Title: Functions in C
1Functions in C
- Top Down Design with Functions
2Top-down Design
- Big picture first
- broken down into smaller pieces
3Can you tell what this is doing?
- int main ()
- rad get_a_number()
- display_input (rad)
- pie_area find_area (rad)
- pie_cost calccost (pie_area)
- draw_pie (rad, pie_cost)
- return 0
4Why use functions?
- easier for programmers to work together
- put details off while looking at big picture
- easier to reuse code
- easier testing and debugging
5Function Syntax
- Prototypes
- before function call
- usually after using namespace std
- Calls
- value returning
- void
- Definitions
- placement optional
6Two Parts of Function Definition
- int Cube(int n) heading
- body
- return n n n
7What is in a heading?
type of value returned
parameter list
name of function
int Cube (int n)
A prototype looks like a heading but must end
with a semicolon. Its parameter list should
contain the types and names of each parameter
the names are optional but good to have! int
Cube(int value ) // Prototype
9Arguments / Parameters
- They are the interface between the function and
the "outside world" - have number, names, types
- Their number and types must match
- matching is done by position - first to first,
second to second, etc. - careful about using "input" and "output" in
referring to parameters - NOT from the keyboard
and to the screen!
- Every C program must have a function called
main - Program execution always begins with function
main - Any other functions are subprograms that must be
explicitly called
11Function Calls
- One function calls another by using the name of
the called function followed by()s that enclose
an argument list, which may be empty - A function call temporarily transfers control
from the calling function to the called function
12Function Semantics
- When a function is called
- Arguments and parameters matched (if any)
- Local variables and constants created
- space for return value allocated if not void
- Function code executed
- Return statement or end of code inside brace
causes locals to be destroyed and control to
return to calling statement - If a value is to be returned, it is sent back
13Functions with no return value
- Syntax
- void return type
- can use return statement or no return statement
at all - Semantics of execution
- called in a statement by itself
- executes function code with arguments
- returns to next statement after call
14Functions with a return value
- Syntax
- return type of some builtin type
- must use return x statement where x is some
value or variable of the given return type - Semantics of execution
- called as part of larger statement
- executes function code with arguments
- returns a value to the calling statement
15- include ltiostreamgt
- int Cube(int) // prototype
- using namespace std
- void main()
- int yourNumber
- int myNumber
- yourNumber 14
- myNumber 9
- cout ltlt My Number ltlt myNumber
- cout ltlt its cube is ltlt Cube(myNumber) ltlt
endl - cout ltlt Your Number ltlt yourNumber
- cout ltlt its cube is ltlt Cube(yourNumber)
- ltlt endl
- arguments
16Return Values
- In C, a value-returning function returns one
value of the type specified in its heading and
prototype (called the return type) - In contrast, a void-function does not return any
- Write a void function called DisplayMessage(),
which you can call from main(), to describe the
pollution index value it receives as a parameter - Your city describes a pollution index
- less than 35 as Pleasant,
- 35 through 60 as Unpleasant,
- and above 60 as Health Hazard
18- parameter
- void DisplayMessage(int index)
- if(index lt 35)
- cout ltlt Pleasant
- else if(index lt 60)
- cout ltlt Unpleasant
- else
- cout ltlt Health Hazard
19The Rest of the Program
- include ltiostreamgt
- void DisplayMessage(int polIndex) // Prototype
- using namespace std
- int main()
- int pollutionIndex
- cout ltlt Enter air pollution index
- cin gtgt pollutionIndex
- DisplayMessage( pollutionIndex ) // Call
- return 0
- argument
20Return Statement
- return // No value to return
- Is valid only in the body block of a void
function - Causes control to leave the function and
immediately return to the calling block, leaving
any subsequent statements in the function body
21Value-Returning Functions
- include ltiostreamgt
- int Square(int) // Prototypes
- int Cube(int)
- using namespace std
- int main()
- cout ltlt The square of 27 is
- ltlt Square(27) ltlt endl
- cout ltlt The cube of 27 is
- ltlt Cube(27) ltlt endl
- return 0
- function calls
22Rest of Program
- int Square(int n) // Header and body
- return n n
- int Cube(int n) // Header and body
- return n n n
23Parameter List
- A parameter list is the means used for a function
to share information with the block containing
the call to the function.
