Title: Recognizing the difference between Observation and Interpretation
1Recognizing the difference between Observation
and Interpretation
- a chance to practice before doing observation 1
2Read each sentence and decide whether you think
it is an objective observation or an
- Observation What did they do and say
- Interpretation what does this action mean?
3He was happy when he skipped across the
4This is an interpretation.
- The word happy makes this interpretation.
- He skipped across the playground is objective.
5He smiled.
6This is an objective observation. (A smile is a
recognizable feature).
- The preceding sentence would have been objective
if it said He smiled as he skipped across the
7She was angry because the boy took her toy.
8The phrase, she was angry makes this an
- Objective observation
- The boy took the toy away from her. She stomped
her foot and said, Give me that back!
9She tossed and turned on the mat.
10Nice objective observation.
- Had it said, She ws not tired because she tossed
and turned on the mat that would make it an
11She made a face at snack because she doesnt like
- An objective observation would be She scrunched
up her nose and said, I dont like pineapples.
13The child carefully crossed the wooden plank.
- An objective observation would have been The
child crossed the wooden plank slowly by putting
one foot in front of the other. Her arms were
15The key to remembering the difference
- Objective Observation What did the person DO
and SAY? - Interpretation What might this mean?