Title: DCS
1DCS Communication Softwarefor the TPC
Front-end Electronics
Matthias Richter Sebastian Bablok Department of
Physics and Technology, University of Bergen,
Norway Benjamin Schockert Center for Technology
Transfer and Telecommunications, University of
Applied Sciences Worms, Germany TPC
Front-end-electronics meeting, Cern, Nov 22,2005
2Software architecture
Supervisory Layer
Load configuration data from file OR
Front-End Device Interface (FED)
Config. File
Control Layer
Config. DB
Front-End Electronics Interface (FEE)
Field Layer
Internal Bus Systems
3Status of the components
Component Status Comments
FED API defined - prototyped final specifications of the FED API have been defined in Oct 05 - will be published soon implementation in FedServer module of InterComLayer in progress
final specifications of the FED API have been defined in Oct 05 - will be published soon implementation in FedServer module of InterComLayer in progress
final specifications of the FED API have been defined in Oct 05 - will be published soon implementation in FedServer module of InterComLayer in progress
final specifications of the FED API have been defined in Oct 05 - will be published soon implementation in FedServer module of InterComLayer in progress
InterComLayer mostly functional communication with FeeServer fully implemented, Data base access module and FedServer module prototyped
communication with FeeServer fully implemented, Data base access module and FedServer module prototyped
communication with FeeServer fully implemented, Data base access module and FedServer module prototyped
Data base API prototype discussion about database- and content structure ongoing
discussion about database- and content structure ongoing
FEE API fully functional implemented in FeeServer core and FeeClient module of InterComLayer
implemented in FeeServer core and FeeClient module of InterComLayer
FeeServer core fully functional version 0.7.3 stable running
FeeServer-ControlEngine fully functional exports services for Temp, Voltages, and currents for each FEC commands defined and implemented
exports services for Temp, Voltages, and currents for each FEC commands defined and implemented
exports services for Temp, Voltages, and currents for each FEC commands defined and implemented
4Configuration Data Encoding
- CE provides 2 alternative formats of
Configuration Data - Usage of CE Command Set to write to RCU memory
- Each single operation corresponds to one DIM
command - Low performance, but flexibility for development
- But multiple operations can also be stacked into
one DIM transaction if desired - Message Buffer Format (data exchange interface
between DCS board and RCU previously presented,
see talk TPC FEE meeting Jan 05) - allows to encode multiple operations into one
command block even on the level of data exchange
between DCS board and RCU - 2 alternative ways of data archiving
- As BLOBs
- Archiving of individual parameters and data
preparation on-the-fly
5Next steps
- Data base interface Specifications discussed
with the DCS group implementation ongoing - File access as fall back solution available
- performance tests of data base access
- FedAPI implementation in progress
- PVSS InterComLayer communication using the
FedAPI - Handling of States for RCU and FECs in the
FeeServer ControlEngine - Optimization
2005 2006
I. II. III. V.
6Open issues
- Data base structure and structure of config data
has to be defined - Creation, Handling, Archiving
- communication ControlEngine Monitoring and
Safety Module (MSM) data publishing fully
functional but sophisticated error
handling/notification scheme necessary - mass tests and scaling of behaviour with 216 DCS
board nodes connect to the InterComLayer
7Documentation and Download
- http//www.ift.uib.no/kjeks/wiki
- General Overview
- Download (Source code packages, programs for the
DCS board) - CE command specification
- CE service specification
- Setup recipe
- Source code and documentation of FeeServer core
and InterComLayer https//www.ztt.fh-worms.de/dow
nload/alice - anyway drop an email to us if there is something
mysterious with the software or you couldn't find
what you want - Matthias.Richter_at_ift.uib.no, Sebastian.Bablok_at_ift.
8Components and APIs
FEE ROOT Debug GUI (ROOT framework)
USB connector
FEE Client
FED Client
Configuration Database
RCU (Motherboard)
DCS board