Title: Presentation by South Africa to AWG2 Initial views on
1Presentation by South Africa to AWG2 Initial
views on how to determine further emission
limitation and reduction commitments
ANNEX I PARTIES UNDER THE KYOTO PROTOCOL - In-session workshop at the second session
- 7 November 2006
- Nairobi, Kenya
2Scenarios for stabilisation
- Annex I Parties asked to provide information
about scenarios for the stabilization of
atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases
and on the implications of these scenarios. - Recurring theme that annual emissions covered are
a small share of global emissions - Valid observation needs to be put into
perspectivecomparing relative contributions in
cumulative rather than annual emissions - In historical terms and looking forward
3Cumulative emissions matter
- The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is
determined more by cumulative rather than by
year-by-year emissions. - IPCC
- Third Assessment Report (TS p. 61)
4Annual Emission Data, 2002
- Annual CO2 emissions of developing and developed
countries - - developed countries emitted 14 058 Mt CO2 (59)
- - developing countries emitted 9 606 Mt CO2 (41)
Data source Climate Analysis Indicators Tool
(CAIT), WRI, Washington, DC, http//cait.wri.org
5Cumulative Emission Data, 1900-2000
Cumulative CO2 emissions - developed countries
emitted 741.3 Gt CO2 (77) - developing
countries emitted 220.6 Gt CO2 (23)
Data source CAIT
6Comparing annual emissions
7 to cumulative starting 1950
8Article 3.9
- Has very clear focus
- Commitments for subsequent periods for Parties
included in Annex I established by amendments to
Annex B - What are reasons why this is important?
- And what information might be needed?
9Threats of serious or irreversible damages
- The reason why we are here
- If there were lack of ambition ? adverse impacts
of climate change will affect all, but most
particularly LDCs - Millions of lives at risk in Africa
- Need more urgent action
- conclude the work of the AWG by 2008
10Secure carbon markets
- Carbon markets essential for cost-effective
climate action - Point Carbon 2006 report estimated transactions
- CDM 397 Mt CO2eq
- EU ETS 362 Mt CO2eq
- JI 28 Mt CO2eq
- How has CDM already assisted Annex B Parties in
achieving their goals for 1st commitment period - No gap to 2nd commitment period
11Funding for adaptation
- CDM share of proceeds flows to Adaptation Fund
- 2 of 1.9 billion of CERs transacted 38
million - More than contributions to the Special Climate
Change Fund (as of April 2006) - And yet still orders of magnitude smaller than
what is required
12How much do we need to know to take action?
- Precautionary approach should be applied to the
AWG process - Lack of full certainty on all issues not a reason
for postponing urgent action - Possible to draw on what we already know
- Gather other information within the time-frame
set by decision 1/CMP.1 - Without raising other issues that are not
necessary to come to a decision
13Updating Annex B
- SA welcomes tabling of specific numbers by some
Annex B Parties and regional economic integration
organizations - Would like to learn more about the information
used to determine quantified emission reductions
for subsequent periods - Encourage other Parties included in Annex I to do
the same, even where there may be uncertainty,
provide specific numbers
14Thank you