CIS303 Advanced Forensic Computing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CIS303 Advanced Forensic Computing


In this lecture, we are interested in filtering operations that are performed ... that there will always be corresponding points for a full excursion of w past f. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CIS303 Advanced Forensic Computing

CIS303Advanced Forensic Computing
  • Dr Giles Oatley

Image Segmentation
  • Neighbourhood operations allow us to create
    algorithms to detect edges, reduce noise, define
    regions in various ways, locate specific features
    and detect edges. All are vital activities
    employed in many algorithms devised for object
  • Sub topics
  • Neighbourhood operations (spatial filtering)
  • Convolution and correlation
  • Spatial Filtering
  • Edge detection (Sobel, Laplace Canny)

  • In this lecture, we are interested in filtering
    operations that are performed directly on the
    pixels of an image. Use of the term linear
    spatial filtering differentiates this type of
    process from frequency domain filtering.
  • These operations consist of multiplying each
    pixel in the neighbourhood by a corresponding
    coefficient and summing the results to obtain the
    response at each point (x,y) in the image.
  • If the neighbourhood is of size m x n, mn
    coefficients are used, where the coefficients are
    arranged as a matrix.
  • This matrix is called a filter, mask, filter
    mask, kernel, template or window (the first four
    are most popular).
  • The terms convolution filter/mask/kernel are also

A neighbourhood
  • The set of pixels that surround a target pixel
    form the neighbourhood of that pixel. There are
    no absolute and fast rules about the dimensions
    of a neighbourhood but it is customary to use an
    odd number of rows and columns to define a
    symmetrical neighbourhood.
  • Example a 5 x 5 neighbourhood.


How it works
  • Thus, in a neighbourhood operation, the value of
    the target pixel is a function of the values of
    all other pixels in the neighbourhood, including
    the target pixel.
  • The operation (whatever it happens to be more
    soon) is performed on every pixel in the image,
    by using a mask.

Linear spatial filtering
  • Note that at the edges, it is normal to pad f
    with as many 0s as necessary to ensure that there
    will always be corresponding points for a full
    excursion of w past f.
  • See function imfilter for details of padding

Using the mask in practice
  • The 3 x 3 neighbourhood is usually referred to as
    a) mask, b) structure element or c) as a
    convolution kernel.
  • To see how the mask is used in practice let us
    take a numerical example in 1 dimension.

Convolution and correlation
  • The masking operation just described is
    technically a correlation. The alternative is a
  • If the mask is symmetrical (m1 m3) which is the
    most common case the distinction is not important
    in practice. Theoretically the difference is very

Convolution and correlation in 2D
  • For an image f and convolution kernel h (2L1
    x 2L1) the definition of convolution is
  • and the definition of correlation is
  • Applying these equations in practice requires
    careful algorithm design for efficiency and
    consideration needs to be given as to the
    handling of edge pixels in the image.

  • The following mask will have the effect of
    replacing the central pixel by the central pixel
    plus the sum of its neighbourhood pixels.
  • Dividing the result by 9 gives the average
    intensity over the nine pixels. This is a useful
    technique for reducing noise in the image but it
    also results in a loss of sharpness in the image.
  • The process is equivalent to suppressing higher
    frequency components and is thus a form of low
    pass filtering
  • We will see later that by using the frequency
    domain far more efficient methods exist.

