Title: Exporting SELEAC learning material to external learning environments
1Exporting SELEAC learning material to external
learning environments
- Introduction
- Why to export content
- Objects to be exported
- Different formats
- Demonstration
- XML sources
- HTML stand-alone
- SCORM and the ADL LE
- WebCT
- Moodle
- Discussion and Questions
3How to use SELEAC learning material
4Why exporting content
- The SELEAC portal does not replace your own
learning environment - Creation of customised courses
- Individual control of access rights
- Definition of user roles
- Tracking of learner activity
- Additional functionalities chat, bulletin
board, helpdesk - But it can act as a learning content management
system and deliver high quality learning material
5A learning content management system
6Objects for export
Shareable Resources
Referenced Content
7Formats for export
- Use of standards
- PDF (defacto standard)
8Export of Sources
- Export of SCOs in the native XML format -
Delivered as zip file - For further development
of the content - To be edited in any kind of XML
editor - Attached resources like images are
included in the zip file - Transformation into
any format by means of XSLT possible
9HTML Export
- Export of aggregations - Delivered as zip
file - For being deployed on a web server -
Directly use from hard disk or CD-ROM
possible - To be viewed in a simple web browser
10HTML Export
- Complete navigation included - Rendered SCOs
in content folder - Customized styles
possible - External material is stored in the
resources folder for being read off line -
Translation of user dialogues - Import into many
other learning environments that support HTML
11PDF Export
- Delivery of a PDF file for being displayed or
to be printed - Possibility to create hardcopies
of the course material - Single SCOs and whole
aggregations (courses) supported - Production of
individual material by making selections
- Production of ADL SCORM compliant courses -
Import into any learning environment supporting
SCORM - Integration of navigation and runtime
information - Additional metadata - Delivery as
zip file containing imsmanifest.xml, scripts and
content for being directly imported into
learning environments
13Export of Exercises
- Integration in HTML
- Passive answers (static web pages telling the
right answers) - Call to web service (link to a server that
checks the input) - Integration of program logic into the export
(JavaScript) - Dedicated Formats
- (for import into other learning environments)
- GIFT (e. g. supported by Moodle)
- integrated into SCORM
- other formats possible
14Learning Environments
Geoffrey Dische LCC Timo Väliharju -