Chapter 3. Tuning Indexes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3. Tuning Indexes


A point query returns at most one record based on an equality selection ... Give them a face lift: Eliminate overflow chains on index or table ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 3. Tuning Indexes

Chapter 3. Tuning Indexes
  • May 2002
  • Prof. Sang Ho Lee
  • School of Computing, Soongsil University

Type of Queries (1)
  • A point query returns at most one record based on
    an equality selection
  • Select name from employee where id 8478
  • A multipoint query returns several records based
    on an equality selection
  • Select name from employee where salary 40000
  • A range query returns a set of records whose
    values lie in an interval
  • Select name from employee where salary gt 50000
    and salary lt 60000
  • A prefix match query on an attribute or sequence
    of attributes X Specifies only a prefix of X
  • last name Gates and first name like G

Type of Queries (2)
  • An extremal query obtains a set of records whose
    value on some attribute is a minimum or maximum
  • Select name from employee where salary
    MAX(select salary from employee)
  • An ordering query displays a set of records in
    order of the value of some attribute(s)
  • Select from employee order by salary
  • A grouping query partitions the results of a
    query into groups
  • Select dept, AVG(salary) from employee group by
  • A join query links two or more tables
  • Select employee.ssnum from employee,
    studentwhere employee.ssum student.ssnum

Key Types
  • Two kinds of keys with respect to a table T
  • A sequential key keys value is monotonic with
    insertion order
  • A non-sequential key keys value is unrelated to
    the insertion order to table

Review of Index Terminology
  • Index data structure (Btree, Hash, ISAM)
    pointers to data
  • ISAM structure Balanced tree structure with a
    predetermined number of levels. Interior nodes
    of an ISAM structure never change, but there may
    be overflow chain at the leaves. Use ISAM when
    range queries are important and there are few
  • Sparse index one pointer per data page
  • Dense index one pointer per data record
  • Clustering index may be sparse or dense and
    implies a data organization
  • e.g. Btree on A, data records sorted on A
  • Non-clustering index enforces nothing about
    data organization, so must be dense

ISAM (Index Sequential Access Method)
  • These structures are similar to B-trees but are
    optimized for infrequently changing data
  • Each leaf page maps to a track and sibling leaves
    are on the same or neighboring tracks
  • If an insertion occurs to a full page, use
    overflow chaining

In ISAM structures, tree is fixed but leaves may
overflow, forming chains
Advantages/Disadvantages in ISAM
  • Advantages
  • Support range queries even better than B-trees,
    because the utilization of each page often near
    100, reducing the number of pages that need to
    be retrieved
  • Reduce locking overhead, because nonleaf nodes of
    the structure are never locked
  • Disadvantages
  • Sequential keys cause concurrency bottleneck on
    ISAM structures when there are many inserts
  • Whether inserts are sequential or not, ISAM
    structures will overflow under heavy insert
  • This structures also suffer from large key sizes

Clustering vs. Non-clustering
  • Clustering index may be sparse (up to the DBMS
  • Good for range (e.g., R.A between 5 and 15) and
    prefix queries (e.g., R.Name like Sm)
  • Near key values in data structures correspond to
    near tuples
  • Good for concurrency Usually

Clustering Indexes and Concurrency Control
  • If no clustering index, then insertions occur at
    end of a heap (file organized by time of
    insertion)Concurrent insertions will then
    conflict on last page of heap
  • If there is a clustering index, e.g. on
    SocSecNum, then consecutive insertions will
    likely to far apart.Low contention.
  • However, if key value proportional to time of
    insertion, then clustering index based on B-tree
    causes a problem.WHY ???Would hashing make any

Clustering Index Bad News
  • Inserts tend to be placed in the middle of the
    table. This can cause overflows, destroying the
    benefits of clustering
  • Similarly for updates
  • So, may be a good idea to use fairly low page
    utilization when using a clustering index

Non-clustering Index
  • Non-clustering index data structure but no
    imposition on structure of table. May have
    several per table
  • Dense, so some queries can be answered without
    access to table. For example, assume a
    non-clustering index on attributes A, B, and C of
    RSelect B, C from R where A 5
  • Good for point queries and for selective
    multi-point, and for extremal queries. May or
    may not be useful for join queries.

