Title: 100 years of Alzheimers Disease
1100 years of Alzheimers Disease
2As a courtesy .. .. ..
Would all Old Age Psychiatrists Psychogeriatri
cians Geriatric Psychiatrists Older Adults
Psychiatrists Eldercare Mental Health
Facilitators Please leave the room !!
3Why Me ?
- Dr Alan M. Hughes
- Consultant Psychiatrist Senior Citizens
- Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock
- alan.hughes_at_doctors.org.uk
4100 years what's changed ?
5Life Expectancy
6Dementia is an acquired and global impairment of
intellectual functioning. It involves memory,
language, thinking, and perception and is
associated with disability and usually is
progressive and irreversible
7Dementia is an acquired and global impairment of
intellectual functioning. It involves memory,
language, thinking, and perception and is
associated with disability and usually is
progressive and irreversible
A Dementia is too late!
8The Dementias
9SIGN Guideline No 86
10SIGN 86 2 Diagnosis
- DSM-IV / NINCDS-ADRDA Criteria for Alzheimer's
Disease - Hachinski or NINDS-AIRENS for vascular Dementia
- Specific criteria for FTD and DLB
11Diagnosis why bother
12Diagnosis Why bother ?
13Diagnosis why bother
- Lechner et al., 1990
- 7 improved
- 43 died
- 41 still independent (5 year study period)
- Tatemichi et al 1993
- Mortality rate following stroke increased
threefold by presence of dementia - Hier et al., 1989
- No difference in survival rates VD / AD
- VD diagnosed earlier in life
- More even spread of mortality
14Diagnosis Tests Screens
- The MMSE is proposed as standard
- Addenbrooke's Cognitive Exam
- IQCODE by relatives
- Screen for depression
- Neuropsychology in dificult cases
15- Diagnosis - Remember Me ?
16Diagnosis - Hachinski Scale
- Maximum 18
- 7 Vascular
- 5- 6 Mixed
- lt 4 Alzheimers
17 18The brain in Alzheimers
19How it appears on a scan
20- Diagnosis Biological Markers
- Pupils
- Nasal Biopsies
- Apo E
- P97 protein
- Urine N.T.P.
- Homocysteine
21SIGN 86 Non-drug therapy
- Caregiver Intervention Programmes
- Cognitive Stimulation Programmes
- Behaviour Management
- Individual Reality Orientation Therapy
- Recreational Activities
- Physical Activities
22SIGN 86 Non-drug therapy
- Aromatherapy
- ? melissa officinalis
- Light Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Multisensory Stimulation
- ? moderate dementia
23SIGN 86 Drug Therapy
24Cognitive Function ADAS-Cog
Also Feldman et al, Neurology. 200157(4) pp
25Cognitive Function MMSE
Winblad et al, Neurology. 200157 pp 489-495
26Cognitive Function ADAS-Cog
N365 N240
Doody et al, Arch. Neurol. 200158 pp 427-433
27Activities of Daily Living
28Functional Decline
357 days on Donepezil
208 days on Placebo
Loss gt1 bADL or Loss 20 iADL or Increase of
1 on CDR
Mohs et al, Neurology. 200157 pp481-488
29Behavioural Disturbances
- Tacrine
- Donepezil
- Rivastigmine
- Galantamine
- Moderate affinity uncompetitive NMDA-receptor
antagonist - Evidence shown for more severe forms (MMSE lt15)
- Good functional behavioural measures
- Poor clinical effect not advised by SMAC and
31Gingko Biloba Salvia
- Extract gingko biloba Egb 761
- Modest initial changes
- Significant difference from placebo at 1 year
- Le Bars et al, 1997
- No improvement in function
- Shadlen Larsen 1999
- Poor study on salvia officinalis
- Akhondzadeh et al, 2003
32HRT Oestrogens
- Reduced risk of AD if taking ERT
- Tang et al 1996
- Lerner et al 1996
- Reduced risk may be proportionate with duration
of ERT - Double blind PCT shows no benefit for HRT on
dementia - Wang et al 2000
33Anti-inflammatory Agents
- Epidemiological studies
- Chickens Eggs
- Indomethacin improves cognition
- (Rogers et al 1993)
- COX-2 is the one of the inflammatory markers
upregulated in AD - Lucca, U. 1999
- Vitamin E
- Selegeline
- 2 year study of rate to death, institutionalizatio
n and loss of dependency - Sano et al, 1997
35Alzheimers Vaccination
- Mice immunized at a young age were protected
from Alzheimer's in animals that already had the
disease, the disease was halted and in some cases
reversed - AN-1792
- Sore arms and increased antibodies in 100 AD
36Alzheimers Vaccination
- Transgenic mice did improve on memory testing
- Morgan et al 2000
- Aseptic meningo-encephalitis
- Specific antibodies to plaque
- Hock et al 2002
37NGF Plastic Pellets
- Tiny polymer pellets, some microscopic in size,
containing a natural protein hold the promise of
one day being able to treat such
neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer's. - The system is startlingly effective because it
targets, within a fraction of an inch, the area
of the brain where cell death is causing the
devastating illness.
38Drink yourself to health
- Controls 198.7mg /day (n54)
- AD 73.9 mg /day (n54)
- Maia De Medonca 2002
- Red rather than white or Rosé
39Drink yourself to health
- Caffeine Reduces Risk of Alzheimers Disease
- 5 cups of coffee a day (for mice)
- Juices 'may cut Alzheimer's risk'
- Fruit juice 3 times a week (People)
40Drink yourself to health
- Caffeine Reduces Risk of Alzheimers Disease
- 5 cups of coffee a day (for mice)
- Juices 'may cut Alzheimer's risk'
- Fruit juice 3 times a week (People)