Title: Update in longitudinal damper system in MI
1Update in longitudinal damper system in MI
- Hyejoo Kang
- Stanford University
- Status of transverse longitudinal damper
- New damper board
2Beam measurements with transverse damper on show
oscillation of beam becomes smallerquickly
with a big injection error lifetime of very
high beam intensity (3.3e13) at 8 GeV are
improved ? before the shutdown in last October
After the shutdown, there was a test to check the
transverse damper operation -gt it was not
working (vertical or horizontal directions) -gt
now damper for the vertical direction (y) works
using spare amplifiers -gt the old board seems not
to work for the horizontal direction (x) -gt new
board will be installed in the near future -gt new
transverse amplifiers will arrive soon
3 Change in bunch phase with Long. Damping on
? Five bunches bunches 1,3,4 are damped
bunch 2 is left alone bunch 5 is
Mountainrange plot of RWM signal for 4 booster
turns for about 7000 turns after injection into
Main Injector.
Bunches Green, red, cyan, purple and yellow
4Effect of long. Damping on different Beam types
Data from damper system
Data from RWM at 150GeV
Damper off
Damper on
- Bunch length is shorter and beam is more stable
with damper on - ? Also measured Long. e is smaller
Rest bunches are damped
The big lurches in phase at turns 6000-7000 are
at the start of acceleration. Transition is at
turn 13000 and the bunches come out of
transition with big oscillations.
Damper off
6Transition crossing on normal stacking cycle(29)
Transition crossing with damper
(Kiyomi Koba)
First five bunches of stacking cycle
7Transition crossing with damper
Transition crossing on normal stacking cycle(29)
Last five bunches of stacking cycle
8Bunch train before extraction with damper
(Kiyomi Koba)
Data from RWCM for all 84 bunches
9Reduced bunch length with the long. Damper on 29
Bunch length without damper
Bunch length with damper
10Bunch length of stacking cycle beam at extraction
0.8 1.8 ns without damper 0.8 ns (? 10) with
damper working -gt bunch length of stacking cycle
affects production on the anti-proton
target -gt the range of the bunch length is much
smaller with the damper on
Currently, longitudinal damper is operating on
coalescing cycle (beam goes to Tevatron)
stacking cycle
11Development of new damper boards (January)
- Trans. and long. Dampers can work simultaneously
- A lot more RAMs and a bigger chip to implement
new features ? 10 times more RAMs than the old
one more logic elements ? using
approximately half of RAMs for damping - The data-taking rates of ADC and DAC are twice as
fast - Firmware can be downloaded to boards through
ethernet - Can be used for other purpose (barrier stacking,
Booster LLRF)
12Development of new damper boards (continued)
Status within a month new board will be
installed 1. Hardware noise measurement, input
output test of ADC DAC are
? 4 out of 5
boards are fine one of them
is used for pbar debunching operation 2.
Firmware all subcircuits are programmed and
tested except subcircuits for
damping process FIFO DAQ ? ? testing for
damping process will be done next 2 weeks 3.
Displays through ACNET are done but need to be
13A new board is cabled up in MI 60 last Feb.
- Revolution marker, MDAT and TCLK input output
signals are checked for general operation of the
board - Parameters for the new board are checked for the
firmware codes -gt the manual is almost finalized - Variables of ACNET are tested (still in progress)
-gt all the ACNET
variables exist for all 5 boards - New ACNET pages are generated for the new damper
boards - Commission new boards without disconneting the
old board - Final transverse amplifies will arrive soon
-gt first one this
week the remaining three by the end of April
14New damper parameter pages on ACNET
15(No Transcript)
16The manual for new damper boards (still need to
be modified)
17Variables on ACNET
18JAVA display for the damper is partially working