Title: Overview of the Virginia Medicaid Program
1Improving Access to Dental Care in Virginias
Medicaid/SCHIP Program
Presentation to National Association of State
Medicaid Directors 2008 Fall Conference
Patrick W. Finnerty, Director Virginia Department
of Medical Assistance Services
November 14, 2008
2Virginia Medicaid/SCHIP Dental Benefits
- Dental benefits for children in Medicaid/SCHIP
include - Diagnostic, preventive, restorative/surgical
procedures and orthodontics - Dental benefits are not covered for Medicaid
adults, except for limited oral surgery (e.g.,
repair of traumatic wounds, extraction of teeth
complicating a medical condition, etc.) - Prior to July 1, 2005, a large majority of
children received dental benefits through a
managed care organization (MCO)
3Access to/Utilization of Dental Services Needed
to Improve
- In FY 2003, only 23.4 of all
- eligible children actually
- received any dental services
4Key Stakeholders Worked Together for Change
5New Program Structure and a 30 Increase In Fees
- General Assembly/Governor authorized an entirely
new program structure recommended by Virginia
Medicaid - Also approved a 30 increase in dental fees
- 28 on July 1, 2005 additional 2 in May, 2006
- An across the board increase of 23 the
remaining amount was targeted to most critical
codes (e.g., oral surgery codes) - Dental advisory committee participated in process
for allocating fee increase
6A New Day for Dental! Smiles for Children
- Effective date July 1, 2005
- All children (Medicaid SCHIP) are enrolled in a
single program administered by Doral Dental USA - Limited medically necessary diagnostic/oral
surgery services for adults - DMAS retains policymaking authority and closely
monitors contractor activities along with Dental
Advisory Committee
7Key Program Reforms
8Value-Added Benefits for Providers
- Toll-free phone number for providers
- Call center specialists
- Member Placement
- Eligibility, benefits, authorizations
- Claims issues
- Addressing patient no-shows
- Multiple claim submission optionsfree,
electronic filing - Timely and accurate payments
- Automated, web-integrated or live eligibility
verification (24/7)
9Program Reforms Increased Provider Network
- 508 new dentists are participating (82 increase)
- Network continues to expand
- Several localities that had no participating
dentists now have access - Higher percentage of contracted providers are
billing for services - Very high level of provider satisfaction
10..And Increased Access to Care
Percentage of Children Receiving Necessary Dental
Source Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services EPSDT 416 Report produced on SFY
reporting timeframe. Figures are based on claims
received through September 30, 2008.