Title: Recognition of Nonformal and Informal Learning
1Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning
- Dr. Patrick Werquin, OECD, CERI
- Expert Workshop for the Preparation of the DECOWE
Conference - Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
( the opinions expressed in this power point
presentation are those of the author alone)
- Background
- Main Issues
- Focus on Employers
- Costs and Benefits
- Food for Thoughts
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
3Published in 2007
With Mike Coles (QCA)
For a summary see www.oecd.org/dataoecd/10/2/38
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
4Participating Countries
23 countries on 5 continents (16 review
visits) Australia, Austria, Belgium-Flanders,
Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Korea,
Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia,
South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and the United
Kingdom www.oecd.org/edu/recognition
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
5What is it?
- Recognising all learning, whatever the context
- (whether formal, non-formal or informal)
- RPL (Australia, South-Africa, Ireland), PLAR
(Canada), APL or APEL (UK) - EVC (Netherlands), VAE (France)
- Many definitions of NFIL ?
- Recognition too has many meanings (objectives in
fact) ? - Here social recognition ???
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
6Why Employers Have a Major Role?
- Employers do it all the time (practical or
informal recognition) - A lot of the NFIL is happening on the job
(previous) - Employers sponsor a lot of training (it has a
cost) (BTW the 10 quoted in the previous
session) - Skills shortages (availability or visibility)
- Visibility of skills, knowledge and competences
- Recruitment (Cost, employability)
- Job matching (productivity)
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
7Why Employers Have a Major Role?
- Motivation is always a key issue when employers
want to send employees on training (not starting
from scratch) - Regulated occupations (demand certifications)
- ISO process or bid for certain contracts (may
require a fraction of the labour force that is
certified) - When there are massive layoffs, assessment may be
a good start before reskilling - Certificates awarded by vendorsgtCertification MOE
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
8Employers in Short
- Employers should be interested in what workers
know and/or can do rather than in the way they
learnt it - Employers are massive users of skills, knowledge
and competences and they need visibility and
trust - Hence the need for recognised knowledge, skills
and competences
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
9Cost/Benefit Issues about Formalisation
Real question Additional cost of
formalisation(certification typically)(assessmen
t, quality assurance, issuing certificates)
vs. Additional benefits of formalisation(signall
ing, visibility, regulated occupations) (work
with John West)
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
10Cost-Benefit Model
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
11Recognition vs. Training
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
12Recognition vs. Training
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
- It seems very promising, but the take up is
small Why is RNFIL not happening? - Cost (even if tendency to underestimate them)
- Stiffness. Belief that only formal learning can
lead to knowledge, skills and competences - Need for a culture shift, among employers, but
also throughout the society (mindset) - Involving employers would help reaching
legitimacy and credibility (school as a filter)
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
14Food for Thoughts
- RNFIL is not free, not even always cheap
- Nevertheless, for some people, under some
circumstances excellent opportunity - Therefore
- All learning should be recognised
- In some instances, the recognition process should
be formalised (certification)
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
15Food for Thoughts
- Finally, it seems obvious to me that NFIL (which
is part of Lifelong Learning) is the link between
the 2 worlds the world of education and training
and the world of employers, business and the
labour market as long as it is recognised,
socially recognised
Dr. Patrick Werquin, Recognition of Non-formal
and Informal Learning, Ljubljana, 17 April 2009
16M e r c i
Comments and questions please to Patrick
Werquin, CERI, OECDpatrick.werquin_at_oecd.org Plea
se visit www.oecd.org/edu/recognition