Title: Community Information Service Provider
1 Community Information Service Provider (Left
click to advance to new slides)
- A FREE community provider, built exclusively to
provide information. Nixle allows TPD to send
immediate alerts and advisories. This provides
you with the most up to date information to
maintain safety for you and your family.
3How can I receive the information?
- You can receive information one of three ways
- This presentation should give you everything
you need to get started receiving the up to date
41. Email...
An email will be sent to the address you choose.
This allows you to get the information anywhere
you have email access.
52. Text Messaging...
The information can be sent via Text Message.
This enables you to get the information on your
mobile device (You set the level of notification).
63. Web Access...
- Visit www.tulsapolice.org
- On the left side of the page, click on the icon
labeled Nixle. - You can determine when/where/how you receive the
information. - (Start now by clicking on the link below)
7Get Registered
- Once you are on the website you can register by
clicking (or just
click on this link). - You are now registered!
- You do not have to register. However, to
customize the information you receive and the
locations you receive it from, in addition to
receiving information by text message and/or
email you must set up an account.
Once you have registered, the information can
either be area specific or city wide depending on
the level of the alert. Neighborhood alerts are
based on your address. You can change the way
you receive information at any time. For more
information, you can click here FAQ
9 Community Information Service Provider