Non-clustering Indexes and Selectivity Example 1
  • Pages are 4Kbytes
  • Attribute A takes on 20 different values
  • Query is multi-point on A
  • There is a non-clustering index on A
  • If record is 50 bytes long, there are 80 records
    per page. Nearly every page will have a matching
  • Dont create non-clustering index

Non-clustering Indexes and Selectivity Example 2
  • Pages are 4Kbytes
  • Attribute A takes on 20 different values
  • Query is multi-point on A
  • There is a non-clustering index on A
  • If record is 2000 bytes long, there are 2 records
    per page. Only 1 in ten pages will have a
    matching record.
  • Create non-clustering index

Quantitative Conclusions
  • F number of records per page
  • D number of different values of attribute
  • P number of pages prefetched when performing a
  • If D lt F P, then no non-clustering index
  • Otherwise, create non-clustering index provided
    multipoint queries on attribute are frequent
  • Practice Derive this.

Composite Indexes (1)
  • An index based on more than one attribute
  • Clustering or non-clustering
  • The poor performance in inverse order to
    composite index
  • City(name, latitude, longitude, population)
  • clustering composite index (latitude, longitude)

select name from city where population gt
10000 and latitude 22 and longitude gt 5 and
longitude lt 15
select name from city where population gt
10000 and longitude 22 and latitude gt 5 and
latitude lt 15
Composite Indexes (2)
  • Benefits
  • A dense composite index can something answer a
    query completely
  • A query on all attributes of a composite index
    will likely return far fewer records than a query
    on only some of those attributes
  • A composite index is an efficient way to support
    the uniqueness of multiple attributes
  • A composite index can support kinds of
    geographical queries
  • Disadvantages
  • A large key size
  • An update to any of its attribute will cause the
    index to be modified

Index Types Offered (1)
  • Clustering dense B-tree, sparse hash
  • Non-clustering B-tree
  • IBM DB2, SQL/DS, OS/2
  • Clustering dense B-tree
  • Non-clustering B-tree
  • Oracle
  • Clustering dense B-tree, sparse hash
  • Non-clustering B-tree

Index Types Offered (2)
  • Ingres
  • Clustering dense B-tree, sparse hash, sparse
  • Non-clustering B-tree, hash, ISAM
  • Sybase
  • Clustering sparse B-tree
  • Non-clustering B-tree

General Care and Feeding
  • Here are some maintenance tips on indexes
  • Give them a face lift Eliminate overflow chains
    on index or table
  • Drop indexes when they hurt performance.(Rebuild
    clustering indexes after sorting first)Example
    During a batch insertion, you may be better off
    having no secondary indexes
  • Check query plan
  • Run the catalog statistics update package

Reasons System Might Not Use an Index
  • Catalog may not be up to dateOptimizer may
    believe table is too small
  • Query may be badly specified. For example, in
    some systems (e.g. Oracle v6 and earlier)
  • Select from employee where salary/12 gt
    4000would not use salary index whereas
    following wouldSelect from employee where
    salary gt 4000 12

Reasons System Might Not Use an Index (2)
  • The use of a string functionSelect from
    employeewhere substr(name, 1, 1) G
  • A comparison with NULLSelect from employee
    where salary is null
  • The use of a bind variable
  • Apply a different type to corresponded tables
    attribute type

Scenario 1
  • Employee(ssnum, name, dept, manager, salary)
  • There are no updates. Here are queries. Which
    indexes should be established?
  • Count all the employees that have a certain
    salary (frequent)
  • Find the employees that have the maximum (or
    minimum) salary within a particular department
  • Find the employee with a certain social security
    number (frequent)

Scenario 1 Action
  • Non-clustering index on salary, since the first
    query can be answered solely based on the
    non-clustering index on salary
  • Sparse clustering index on social security number
    if the employee tuples are small, because a
    sparse index may be a level shorter than a dense
  • Non-clustering composite index on (dept, salary)
    using a B-tree for second query, should it become
    more important

Scenario 2
  • The Employee table has no clustering indexes
  • Performs poorly when there are bursts of inserts
  • Locking is page-based

Scenario 2 Action
  • Employee is organized as a heap, so all inserts
    to employee occur on the last page, making that
    page a locking hot spot
  • Find some way to smooth out the bursts of inserts
  • Use record-level locking
  • Create a clustering index based on hashing on
    customer number or social security number.
    Alternatively, create a B-tree-based clustering
    index on social security number.
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