Title: Chester County Department of Emergency Services July 2006 Update
1Chester CountyDepartment of Emergency
2Emergency Call Volume
3Police Incidents
4Fire/EMS Incidents
5Emergency Dispatch Times
6TelephoneQuality Reviews (Goal 100 - Objective
90 or better)
Reviews last month 147
7RadioQuality Reviews(Goal 100 - Objective 90
or better)
Reviews last month 25
8Emergency Medical DispatchQuality Reviews(Goal
100 - Objective 90 or better)
Reviews last month 88
9CustomerProcedural Satisfaction(90 Confidence)
Was your 9-1-1 call answered professionally? Was
the dispatcher courteous in taking the
information about your emergency? Did the
telecommunicator speak clearly and slowly during
the emergency telephone instructions? If the
telecommunicator held you on the telephone until
emergency responders arrived did they explain
why you were being asked to hold the line?
10CustomerOverall Satisfaction(90 Confidence)
Are you satisfied with the service you received
from Chester County's 9-1-1 system?
- Responses Last Month Team 0
Staff 2 - Responses Year to Date Team 9
Staff 11 - Team Training Hours YTD 722
12Fire Marshal
- Investigations Previous Month 39
- Investigations YTD 213
- Accidental 132
- Undetermined 31
- Incendiary 48
- Natural 2
- Other 0
- Yearly Inspections Planned 900 - 1100
- Inspections Previous Month 263
- Inspections YTD 1179
- Juvenile Fire Setters Program YTD 25
13 Fire Training County Sponsored Courses
Last Month 7
Graduated Last Month
115 County Sponsored
Courses Year to Date 43
Graduates Year to Date
National Certification Fire Fighter
I 259
Fire Fighter II
89 Pumper/Driver
18 Hazardous Materials
Awareness 262 Fire Officer I
Fire Instructor I
30_ Total
14Fire TrainingPending Courses
- September 9 Pumper/Driver Operator _at_ GSC
- September 16 Firefighter II _at_ GSC
- September 30 Firefighter Survival/Rapid
Intervention Teams _at_ GSC - October 14 Firefighter I _at_ GSC
- November 18 Fire Company Officer I _at_ GSC
15Emergency Medical Services
- Summer First Responder to EMT Bridge Class In
Progress with Eight. - Summer EMT Power Class Starts 10 July
16Public Safety Training Facility
- Financial
- 5.0M in DES Capital Budget
- 3.0M Federal Grant (750,000 per year for 4
years) - 6.0M to 7.0M State Funds
- 7.5M 2007 Federal Request
- Land
- Waiting for PECO AoS
- Mittal Steel Discussions Continue
- Phased Construction Plan Developed
- 800 MHz Radios
- Phoenixville Site
- Work in Progress
- Except Operations in Summer 2006
- Re-Banding Project
- Proposal Comments Back to EF Johnson
- Request for Planning Funds in TA Mediation
- MDC Project
- EMS Complete
- Police 300 (of 370) Installed
- Fire 60 (of 114) Installed
18Emergency Management
- Current Municipal Plans 73/73 (100)
- Current SARA Plans 68/68 (100)
- Current Dam Plans 10/26 (38)
- NIMS Municipalities 46/73 (63)
- Municipal Mutual Aid 41/73 (56)
- Municipal Coordinator Training
- Basic 44
- Advanced 18
- Professional 4
- County Staff Training
- Basic 104
- Advanced 100
- Professional 53
- Municipalities with at Least 1 Trained CERT 45