Title: Ian Walker Head of Service,
1Acceptable Behaviour Contracts
Ian Walker Head of Service, Crime ASB
Service Laura Timms ASB Manager Youth Offending
Team Sangeeta Bhuhi Youth Crime Manager Crime
ASB Service London Borough of Newham
2Introductions Name Where you work Describe the
use of ABCs in your locality in terms of a
chocolate bar
3Newham Overview
- Newham population 250, 600.
- 63.4 are from mixed heritage/non-white
backgrounds - London has 28.9 from mixed heritage/non-white
backgrounds - 40 are aged under 25 years
- ONS mid year estimate 2003 Census data 2001 of
Newham website - 26,000 are aged between 10 and 17 years
- 66 of these young people are from minority
ethnic communities
4Overview of Newham Youth
- Only 3.5 of young people in Newham have been
accused of crime. - 50 of young people at school (70 of those who
have been excluded) are affected by crime, almost
twice as much as the general population. - Excluded Children (aged between 11 and 16yrs)
have highest rate of admitting to crimes.
5Overview of Newham Youth
- 62 of victims of street-crime were less than 25
years old. - 36 were between 10-17.
- Only 4 out of 10 young people reported the crime
to the police.
2 2000-2003 Mori Survey, Audit commission
6Overview of Newham Youth
- Being a victim of crime at 12 is one of the most
powerful indicators of offending at 15 likewise,
offending at the age of 12 brings a strong
possibility of victimisation at 15. - Ben Smith
1 Young Minds Magazine 69 Mar/Apr 04, Ben
Smith, Invisible Victims
Behaviour Support Development Advisory Team
Youth Inclusion Programme
East Thames Housing
Crime ASB Service and Youth Offending Team
facilitate the CHANCE partnership
Newham Homes
Safer Neighbourhoods Police
Safer Schools Police
Children Young Peoples Services
8Acceptable Behaviour Contracts
9What is an Acceptable Behaviour Contract(ABC)?
- What is an ABC?
- A written agreement that specifies a list of anti
social acts in which a person has allegedly been
involved and agrees not to continue. - Who is an ABC between?
- A person who has been involved in anti social
behaviour and one or more agencies whose role it
is to prevent such behaviour. - Who can issue an ABC?
- Any individual/agency wishing to address ASB.
10What is an Acceptable Behaviour Contract(ABC)?
- How long is an ABC for?
- 6 Months
- What is the purpose of an ABC?
- To prevent further ASB and encourage young people
to take responsibility for their actions - How do I issue an ABC?
- A standardised approach has been established -
Training and standardised documents are available
11How does ABC work differently to ABCs?
THIS CONTRACT is made on
Metropolitan Police Force
Safer Neighbourhoods Team,
London Borough of Newham
Crime and Anti-social Behaviour Division,
Central Depot, Folkestone Road,
London. E6
AGREES the following in respect of future
conduct -
I will not
I will not
I will not
I will not
I will not
13Y-Pac Assessment Initial assessment
14YPAC Initial Assessment
15ABC not signed
See ABC process
Y-Pac Assessment Initial assessment
Awareness session One off session
16What isAnti-Social Behaviour?
17ABC not signed
See ABC process
Y-Pac Assessment Initial assessment
Awareness session One off session
Y-Pac 8 week programme
18Young People Affected by Crime/Confidence(YPAC)
19(No Transcript)
20ABC not signed
Youth Inclusion Support Panel (YISP) Referral To
be considered at all stages and referral made if
criteria met.
See ABC process
Y-Pac Assessment Initial assessment
Awareness session One off session
Y-Pac 8 week programme
3 Month Review Partners YP to communicate
6 Month Panel Endings session, all partners YP
involved, To celebrate successes and address any
remaining issues. To identify onward referrals
- CHANCE scheme
- Effective partnership communication
- Youth ASB panel
22Newham Breaches
- 74 ABC Since Sept 2006
- 9 Breaches in total
- Further action taken
Coming to the workshop helped me change the way
I see things I feel more aware of a lot more
and know for every action there is a reaction.
Im going to look at what I want for the future
and fulfil my goals (Quotes from young people
completing ABC)
23 London Borough of Newham Laura Timms (Youth
Offending Team) laura.timms_at_newham.gov.uk07810
830595Sangeeta Bhuhi (Crime ASB
Service)sangeeta.bhuhi_at_newham.gov.uk07768 977916