Title: Section 508 Web Compliance: Overview of New GPR
1Section 508 Web Compliance Overview of New GPR
- Courtney Smith
- GSFC Section 508 Web Coordinator
- January 25, 2006
2GPR2800.1 GSFC Section 508 Web Compliance
- Signed Oct 6, 2005
- Applies to all public and internal GSFC Web sites
and Web applications hosted on the nasa.gov
network by, or for, GSFC under contracts, grants,
or other agreements. - Enables better enforcement of this Federal
requirement. - Gives GSFC a formal process for web sites or web
applications to be reviewed or tested for Section
508compliance. - Provides metrics by which GSFC's degree of
Section 508 compliance can be measured. - Improves communication between the Web
Accessibility Coordinator and those responsible
for GSFC Web sites and Web applications.
3ResponsibilitiesWeb developer
- Shall perform Section 508 Web Compliance Tests
for new or redesigned Web sites - Shall correct any Section 508 compliance problems
found in new or existing sites. - Shall ensure a Web site passes a Section 508 Web
Compliance Test before it is made available to
users. - Is accountable to the Responsible NASA Official
4ResponsibilitiesWeb curator
- Should test existing and updated Web pages for
Section 508 compliance. - Shall correct any Section 508 compliance problems
found in new or existing sites. - Shall ensure an updated Web page is Section 508
compliant before it is made available to users. - Is accountable to the RNO.
5ResponsibilitiesResponsible NASA Official (RNO)
- Shall ensure a successful Section 508 Compliance
Test is performed before a new or - Redesigned Web site is made available to users.
- Shall notify the SDB when a Web site has passed
and is ready for use. - If the Web site is public or internal with
significant impact, the RNO or designee shall
receive approval from the GSFC Web Accessibility
Coordinator before the Web site is made available
to users. - Shall ensure problems found in existing Web pages
are corrected within the timeframe - Agreed upon by the RNO and the Web Accessibility
6ResponsibilitiesWeb Accessibility Coordinator
- shall notify the RNO when a Web site (both public
and internal with significant impact) has been
found to be Section 508 compliant. - shall follow up by granting approval to make it
available to users. - shall assist developers and curators to bring
their Web sites into Section 508 compliance. - may remove an existing Web site with an
uncorrected Section 508 compliance problem from
the network. - shall approve Section 508 Web accessibility
testing tools.
7ResponsibilitiesSystems Development Branch
- shall notify the Web Accessibility Coordinator
when a RNO or designee has requested approval to
make a Public Web site or an internal Web site
with significant impact available to users. - shall periodically review existing Web sites and
Web applications for Section 508 compliance. - determines the schedule of reviews for existing
Web sites. - shall notify the RNO and curator of any Section
508 compliance issues discovered in these
reviews. - develops and maintains the GSFC Section 508 Web
accessibility checklist found on the GSFC Section
508 Web site.
8Procedures - Existing Web Sites and Web
- SDB shall review existing Web sites for Section
508 compliance. - SDB shall notify the RNO and curator of any
Section 508 compliance problems. - Developer or curator shall correct identified
problems. - Assistance is readily available if problems
cannot be immediately corrected. - A timeframe will be mutually agreed upon in which
compliance will be reached. - The site may be taken off-line if
- No effort is made to correct the problems.
- Changes are not made within the agreed upon
timeframe. - Taking a site off-line
- Will not occur prior to CSO, RNO, and Curator
notification - Is likely done at the server level
- May bring down other sites on that server as well
- Is only used as a last resort
9Procedures - New Web Sites
- Two types of internal Web sites
- low impact (fewer than 500 users per year)
- significant impact (500 or more users per year).
- New public Web sites and new internal Web sites
with significant impact shall be Section 508
compliant - Need GSFC Web Accessibility Coordinator's
approval before being made available to users. - If a Web site needs public access during
development, a timeframe can be agreed upon in
which it shall be brought into compliance. - If compliance is not reached within that
timeframe, public access shall be revoked.
10Procedures - New internal Web sites and Web
applications with low impact
- shall be Section 508 compliant
- do not need GSFC Web Accessibility Coordinator's
approval before being made available to users. - Developers shall use the following before new Web
sites can be made available to users - GSFC Section 508 Web Accessibility Checklist
- an approved evaluation tool
- Certification of compliance
- the RNO or designee shall send an e-mail message
to access_at_webmaster.gsfc.nasa.gov - The RNO must request GSFC Web Accessibility
Coordinator's approval for Web sites which are
public or internal with significant impact.
11Procedures - Web Site Redesigns and Updates
- Whenever a Web site undergoes a redesign
- Developer should use checklist and evaluation
tool to find and fix problems. - RNO or designee shall certify Section 508
12Section 508 Exemptions and Waivers
- Section 508 provides four exemptions for
electronic and information technology - Electronic and information technology acquired by
a contractor incidental to a Federal contract. - Electronic and information technology for a
national security system (defined by
Clinger-Cohen Act). - Electronic and information technology located in
spaces frequented only by service personnel for
maintenance, repair or occasional monitoring of
equipment. - Electronic and information technology that would
impose an undue burden on the agency. - None of these exemptions are applicable to GSFC
Web sites or Web applications. - Machine-to-machine Web sites or - Web
applications with no human users are not covered
by Section 508. - There are no waivers for Section 508 compliance.
13Best Practices
- Start using 508 resources from the beginning.
- Familiarize yourself with the Section 508
guidelines (access-board.gov, ETC.) - Consider how you want your site to work and how
these rules impact that. - The 508 checklist (at http//web508.gsfc.nasa.gov)
will be a useful tool from now through the
development process. - With a representative sampling of pages, use an
evaluation tool (listed at http//web508.gsfc.nasa
.gov (some are free). - Continue using checklist and evaluation tools
throughout development. - Remember Changes to a site's design may change
how compliant it is. - GSFC Web Accessibility Coordinator is always
available for questions.. - Make sure compliance is tested rigorously it's
the law, like IT security, privacy, export
control, ETC. - Contact the CASB help desk for an official
Section 508 review when beginning test phase. - The goal is to have a compliant and accessible
site by the time you reach your set go-live
deadline. - Please do not wait until the last minute to have
a site examined. - It's much easier and cost effective to make
changes ahead of time.
14Review process
- - Contact CASB Helpdesk at 6-9508 or
adb-support_at_listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov to request an
official 508 review - Please provide the following information
- Site URL
- username / password if needed
- adequate contact info
- The reviewer will
- contact the customer informing him/her that the
request has been received. - familiarize him/herself with the site,
- begin testing, using assistive technology and
evaluation tools. - keep in contact with the customer as testing
progresses. - will pass along any compliance problems found and
suggested remedies. - The developer or curator shall correct identified
problems. - Assistance is readily available if problems
cannot be immediately corrected. - A timeframe will be mutually agreed upon in which
compliance will be reached. - To complete the review, the reviewer will
- notify all concerned when the site has been found
to be Section 508 compliant. - follow up by granting approval to make it
available to users.
- GPR2800.1 GSFC Section 508 Web Compliance
- http//gdms.gsfc.nasa.gov
- http///web508.gsfc.nasa.gov
- Agency Section 508 Web site
- www.section508.nasa.gov
- General Section 508 info
- www.access-board.gov
- www.section508.gov
16Contact Info
- Courtney Smith, GSFC Web Accessibility
Coordinator - Phone 301-286-7946
- E-mail Courtney.L.Smith_at_nasa.gov
- Web Site http//web508.gsfc.nasa.gov