Title: Euler Hermes Credit Management OOO
1Euler Hermes in RussiaAndreas Steinborn, Head
of Representative Office Russia Press conference
Moscow July 1st 2008
- 1 Euler Hermes activity in Russia
- 2 Benefits of trade credit insurance for Russia
3Local knowledge
- Sector reports regular updates
- Subscription to renowned newspapers and
journals- Financial Times- RBK- Vedomosti-
Kommersant- Expert- Trade Finance - - and others
- Buyer visits
- Visits to trade fairs and conferences
4Team and infrastructure
- Euler Hermes
- Specialists in credit risk management
- Specialists in information management
- Specialists for commercial underwriting
- Specialists for administrative issues
- Modern office located in the centre of Moscow
- Up-to-date infrastructure especially in
terms of IT - Fully linked to Euler Hermes globally working
- Specialists in credit risk management
- Specialists for commercial underwriting
- Specialists for claims handling
- Specialists for sales management
- Specialists for administrative issues
- Local expertise
- Modern office in the centre of Moscow inside
the headquarter of ROSNO - Developed IT-environment inside ROSNO
5Shareholding structure
- 1 Euler Hermes activity in Russia
- 2 Benefits of trade credit insurance for Russia
7Framework for covering business related to Russia
Our contract partners
Kind of risk we cover
- Multinational companies
- Small, medium and large sized Russian
companies - Factoring banks
- Protracted defaulted
- Insolvency (bankruptcy)
Kind of policies
- International policy of Euler
- Hermes adapted for Russia
- World policy adaptation in
- progress
8Scheme of trade credit insurance
Credit Limit
Outstanding receivables
- The normal export and domestic business
Buyer 1
Insurance company
Credit insurance
Buyer 2
Buyer 3
Trade credits
Buyer n
The credit insurance transfers the credit risk of
the hole portfolio from the vendor to Euler Hermes
Portfolio of all trade credits
9Insurance in cooperation with banks
Buyer 1
Insurance company
Insurance contract
Buyer 2
Buyer n
Opening current account
Bank creditors current account
According to the insurance contract, insurance
company transfers insurance compensation to the
bank on the creditors current account
Russian Federation
Buyer 1
Factoring Client 1
Buyer 2
Buyer n
Insurance contract 1
Insurance contract 2
Credit Insurer
Buyer 1
Factoring Company
Factoring Client 2
Buyer 2
Buyer n
Insurance contract n
Factoring Client n
Buyer 2
One contract per one factoring client with a
factoring bank
Buyer n
11Mission and Vision
Euler Hermes in Russia
- Mission to help companies grow their business
worldwide through secured and optimised trade
receivables management.
- Our philosophy to know our clients buyers as
best as we can, thus getting an impression of
their business and assessing the market they are
active in.
- Our task analysis of the financial position of
our clients buyers and specification of
insurance conditions.
12Euler HermesBusiness insured. Success ensured.
- Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG
Representative Office Russia - Krymskiy Val. 3/2, Office 210, Moscow, 119 049
- Andreas Steinborn, Head of Representative Office
Russia - Tel. 7 495 649 80 08 ext. 1000
- Email Andreas.Steinborn_at_eulerhermes.com
- Web www.eulerhermes.ru