NA3 Reporting Back Malcolm Atkinson Director of the National eScience Centre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NA3 Reporting Back Malcolm Atkinson Director of the National eScience Centre


Exec. Plan. Developing NA3's Execution Plan 2 ... Exec. Plan. Living document. it gets updated. NA3 Completing the Execution Plan ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NA3 Reporting Back Malcolm Atkinson Director of the National eScience Centre

NA3 Reporting Back Malcolm AtkinsonDirector of
the National e-Science Centre
EGEE Kick off, Cork, 22 April 2004
EGEE is a project funded by the European Union
under contract IST-2003-508833
  • NA3 Mission
  • NA3 Goals
  • NA3 Challenges
  • NA3 Partners
  • NA3 Developing the Execution Plan
  • New activities recognised
  • Existing activities refined
  • NA3 Developing Relationships
  • SA1, NA4 NA2
  • Changes to the Technical Annex

NA3 Mission
  • To enable the success of EGEE by delivering
    excellent training.

Understanding the NA3 Mission
  • To enable the success of EGEE by delivering
    excellent training.
  • Meeting requirements
  • Appropriate courses
  • Extremely well presented
  • At the right place
  • At the right time
  • With consistently successful learning outcomes

Delivering the NA3 Mission
  • To enable the success of EGEE by delivering
    excellent training.
  • Meeting requirements
  • Appropriate courses
  • Extremely well presented
  • At the right place
  • At the right time
  • With consistently successful learning outcomes

Content adapted for participants
Participants understood and engaged
Location suits the participants
Date and duration suit the participants
Professional preparation, attention to detail,
all issues followed up
User and trainer experiences captured and
analysed improvements implemented
Working as a team, pooling knowledge and resources
NA3 Goals 1 User Induction
  • Make EGEE a success
  • EGEE success ? sufficient successful users
  • Sufficient depends critically on NA3 Training
  • Sufficient users depends on
  • Attracting enough potential users
  • NA2 NA4 also attract potential users pass
    them to us
  • Converting them to actual users
  • Through Induction courses
  • Enabling them to be successful users
  • Through the quality of Induction and Advanced

Course curriculum and material under development
Working with NA4 Roberto Barbera using GENIUS
GILDA Test run done
Two courses developing training scheduled
Edinburgh next week CERN 17-19 May
NA3 Goals 2 Application Developer Training
  • Make EGEE a success
  • EGEE success ? sufficient successful users
  • Successful depends on
  • A reliable, well-resourced computational platform
  • Our colleagues in other activities will deliver
  • The appropriate applications and portals running
    on EGEE
  • This depends on us
  • Applications require application developers
  • We must train sufficient application developers
  • So that they port and develop applications the
    users want on EGEE
  • They must be well trained so that
  • They port or implement quickly and effectively
  • Their applications run well on the EGEE platform

and NA4
NA3 Goals 3 EGEE Team Training
  • Make EGEE a success
  • EGEE success ? well-trained well-informed EGEE
  • Well-trained Well-informed depends on
  • Induction of new EGEE staff
  • Project structure, Procedures Tools
  • Technology and EGEE platform introduction
    skill development
  • Development of knowledge and expertise
  • Retreats and workshops
  • Advanced specialist courses
  • Other EGEE activities
  • Inform NA3 of requirements
  • Inform NA3 of advanced technical information

YOU ask for them
NA3 Must Listen Learn
Building the EGEE team spirit through training
development events
NA3s Role in Virtuous Circles
User Registration
Outreach Dissemination
User Induction Training
Researchers Diagnosticians Designers
Advanced EGEE Applications
Success Stories Experts
Developer Initial Training
Positive Referrals
New EGEE Applications
Positive Referrals
Developer Advanced Training
Pushing Limits
NA3 Challenges
  • Building an Integrated training team
  • Developing training material and delivery
  • Attracting enough potential users
  • Converting enough of them to successful EGEE
  • Sustaining both high quality and high volume
  • Achieving and delivering advanced skills

NA3 Partners as many as EDG!
Almost every partner was present or represented
in Cork
NeSC Edinburgh UK Ireland
IHEP Moscow Russia
IMPB RAS Moscow Russia
ITEP Moscow Russia
JINR Dubna Russia
KU-NATFAK Copenhagen Denmark
PNPI Petersburgh Russia
RRCKI Moscow Russia
GUP Linz Austria
FZK Karlsruhe Germany
Innsbruck Austria
II-SAS Bratislava Slovakia
GRNET Athens Greece
ICM Warsaw Poland
PSNC Poznan Poland
ICI Bucharest Romania
BUTE Budapest Hungary
ELUB Budapest Hungary
MTA SZTAKI Budapest Hungary
TAU Tel Aviv Isreal
CESNET Prague Czech Rep.
INFN Rome Italy
Developing NA3s Execution Plan 1
  • Much discussed in Pub, at a busy session
  • The scale of NA3 will require significant
    investment in
  • Leadership, management, coordination and
  • Working together is essential
  • Training is harder than we thought
  • Understanding requirements
  • Scope variety of users
  • Varieties of courses
  • Supporting the other European Projects Diligent,
  • Requires systematic survey analysis
  • For planning courses
  • For developing curricula
  • For preparing training material presentations

