Title: Simple PCPs
1Probabilistically Checkable Proofs
Madhu Sudan MIT CSAIL
2Can Proofs Be Checked Efficiently?
3Proofs and Theorems
- Conventional belief Proofs need to be read
carefully to be verified. - Modern constraint Dont have the time (to do
anything, leave alone) read proofs. - This talk
- New format for writing proofs.
- Efficiently verifiable probabilistically, with
small error probability. - Not much longer than conventional proofs.
4Outline of talk
- Quick primer on the Computational perspective on
theorems and proofs (proofs can look very
different than youd think). - Definition of Probabilistically Checkable Proofs
(PCPs). - Overview of a new construction of PCPs due to
Irit Dinur.
5Theorems Deep and Shallow
- A Deep Theorem
- Proof (too long to fit in this section).
- A Shallow Theorem
- The number 3190966795047991905432 has a divisor
between 25800000000 and 25900000000. - Proof 25846840632.
6Computational Perspective
- Theory of NP-completeness
- Every (deep) theorem reduces to shallow one.
- Shallow theorem easy to compute from deep one.
- Shallow proofs are not much longer.
7More Broadly New formats for proofs
- New format for proof of T Divisor D (A,B,C dont
have to be specified since they are known to
(computable by) verifier.) - Theory of Computation replete with examples of
such alternate lifestyles for mathematicians
(formats for proofs). - Equivalence (1) new theorem can be computed from
old one efficiently, and (2) new proof is not
much longer than old one. - Question Why seek new formats? What
- benefits can they offer?
Can they help ?
8Probabilistically Checkable Proofs
- How do we formalize formats?
- Answer Formalize the Verifier instead. Format
now corresponds to whatever the verifier accepts. - Will define PCP verifier (probabilistic, errs
with small probability, reads few bits of proof)
- PCP Verifier
- Reads Theorem
- 2. Tosses coins
- 3. Reads few bits of proof
- 4. Accepts/Rejects.
10Features of interest
- Number of bits of proof queried must be small
(constant?). - Length of PCP proof must be small (linear?,
quadratic?) compared to conventional proofs. - Optionally Classical proof can be converted to
PCP proof efficiently. (Rarely required in
Logic.) - Do such verifiers exist?
- PCP Theorem 1992 They do.
- Today New construction due to Dinur.
11Part II PCP Construction of Dinur
12Essential Ingredients of PCPs
- Locality of error
- If theorem is wrong (and so proof has an
error), then error in proof can be pinpointed
locally (since it is found by verifier that reads
only few bits of proof). - Abundance of error
- Errors in proof are abundant (i.e., easily seen
in random probes of proof). - How do we construct a proof system with these
13Locality From NP-completeness
is NP-complete
Color vertices s.t. endpoints of edge
have different colors.
143-Coloring Verifier
- To verify
- Verifier constructs
- Expects as
proof. - To verify Picks an edge and verifies endpoints
distinctly colored. - Error Monochromatic edge 2 pieces of proof.
- Local! But errors not frequent.
15Amplifying Error
- Dinur Transformation There exists a linear-time
algorithm A
16Iterating the Dinur Transformation
- Logarithmically many iterations of the Dinur
Transformation - Leads to a polynomial time transformation.
- Preserve 3-colorability (valid theorems map to
valid theorems). - Convert invalid theorem into one where every
proof has e0 fraction errors.
17Details of the Dinur Transformation
- Step 1
- Gap Amplification Increase number of
available colors, but make coloring more
restrictive. - Goal Increase errors in this stage (at expense
of longer questions). - Step 2
- Color reduction Reduce number of colors
back to 3. - Hope Fraction of errors does not reduce by much
(fraction will reduce though). - Composition of Steps yields Transformation.
18Step 2 Reducing colors
- Form of classical Reductions similar to task
of reducing k-coloring to 3-coloring. - Unfortunately Classical reductions lose by
factor k. Cant afford this. - However Prior work on PCPs gave a simple
reduction Lose only a universal constant,
independent of k. This is good enough for Step 2. - (So Dinur does use prior work on PCPs, but the
simpler, more elementary, parts.)
19Step 1 Increasing Error
- Task (for example) Create new graph H (and
coloring restriction) from G s.t. H is 3c-color
if G is 3-colorable, but fraction of invalidly
colored edges in H is twice the fraction in G. - One idea Graph Products.
20Graph Products and Gap Amplification
- Problem 1 Not clear that error amplifies.
