequently, rates have, more or less, floated.

Assessment of Floating-Rate System
  • Currency Volatility has increased this is partly
    due to real shocks, such as changing oil prices
    and shifting competitiveness among countries.
  • However, not only nominal exchange rate
    volatility, but also real exchange rate
    volatility has increased. Hence there have been
    calls for a return to fixed rates.
  • Currency stability with fixed rates requires that
    markets believe that countries will act to keep
    the currency stable this requires a willingness
    to accept coordinated monetary policies.
  • Countries are not willing to accept the political
    price of such subordination. A monetary union is
    an alternative to fixed rates.
  • Under monetary union, individual countries
    replace their local currencies with a common
    currency. For example, in the United States, all
    50 states share the same dollar.

Europe and the EMS
  • Europe started out in March 1979 with the
    European Monetary System (EMS), which is an
    example of a target zone arrangement.
  • The heart of the EMS was an exchange rate
    mechanism. Each member of the EMS agreed on a
    central exchange rate for its currency in terms
    of the ECU (European Currency Unit). Members
    were required to support the agreed upon exchange
  • However, due to widely differing economic
    policies, the EMS did not last. The EMS was
    abandoned in 1993.

European Monetary Union
  • On January 1, 1999, the 11 founding members of
    the EMU surrendered their monetary autonomy to
    the new European Central Bank and gave up their
    right to create money. Only the ECB can create
  • However, governments can issue their own
    euro-denominated bonds, just as individual
    American states can issue bonds.
  • Individual countries in the EMU can attract
    investors only by convincing them that they have
    the financial ability through taxes and other
    revenues to generate the euros to repay the debt.
  • An important advantage of the EMU was the ability
    of member countries to use the requirements of
    the monetary union to rein in the expensive
    welfare state and its costly regulations.

Advantages of a Common Currency
  • Greater convenience for travelers from one part
    of the common currency area to another
  • Eliminates the risk of currency fluctuations and
    facilitates cross-border price comparisons
  • Lower risk and improved price transparency
    encourages the flow of trade and investments
    among member countries.
  • This allows greater integration of the regions
    capital, labor and commodity markets and a more
    efficient allocation of resources within the
  • Increased trade and price transparency will spur
    area-wide competition in goods and services and
    encourage corporate restructurings and mergers
    and acquisitions.

Disadvantages of a Common Currency
  • Monetary policy could not be used to affect
    relative prices of domestic goods versus foreign
  • For example, if there were a decrease in demand
    for French goods, France could increase local
    money and allow the franc to depreciate. This
    would increase demand for French goods.
  • However, in a monetary union, this is not
    possible. This would only be achieved through
    reduced demand for French goods leading to
    unemployment, which would then enable French
    manufacturers to reduce wages, allowing French
    goods to be once again competitive.
  • The social and economic costs of this process
    could be high.

Emerging Market Crises
  • In the 1990s, there were several emerging market
    currency crises in fixed exchange rate countries
    the Mexican crisis in 1994/5, the Asian crisis
    in 1997, the Russian crisis in 1998, and the
    Brazilian crisis in 1998/9.
  • There are two different transmission mechanisms
    for currency crises
  • Trade links from one emerging market to another
    through their trade links e.g. when Argentina is
    in crisis, it imports less from Brazil, its
    principal trading partner. As Brazil contracts,
    its currency will likely weaken.
  • Financial system trouble in one market leads to
    investors seeking to exit other countries with
    similar risky characteristics. Investors may
    become more risk averse and rebalance their
    portfolios by selling off other risky assets.

Dealing with Emerging Market Crises
  • Currency Controls abandoning free capital
    movement, as in the case of Malaysia.
  • Freely Floating Currency Australia and New
    Zealand were protected against the Asian crises
    because they had floating exchange rates.
  • Permanently fixed exchange rates dollarization,
    currency boards or monetary union.
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