Title: HTML and Applet Basics
1HTML and Applet Basics
- JAVA - Ch9 part 1
- Dr. James Jiang
2Console Applications vs Applets
Applications are stand-alone programs!
- Create .java files
- Build .java files to bytecode (.class files)
- Execute the .class files
- Programs called from within Web pages
- Applets must be called from within HTML documents
- OR
- Run AppletViewer
Applets are called within an application
3Steps to Create an Applet
- Create .java file with code
- Design an HTML document that calls your compiled
Java class - Build project to create .class files
- Open HTML document (AppletViewer, Netscape
Navigator, Internet Explorer)
4HTML Documents
- Text documents with formatting instructions
(tags) - Documents are formatted on Web pages based on tag
HTML languages primary purpose is to manage the
display of HTML documents
5The ltAPPLETgt Tag
- Used to call a Java applet from a Web page
- Use attributes to configure the applet
ltAPPLET CODE myApplet.class WIDTH 300
HEIGHT 200gt lt/APPLETgt
Components of the ltAPPLETgt tag
CODE named of the compiled applet WIDTH width
of the applet on the screen HEIGHT height of
the applet on the screen
WIDTH and HEIGHT are pixel measurements
ltHTMLgt ltAPPLET CODE TeschGreet.class" WIDTH
450 HEIGHT 200gt lt/APPLETgt lt/HTMLgt
7Writing an Applet
- Add necessary import statements
- import java.applet.
- import java.awt.
- Abstract Windows Toolkit
- Contains Windows components
- controls (labels, buttons, menus)
Contains the Applet class
Abstract Windows Toolkit (awt)
8Writing an Applet
- Use appropriate Windows components and applet
methods - Use the Label class to create a label
- Use the add() method to add the component to the
Label greeting new Label(Hi!)
9Writing an Applet
- Extend your class to include the Applet class
- public class Greet extends Applet
- User applets inherit (build upon) traits of the
Applet class
10Writing an Applet
- Every applet includes 4 methods
- public void init()
- public void start()
- public void stop()
- public void destroy()
- Java creates these as empty methods if your
applet doesnt contain them
11The setFont()Method
- Requires a Font object argument
- Font object requires typeface, style, point size
Font hlFont new Font(Helvetica, Font.BOLD,
36) greeting.setFont(hlFont)
12The TextField Component
- AKA Textbox
- User types a single line of text data
- TextField object Constructors
- public TextField()
- public TextField(int NumColumns)
- public TextField(String initialText)
- public TextField(String initialText, int
TextField answer new TextField(10)
13Other TextField Methods
answer.setText(Thank you)
String whatDidTheySay answer.getText()
14The Button Component
- Constructors
- public Button()
- public Button(String label)
Button readyButton new Button(Press when
ready) add(readyButton) readyButton.setLabel(D
ont press me again!) String whatsOnButton
15Event-Driven Programming
- Event action on a component
- Actions initiated in any order
- Source component on which an event is generated
- Listener object that is interested in an event
- To make an object a listener, register the object
as a listener for the source - Source objects maintain a list of registered
16To respond to user events in an applet
- Prepare your applet to accept event messages
- Tell your applet to expect events to happen
- Tell your applet how to respond to any events
that happen
17Preparing Applets to Accept Event Messages
- Import java.awt.event package
- Add implements ActionListener to class header
- ActionListener is an interface set of
specifications for methods used with Event objects
18Telling Your Applet to ExpectEvents to Happen
- Use the addActionListener() method
- Consider the applet a target for the message
- Consider the component (button, textfield) the
source of the message - aButton.addActionListener(this)
Send any ActionEvent messages (button clicks) to
the current applet
19Telling your Applet How toRespond to Any Events
That Happen
- ActionListener interface contains
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method
20The remove() Method
- Use to remove components from an applet
- Import javax.swing.
- Import java.awt.
- Import java.awt.event.
- public class JPartyPlanner extends JApplet
implements ActionListener - JLabel companyName new JLabel (Event
Handlers Incorporated) - JButton calcButton new JButton(Calculate
) - JLabel perPersonResult new JLabel(Plan
with us.) - JLabel totalResult new JLabel(The more
the merrier) - Font bigFont new Font(Helvetica,
Font.ITALIC, 24) - public void init( )
- Container c getContentPane()
- c.setLayout(new FlowLayout( ) )
- companyName.setFont(bigFont)
- c.add(company)
- c.add(calcButton)
- c.add(perPersonResult)
- c. add(totalResult)
22Example continue
- public void start ( )
- perPersonResult.setText(Plan with us.)
- totalResult.setText(The more the
merrier) - repaint( )
- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
- Object source e.getSource( )
- if (source calcButton)
- calculateResult( )
- public void calculateResult( )
- String response JOptionPane.showInputDialog(n
ull, Enter the number of guests) - int guestLimit 0, 25, 50, 100, 200,
500, 1000 - int ratePerGuest 27, 25, 22, 19, 17,
14, 11 - int guests Integer.parseInt(response)
- int individualFee 0, eventFee 0
23Example continue
- int x 0
- for (x 6 x gt 0 --x)
- if (guests gt guestLimitx)
- individualFee ratePerGuestx
- eventFee guests individualFee
- x 0
- perPersonResult.setText( individual per
person) - totalResult.setText(Event total cost
eventFee) - // the end of the calculateResult method
- // the end of the JPartyPlanner class