A simple MatLab filtering programme
  • Here we generate a simple filter using the ones
    function. The result is normalised by dividing by
  • function onesfilter(n)
  • To test simple filtering
  • A imread('church.jpg')
  • vary this
  • n12
  • SE ones(n)/n2
  • BW imfilter(A, SE)
  • imshow(BW)

Results on the church image
N 5
N 12
N 9
Noise reduction
(a) Shows a picture of a moth taken against a
cloth background which can clearly be seen in
the enlargement (b). Simple smoothing reduces the
background but looses definition (c)
Gaussian filtering
The 2D Gaussian function provides a powerful
filtering function. It is particularly attractive
as we shall see because the corresponding
function in the frequency domain is also Gaussian
The function is rotationally symmetric so there
is no bias in the filtering and more weight is
given to the central pixels.
Application of Gaussian filtering
To apply the Gaussian filter it is possible to
use the equation on the previous slide directly
but in practice it is much more efficient to
create a mask of the appropriate size. MatLab
provides the fspecial function for creating 2D
filters. One form of fspecial is h
fspecial('gaussian',hsize,sigma) hsize is the
dimension of the square mask and sigma the
standard deviation of the Gaussian. Examples
h fspecial('gaussian',5,2)
h fspecial('gaussian',3,1)
h 0.0232 0.0338 0.0383 0.0338
0.0232 0.0338 0.0492 0.0558 0.0492
0.0338 0.0383 0.0558 0.0632 0.0558
0.0383 0.0338 0.0492 0.0558 0.0492
0.0338 0.0232 0.0338 0.0383
0.0338 0.0232
h 0.0751 0.1238 0.0751 0.1238
0.2042 0.1238 0.0751 0.1238 0.0751
The Gaussian filter in practice
  • Repeating the example of removing the background
    from the moth image does not show a significant
    improvement with a Gaussian filter.
  • function Gaussfilter
  • To demonstrate a simple application of a
    Gaussian filter
  • T imread('moth9.jpg')
  • imshow(T)
  • title('Original image')
  • SE fspecial('gaussian',3,1)
  • FX imfilter(T,SE)
  • figure,imshow(FX)
  • title('mask 3 x 3 sigma 1')

The original image
A 3 x 3 filter with ? 1
  • Some improvement and not too much blurring

A 5 x 5 filter with ? 1
  • A further improvement and still acceptable

A 5 x 5 filter with ? 2
  • Background completely removed but excessive

Imfilter options (DIPUM)
Imfilter options example (DIPUM)
fspecial filters supported (DIPUM)
Filter examples (1 - DIPUM)
Filter example (2 - DIPUM)
Introduction to image segmentation
  • Segmentation subdivides an image into its
    constituent regions or objects.
  • The level to which the subdivision is carried
    depends on the problem being solved stop when
    the objects of interest have been isolated.
  • Segmentation of nontrivial images remains one
    of the most difficult tasks in image processing
    and segmentation accuracy determines the eventual
    success or failure of computer vision tasks.
  • Control may be exercised in two ways environment
    (e.g. lighting, position of objects of interest)
    sometimes possible in industrial applications,
    sensors (i.e. choice of imaging sensors/cameras).
  • Segmentation algorithms often partition an image
    based on abrupt changes in intensity e.g. edges.
    We will look at edge detection in monochrome
    images here.

Modelling the intensity gradient
We can approximate the intensity gradient in the
x and y directions as follows
Where f(I,J) is the input pixel at I,J etc. We do
not divide by the distance between the pixels
because this is only a scaling factor and
division is expensive on computer time. We get
some noise reduction if we apply the formulae to
a 3 x 3 neighbourhood.
Example using an artificial image
  • To demonstrate the use of this simple gradient
    edge detection scheme we can use the MatLab
    function imfilter
  • function EdgeDetector
  • To demonstrate some basic edge detection
    routines on a square image
  • T imread('Square.jpg')
  • subplot(3,1,1),imshow(T)
  • title('Original image')
  • XSE -1 0 1-1 0 1-1 0 1
  • YSE -1 -1 -10 0 01 1 1
  • FX imfilter(T,XSE,'conv')
  • subplot(3,1,2),imshow(FX)
  • title('X convolution')
  • FY imfilter(T,YSE,'conv')
  • subplot(3,1,3), imshow(FY)
  • title('Y convolution')