Non-trivial question. Many counter-examples to
naïve conjectures. (But might work ) - Problem 2 Quadratic-blow up in size. Does not
work in linear time!!! - Dinurs solution Take a derandomized graph
21Step 1 The final construction
- Definition of H (and legal coloring)
22Analysis of the construction.
- Does this always work?
- No! E.g., if G is a collection of disconnected
graphs, some 3-colorable and others not. - Fortunately, connectivity is the only bottleneck.
If G is well-connected, then H has the right
properties. (Intuition developed over several
decades of work in expanders and
derandomization.) - Formal analysis Takes only couple of pages ?
- A moderately simple proof of the PCP theorem.
(Hopefully motivates you. Read original paper at
ECCC. Search for Dinur, Gap Amplification). - Matches many known parameters (but doesnt match
others). - E.g., Håstad shows can verify proof by reading
3 bits, rejecting invalid proofs w.p. .4999 - Cant (yet) reproduce such constructions using
Dinurs technique.
24Conclusions (contd.)
- PCPs illustrate the power of specifying a format
for proofs. - Can we use this for many computer generated
proofs? - More broadly Revisits the complexity of proving
theorems vs. verifying proofs. - Is PNP?
25Brief History
- Definition conceived in 1991 (based on extensive
series of works in 1980s motivated principally by
cryptography). - Quick Series of Results (1990-1992) culminating
in the PCP theorem - There exists an efficient PCP verifier who checks
proofs probabilistically by looking at constant
number of bits of the proof accepts valid
proofs rejects invalid theorems w.p. ½ - PCP proofs not much longer than conventional
26PCP constructions
- 1992 construction quite complex (wont discuss
today). - Since 1992-2004 Constructions got more
efficient, and more complex! - 2005 A new construction
- Irit Dinur, The PCP Theorem by Gap
Amplification, ECCC, 2005. - Much simpler exploits improved understanding of
computational randomness (1970s-2000s).
27The Burden of Checking Proofs
- Editor sees articles that are hundreds of pages
long. Sometimes, almost surely wrong. But how can
we check. - Probabilistically Checkable Proofs Can proofs be
checkable efficiently, without reading the whole
proof? - First reaction NO! Proof may only have one
error. How are we going to find it. (Recall the
many proofs of 12 youve seen.) - Goal of this talk A Better Answer YES!
28Logic, Computation, and Probability
- First clarification Proofs as we know it are not
even checkable, leave alone probabilistically
and efficiently. (I.e., an typo in proof in
journal is not considered fatal.) - Distinction between Informal Proofs and Formal
Proofs Readability vs. Syntactic correctness. - Reliance on Informal Proofs based on implicit
belief that we can translate proofs to Formal,
syntactically correct, ones. - Study of such formal, syntactically correct,
proofs and their verification Logic
29Logic and Theory of Computing
- Principal thesis of Logic There exists a format
for writing theorems and proofs so that - Proofs can be verified (easily).
- Completeness Every true theorem has a (short)
proof. - Soundness No false theorem has a proof.
- In fact, there are many formats.
- Theory of Computing If we interpret easily and
short properly, then we can produce many
unlikely formats!
30Easy vs. Hard Short vs. Long
- Underlying hypothesis Theorem (T), Proof (P) are
just sentences/sequence of letters from some
finite alphabet. Indeed w.l.o.g., alphabet
0,1. - Easy Verification Validity(T,P) computable in
time polynomial in the length of T, P. - Short Length of P is not much longer than
length of P in any other reasonable format.
31Non-standard formats for Proofs.
- Standard Language T Riemann Hypothesis and
say P is expected to be of length n. - Non-standard language T (A,B,C) integers.
Proof P D another integer. - Valid?(T,P) D divides A, and B D C.
- Equivalence Given T and n, can efficiently
compute T (A,B,C) with 0 A,B,C exp(nc)
such that T valid in non-standard format iff T
valid in standard format.
32Aside Theory of NP-completeness
- Theory provides a wide variety of formats for
proof systems (proving they are all equivalent). - Fundamental question P NP?
- Equivalent to Is proving a theorem as easy as
verifying its proof? - More provocative version Can we replace every
mathematician by a computer?
33Logic, Computation, and Randomness
- What new formats emerge when we introduce
randomness into the mix. - Verifier allowed to
- Toss random coins.
- Make error with small probability.
- What benefits can this provide?
- Can we ensure verifier reads