1TAPS After all our taps were stolen they were
replaced by the Council with plastic ones.
However, the thread on many of them has become
worn. We have attached fittings to every tap
which MUST NOT BE REMOVED. Please make sure you
have a fitting on the end of your hosepipe which
will fit the one we have put on the tap. Some
hose fittings are available from the Stores
free. Please see Dave if you need advice about
SITE SECURITY Various things are being done
around our site to improve security- PIR
lighting outside the pavilion, metal boxes on the
gates, thorny shrubs near the fence and
anti-vandal paint on the fence. We have arranged
4 dates when the fence painting will be done
can you help please? The dates are July 26,
August 2, 23, 30. There is a list on the
notice-board in the pavilion for volunteers.
Weather permitting, the painting will be done in
the mornings and a BBQ will be provided for all
helpers at lunchtime.
Competitions 2008 All plots are automatically
entered in our Best Plot and Best Newcomers
Plot which are judged by independent judges from
Sandwell at the end of July. Entry is free.
Scarecrow please make a scarecrow and display
it near the front of your plot before 31 July.
Front Garden if
you have planted flowers at the front or side of
your plot please enter this competition.
Judging of both competitions at the end of July.
Sunflower prizes for the tallest and the
biggest face - judging in September 50p entry
for these competitions, pay in advance, see
Betty Heavy and long vegetables heaviest
pumpkin and marrow, onion, potato, longest
carrot, runner bean judging to take place in
Autumn, date to be announced.
Please note that we still have a hosepipe ban in
place. If you have a shed or greenhouse on your
plot, you can save lots of water by fitting
guttering and a drainpipe. Dave will advise
about this.
Useful phone numbers
Police central control 0845 113 5000 Walsall Rd
police 0121 428 6140 Alexander Stadium 0121 464
It is very important to report crime to the
police and get an incident number. Please let
Betty know so that a record can be kept.
You will see that there are two white boards
outside the pavilion. One is for Lost and Found
and the other for things like What to plant
now, What is available in the Stores etc.
White Boards
Parking problems
We have recently been having problems with
inconsiderate parking across the allotments
driveway in the park. I am in contact with the
Council and Police about this and hopefully
things will soon improve. If you have any
trouble with not being able to get in or out of
the site, please phone the police (number above)
making a note of the registration of the vehicle
involved. It is very important that we have
access for emergency services if they are
required as some of our plotholders are in poor
health or elderly.
Our allotments were represented at the Nature
Centre in June and at the Co-ops Strawberry Tea
in July. Jan and Betty sold plants, vegetables
and preserves and raised 150 for the Air
If you are having difficulty managing your plot,
for any reason, please have a word with either
Dave or Betty help may be available.
Dont wait for your plot to turn into a jungle!
Visit our website www.growit.ik.com