Title: Professional Learning Community
1Professional Learning Community
- Absegami High School
- 2007-2008
2Professional Learning Communities
- Focus on Learning
- What do we expect students to learn?
- How will we know what students learn?
- How do we respond when they dont?
- Work Collaboratively
- To develop values and goals
- To work independently to achieve goals
- To focus on results
3Expectations What Makes AHS Great?
- Common Curricula
- Intended
- Implemented
- Attained
- Common Assessments
- Midterms/Finals
- Departmental unit tests
4Expectations What Could Improve AHS?
- Develop and Sustain a Common Culture
- Common rules, procedures, consequences
- Shared High Expectations
- Celebrate Success of Academic Achievement
- Public Data Displays of Student Achievement
5Professional Learning Communities Have Sustained
- Embedded into routine practices
- Develop and Agree to Lessons/Assessments
- Analyze student work
- Revise Lessons/Assessments
- Recognize improvement
6Collaboration What Makes AHS Great?
- Common Planning Time
- Inclusion/Cohorts
- Assess Lessons
- Develop and review assessments
- Monitor student Progress
- Professional Development Time
- Provides
- Workshops
- Collegial Study Groups
- Discussion Groups
7Collaboration What Could Improve AHS?
- Ongoing, Sustained Teamwork
- Focusing on Student Achievement
- Share Best Practice
- Student work
- Assessments
- Lessons
- Threaded throughout Professional Development and
embedded in the school day
8When the student is failing What Makes AHS
- Maximizes Intervention
- Mandatory extra help
- Activity period
- Late study
- NHS tutors
- Weekly progress reports
- Agenda book check
- Minimizes Remediation
- Changing course level
- Repeating course
- Attending summer school
9When the student is failing What Could Improve
- Making the student do the work
- Mentoring
- Mastery Learning
10Professional Learning CommunityHow do we begin?
- What kind of school do we hope to become?
- How do our procedures and behaviors change to
create this kind of school? - What steps are we going to take and when will we
take them?
11Year Long Agendas
- September 21
- Assign Group Roles and Set Goals
- Review of Data
- October 5
- Strategies and Assessment
- Develop tool to measure success
- February 27
- Review and Revise
- Review results and revise assessment/strategies
12Data Dont be scared
- Measure of student learning
- Quantitative or Qualitative
- Eliminates guesses and assumptions
13Quantitative Means Numbers
- HSPA results
- Clusters
- Final exam
- Midterm exam
- Unit test
- Performance assessment project
- Writing samples
- Time to complete a task
- SAT results
14Qualitative Data is Non-Numerical
- Descriptions and categories.
- Open-ended interviews
- Observe events
- Questions with open-ended answers
- Log what is said and/or done
- Interpret
- Personal reactions, speculations or hypotheses
- Draw conclusions
15Todays Agenda
- Introduction
- Professional Learning Communities Article
- Absegami Professional Learning Communities
- Listening Protocol
- Summary