XSE and YSE are the masks and the filter is
applied as a convolution
Direction of calculation
In both the X and Y directions we have clearly
detected a falling edge but failed to detect a
rising edge. What is happening here ?
The results across the edge in more detail
The rising edge
The falling edge
The imfilter function truncates the output to
the allowed range of the image type. Thus
negative values are truncated to 0. This is why
we do not use imfilter directly for edge
Matlab edge function
  • The edge function is used to detect edges.
  • To find edges, this function looks for places in
    the image where the intensity changes rapidly,
    using one of these two criteria
  • Places where the first derivative of the
    intensity is larger in magnitude than some
  • Places where the second derivative of the
    intensity has a zero crossing. (More about this
  • edge takes an intensity image I as its input, and
    returns a binary image BW of the same size as I,
    with 1's where the function finds edges in I and
    0's elsewhere.
  • A threshold value of the intensity change
    determines whether or not an edge is detected.
    This can be given as a parameter to edge,
    otherwise it is calculated automatically.
  • BW edge(I,'sobel')
  • BW edge(I,'sobel',thresh)

The Prewitt edge detector
The pair of masks defined earlier form the basis
of the Prewitt edge detector.
However the gradients (gx gy) are computed
without truncation and then combined to give a
gradient magnitude and direction.
The correct expression for magnitude
Is not used because it is computationally too
Edge detection in practice
  • The MatLab edge function allows us to test a
    whole range of edge detectors with very simple
    code. As an example of a real image we will take
    Monkwearmouth Church
  • function ChurchEdge
  • To test the various edge detectors
  • A imread('church1.jpg')
  • tic
  • BW edge(A,'prewitt')
  • t toc
  • imshow(BW)

Prewitt edge detector applied to a real image
The Sobel edge detector
The Sobel edge detector is a variant on the
Prewitt in which more prominence is given to on
axis pixels.
This detector generally performs better than the
Prewitt and is easy to implement in hardware.
As previously mentioned, in MatLab edge detectors
can be used with parameters BW
edge(I,'sobel',thresh,direction) Edges weaker
than thresh are not displayed and direction can
be horizontal, vertical or both (the default)
The Sobel detector in practice
The Canny edge detector
Noise in an image can lead to errors in edge
detection usually a proliferation of weak
edges. For single step edges in the presence of
Gaussian noise the Canny Edge detector can be
shown to perform optimally.
? Is the standard deviation of the Gaussian
filter. The gradient detector could be any
suitable. Non maximal suppression reduces all
detected edges to one pixel wide. tmin to tmax
defines the intensity range of edges detected.
The weaker edges are only included if they are in
the 4 or 8 neighbourhood of a strong edge.
The Canny detector in practice
Second derivative edge detector
  • The second derivative seems to give the
    possibility of a more precise location of an edge
    by detecting the zero crossing point.

Using the Laplacian
The Laplacian operator provides a direction
insensitive second derivative edge detector.
Using the Taylor expansion we can derive 3 x 3
mask for this operator.
The Laplacian mask
This suggests for the Laplacian mask
The Laplacian is very rarely used by itself
because it is very sensitive to noise. Normally
it is used as part of the Laplacian of Gaussian
(LoG) filter. A Gaussian filter is used to reduce
noise then the Laplacian operator is used to
enhance edges and finally a zero crossing
detector is used to identify the edges.
LoG example
  • In this weeks laboratory, investigate the
  • Create M-files to demonstrate the Matlab code
    given on these slides.
  • Investigate the following Matlab commands (use
    the Matlab Help information) imfilter fspecial
    bwperim bwfill, edge.
  • Run the Matlab demo edgedemo
  • Write an M-file to measure the perimeter of
    apple, banana and orange in the images apple.jpg,
    banana.jpg and orange.jpg. Comment on how useful
    this measure would be when trying to identify
    whether an unknown fruit is an apple, orange or
  • Write another M-file to try and identify what
    fruit is in each image automatically, using any
    method you like (suggestion segment out the
    fruit, then examine its colour).
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