- Janet Intrieri
- National Science Foundation
- OPP/ Arctic Section
- October 26, 2006
- What we have
- 85 proposals / 48 projects / 67 M
- Ocean
- Terrestrial Hydrology
- Terrestrial Ecosystem
- Cryosphere / Sea Ice
- Atmosphere
- Human Dimensions Data
- Where were at
- Mail Reviews Panel completed
- Interacting with other SEARCH Agency
representatives - Making Recommendations
3- Challenges / Opportunities
- Working to get the right balance between
- What was received and what already exists (i.e.
NPEO, Summit, B Gyre, LTO) - Representation among different disciplines
- Developing technology vs fielding experiments,
observations, etc. - Fostering international efforts (IPY)
Challenges / Opportunities Working to get the
right balance between what we received and what
already exists (NPEO, Summit, B-fort Gyre) what
the needs are, between developing technology and
fielding experiments/observations,
etc. Resources SEARCH implementation document
was cited and reflects community input. In
addition to other considerations like program
balance, etc. well use it for guidance in making
decisions. Issues Lacking in Paleo Social
proposals Gaps Actual networking
capabilities Next Steps Address gaps in next
solicitation Awards/Declines before next ones are
4- Current Task
- Craft the most comprehensive, integrated, viable,
affordable, and multidisciplinary research
network possible with the proposals we have in
hand. - Guidance SEARCH implementation document was
cited and reflects community input. - Gaps
- Identifying observational gaps
- Still need for addressing actual networking
capabilities / design cyberinfrastructure /
5AON Next Steps
- Address gaps through the next solicitation
- Awards/Declines
- Continue making connections
- with other observing programs
- with cyberinfrastructure
- with other agencies
- internationally