Title: MultiNoC
MultiNoC Synthesis
MultiNoC Demo Application
- Application 1 Parallel edge detection
- Host computer sends an image line
- Each embedded processor computes one gradient (gx
and gy) - One embedded processor adds gx and gy and
notifies the host - Host receives processed line and sends a new line
- Application 2 Parallel Sort
- Bubble sort algorithm executed in parallel by
both processors on each vector half - Merge sort algorithm executed by only one
processor, generating the final result from the
two sorted halves.
- What is it?
- a programmable on-chip multiprocessing platform
using a network-on-chip (NoC) as communication
media - To whom is it addressed?
- industrial - applications requiring high
bandwidth and/or parallel processing - academic - undergraduate/graduate advanced
disciplines - Why use it?
- multiprocessed system in small FPGA
- demonstrates that parallel processing can be
easily prototyped in low cost FPGAs - NoCs are more scalable, more performant than
Chip Constrained Floorplan
Occupied Slices Number of 4 input
LUTs Number of Block RAMs
2,325 out of 2,352 98 3,699 out of 4,704 78
12 out of 14 85
MultiNoC System Flow Diagram
MultiNoC Architecture
R8 Simulator
- NUMA architecture
- each processor has its local memory and may
access other processor (remote) memories - wait/notify instructions to synchronize IPs
2NoC Network on a Chip
CONTACT Leandro Möller, Graduate Computer
Science Student Aline Mello, Graduate Computer
Science Student Everton Carara, Undergraduate
Computer Science Student Fernando Moraes,
Professor Ney Calazans, Professor moller,
alinev, carara, moraes, calazans_at_inf.pucrs.br SO
Möller, L Ost, L. Calazans, N.A Low Area
Overhead Packet-switched Network on Chip
Architecture and Prototyping.In IFIP VLSI SOC
2003, pp. 318-323. Moraes, F. Calazans, N.
Mello, A. Möller, L. Ost, L.HERMES an
Infrastructure for Low Area Overhead
Packet-switching Networks on Chip.Integration,
the VLSI Journal, IN PRESS, 2004. ADDRESS Faculd
ade de Informática - PUCRSAv. Ipiranga, 6681 -
Prédio 16 90619-900 - PORTO ALEGRE -
BRASIL Telefone 55 51 3320 3611FAX 55 51
3320 3621http//www.inf. pucrs.br/gaph Gr
upo de Apoio ao Projeto de Hardware Hardware
Design Support Group
MultiNoC IPs
- 2 x 2 mesh network
- wormhole packet switching
- no global address map - NUMA
- 8 different message formats read memory, write
memory, active processor, printf, scanf, scanf
return, printf return, notify - R8 embedded processor IP
- load-store 16-bit processor architecture
- 16x16 bit register file
- 36 distinct instructions
- 1K 16-bit words local memory for program and data
- Memory IP
- 1K 16-bit words, using 4 Block RAMs
- Serial IP
- RS-232 protocol
- provides bidirectional communication with a host
A Multiprocessing System Enabled by a Network on
Chip Xilinx Design Contest