Title: Abstract Model of a List Obj'
1Chapter 9 Linked Lists
Abstract Model of a List Obj. Insertion into a
List Linked List (LL) nodes (2 slides) Node
Composition Inserting at the Front of a
LL Deleting from the Front of a LL Removing a
Target Node
Handling the Back of the List Designing a New
LL Structure Inserting a Node at a Position
(2 slides) Circular Doubly LLs (2
slides) Updating a Doubly LL Summary Slides (5
2Abstract Model of a List Object
3Insertion Into a List by Shifting Vector Storage
4Linked List Nodes
- Each Node is like a piece of a chain
- To insert a new link, break the chain at the
desired location and simply reconnect at both
ends of the new piece.
5Linked List Nodes
- Removal is like Insertion in reverse.
6Node Composition
- An individual Node is composed of two parts, a
Data field containing the data stored by the
node, and a Pointer field that marks the address
of the next Node in the list.
7Inserting at the Front of a Linked List
8Deleting From the Front of a Linked List
9Removing a Target Node
10- template lttypename Tgt
- void eraseValue(nodeltTgt front, const T
target) -
- // curr moves through list, trailed by prev
- nodeltTgt curr front, prev NULL
- // becomes true if we locate target
- bool foundItem false
- // scan until locate item or come to end of
list - while (curr ! NULL !foundItem)
- if (curr-gtnodeValue target) // have a
match -
- if (prev NULL) // remove the first
node - front front-gtnext
- else
- prev-gtnext curr-gtnext // erase
intermediate node - delete curr
11Handling the Back of the List
push() and pop() only involve elements in front
hence singly linked list is efficient
- For push() and pop() of queue containers we need
to access elements in front , as well as back. - For singly linked list we need to scan the entire
list to access the back element O(n) time
12Designing a New Linked List Structure
- Introduce a second pointer , called back, that
always points to the end of the list
Inserting at the back of a non-empty list
13Adding a node with the value item in the front of
an empty list
- nodeltTgt front, back, newnode
- Newnode new nodeltTgt(item)
- if (front!NULL)
- back-gtnextnewNode
- else
- front-gtnext newNode
- backnewNode
Adding a node with the value item in the front of
an empty list
nodeltTgt front, back, newnode newnode new
nodeltTgt(item, front) if (frontNULL) backnewN
ode frontnewNode
14Doubly Linked List
dnode object
A singly linked list is inefficient to implement
the list operations such as inserting and
deleting elements at a position. We create a new
node called dnode, which has two pointer fields,
which specify the addresses of both the previous
node and next node in the list. A sequence of
dnode objects creates a list called a doubly
linked list
15Inserting a Node at a Position
16Deleting a Node at a Position
17Circular Doubly Linked Lists
- A Watch Band provides a good Real Life analogue
for this Data Structure
18Circular Doubly Linked Lists
- Implemented on a Computer it might look something
like this.
19dnode Class
- template lttypename Tgt
- class dnode
- public
- // the members of a dnode object are used for
operations within a - // doubly linked list access is simplified by
making them public - T nodeValue // data value of the node
- dnodeltTgt prev // previous node in the list
- dnodeltTgt next // next node in the list
- // default constructor. creates object with
value T(), the - // default value of type T. set the node
pointers to point at - // the node itself
- dnode()
- next this // the next node is the current
node - prev this // the previous node is the
current node -
20Updating a Doubly Linked List
21dnode insert()
- template lttypename Tgt
- dnodeltTgt insert(dnodeltTgt curr, const T item)
- // declare pointer variables for the new node
and the previous node - dnodeltTgt newNode, prevNode
- // allocate new dnode with item as initial value
- newNode new dnodeltTgt(item)
- // assign prevNode the pointer value of node
before p - prevNode curr-gtprev
- // update pointer fields in newNode
- newNode-gtprev prevNode
- newNode-gtnext curr
- // update curr and prevNode to point at newNode
- prevNode-gtnext newNode
- curr-gtprev newNode
22dnode erase()
- template lttypename Tgt
- void erase(dnodeltTgt curr)
- // return if the list is empty
- if (curr-gtnext curr)
- return
- // declare pointers for the predecessor and
successor nodes - dnodeltTgt prevNode curr-gtprev, succNode
curr-gtnext - // update pointer fields for predecessor and
successor - prevNode-gtnext succNode
- succNode-gtprev prevNode
- // deallocate the memory used by the node
- delete curr
23Summary Slide 1
- singly linked lists - Each node contains a
value and a pointer to the next node in the
list. - The list begins with a pointer to the
first node of the list and terminates when a
node has a NULL pointer.
24Summary Slide 2
- Inserting/Deleting at the front of a singly
linked list 1) Insert - Set the pointer
in the new node to the previous value of
front. - update front to point at the new
node. 2) Erase - assign front the pointer
value of the first node, and then delete the
25Summary Slide 3
- Inserting/Erasing inside a singly linked
list - Maintain a pointer to the current
list node and a pointer to the previous
node. - Change the pointer value in the
previous node.
26Summary Slide 4
- Insert/Delete at the back of a singly
linked list - Maintain a pointer to the
last list node that has value NULL when the
list is empty. - Assign a back pointer the
address of the first node added to the
list. - To add other nodes at the
back 1) allocate a new node 2) assign the
pointer in node back to point to the new
node 3) assign the pointer back the
address of the new node.
27Summary Slide 5
- Doubly linked lists - provide the most
flexible implementation for the sequential
list. - Its nodes have pointers to the next
and the previous node, so the program can
traverse a list in either the forward or
backward direction. - Traverse a list by
starting at the first node and follow the
sequence of next nodes until you arrive back
at the header. - To traverse a list in reverse
order, start at the last node and follow the
sequence of previous nodes until arriving back
at the header.