Add section To Exec. Plan
This will require recurrent review and revision
Developing NA3s Execution Plan 2
  • Construct an NA3 Training Component Repository
  • Design of Repository Portal
  • Collection of Information from Partners
  • Set up of database and web interfaces
  • Agree sharing or licensing model
  • Feed content into academic courses
  • Feed content into industrial courses (NA4
  • Collect collate content from other sources

Add section To Exec. Plan
This will require recurrent review and revision
Developing NA3s Execution Plan 3
  • Construction of the NA3 Training Record System
  • Design Training Record
  • New Performance Indicator for NA3
  • More courses
  • More variety
  • Shorter fewer participants / course
  • Measure depth and quantity of training
  • Design Review and Approve
  • NA3 partners PEB
  • Project Officer?
  • Design Training Record Database Portal
  • Implement Training Record Database Portal
  • Enter back log of training records
  • TRS maintenance review, upgrades, analysis tools

Add section To Exec. Plan
Requires Update To Tech. Annex
This will require recurrent review and revision
Developing NA3s Execution Plan 4
  • All of the Partner Training Activities
  • EGEE training already planned or done
  • Many courses that are shorter specific
  • List from our Hungarian partners this morning
  • All of the KINDS of activity we will do
  • Industrial strategic awareness courses
  • Research strategy courses
  • Courses creating specific skills
  • Installation of LCG2
  • Certificate Authority Management
  • Member Identification
  • Training in training
  • Use of EGEE project administration tools
  • Courses for operations staff in GOCs for SA1
  • Setting up / modifying / learning to use Training

Add section To Exec. Plan
This will require recurrent review and revision
Developing NA3s Execution Plan 5
  • Construct an NA3 Training Component Repository
  • Design of Repository Portal
  • Collection of Information from Partners
  • Set up of database and web interfaces
  • Agree sharing or licensing model
  • Feed content into academic courses
  • Feed content into industrial courses (NA4
  • Collect collate content from other sources

Add section To Exec. Plan
This will require recurrent review and revision
Developing NA3s Execution Plan 5
  • Manage training review improvement processes
  • Establish the procedures
  • Arrange each cycle
  • Collate the review recommendations
  • Propagate recommendations to all trainers
  • Monitoring response to recommendations

Add section To Exec. Plan
This will require recurrent review and revision
NA3 Completing the Execution Plan
Living document it gets updated
  • All input to the plan this week
  • Additions
  • Corrections
  • Details
  • These MUST reach NeSC this week
  • NeSC (John et al. ) will complete a new draft
    next week
  • Circulate for comment by EGEE web site email
  • 30th April 2004
  • Email comments back by Wednesday 5th May
  • Final version for Project Office by 12th May
  • Interim arrangements operate until NeSC issues
    Execution Plan, Procedures, supporting material,

Go forth and Train
Relationships with SA1
  • NA3 Requires accurate warning of release schedule
  • To provide corresponding courses self-tutor
    update material
  • To update our hands-on platforms exercises
  • NA3 Requires robust platform onto which we launch
  • Surprises and failures start negative feedback
  • NA3 Requires procedures for transferring people
    to help desks
  • Regional?
  • NA3 Requires access to parallel test bed to
    prepare for next platform release
  • SA1 Requires training for Operations staff

Agreed to establish a liaison person to develop
relationship and communicate needs and solutions
Relationships with NA4
  • NA3 Requires warning of user community take up
  • To provide corresponding courses
  • NA3 Requires help attracting users
  • NA3 Requires help with training platforms
  • Were getting this already ????????????????????
  • NA4 Requires help with users whom they attract

Liaison person at NeSC already in the Technical
Annex to develop relationship and communicate
needs and solutions
NA2s NA3s Roles in Virtuous Circles
User Registration
Outreach Dissemination
User Induction Training
Researchers Diagnosticians Designers
Advanced EGEE Applications
Success Stories Experts
Developer Initial Training
Positive Referrals
New EGEE Applications
Positive Referrals
Developer Advanced Training
Pushing Limits
Changes to the Technical Annex
  • Revise means by which we identify how much
    training done
  • More variety of courses
  • More courses
  • Fewer people per course
  • At least equivalent effect on
  • Building skills and knowledge in Europe
  • Building EGEE community
  • Attracting Establishing EGEE users
  • Seeding training and Education in Europe
  • International collaboration beyond Europe

Very good meeting for NA3 many thanks to all
who made it happen
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