24Classified by Location
Always appear in a function call within the
calling block
Always appear in the function heading, or
function prototype
- "Where is this identifier known?"
- Parameters
- from header line of function to right closing
brace - Local variables
- from line of declaration inside function
definition to right closing brace - Global variables
- from line of declaration to end of FILE -
includes all functions following the declaration
26Scope continued
- Local variables
- created every time the function runs
- initializations done every time they are created
- destroyed when the function returns control
27Scope continued
- Parameters
- name is known from header line until end of
function body - NAME does NOT have to match argument NAME
- if passed by value, gets memory allocated and
copy of argument made - if passed by reference, gets matched with space
occupied by argument
28Scope continued
- Global variables
- declared outside of any function at all
- known from that point in file to end of FILE
- allocated space at start of execution of main
- destroyed when main function returns control
- may be "shadowed" by local variables with same
name, so the global can't be accessed
29Scope continued
- Why are global variables BAD?
- cause "side effects" - allow a function to do
something "behind your back" - what a function can affect / change should always
be documented in its header - make it harder to reuse code - can't just pick up
the code and copy it to another program - make it harder for people to work on teams
30"Everything global"
- Do NOT be tempted to "make everything global" -
it is a sure way to introduce bugs!!!! - If a function header were "void PrintLine (int
datavalue)" you would NOT expect it to change a
variable called "totaldata", would you?
31Interface Design
- parameters are either "in", "out" or "in/out"
- value if data just coming IN to function
- reference or the return value if going OUT
- reference if coming IN and going back OUT
32A Parameter or a Local Variable
- How to decide
- ask yourself "does this information need to COME
FROM some other function?" parameter - "does this information need to GO TO some other
function?" parameter or return value - "does ONLY this function need to know about this
data?" local
33Stubs and Drivers
- "Scaffolding"
- Stubs - top-down
- Drivers - bottom-up
34A Driver Program
- A driver program is a short main program whose
only purpose is to test another program - Write a driver for function GetRating()
- Why is a function used for a task?
- To cut down on the amount of detail in your main
program (encapsulation) - Can one function call another function?
- Yes
- Can a function even call itself?
- Yes, that is called recursion it is very
useful and requires special care in writing
36More Questions
- Does it make any difference what names you use
for parameters? - No just use them in function body
- Do parameter names and argument names have to be
the same? - No
37An Assertion
- An assertion is a truth-valued statement--one
that is either true or false (not necessarily in
C code) - Examples
- studentCount gt 0
- sum is assigned count gt 0
- response y or n
- 0.0 lt deptSales lt 25000.0
- beta beta _at_ entry 2
38Preconditions and Postconditions
- A precondition is an assertion describing
everything that the function requires to be true
at the moment the function is invoked - A postcondition describes the state at the moment
the function finishes executing, providing the
precondition is true - The caller is responsible for ensuring the
precondition, and the function code must ensure
the postcondition
For example . . .
39Function with Postconditions
- char GetRating( char letter)
- // Precondition None
- // Postcondition User has been prompted to enter
a letter - // letter one of these input values
E,G,A, or P -
- cout ltlt Enter employee rating. ltlt endl
- cout ltlt Use E, G, A, or P
- cin gtgt letter
- while((letter ! E) (letter ! G)
(letter ! A) (letter ! P)) -
- cout ltlt Rating invalid. Enter again
- cin gtgt letter
- return letter
40Documentation of Function
- Short comment at prototype
- Header comment longer
- purpose of function, using the names of all
parameters and the return value if any - comment code in body as usual
- pre and post conditions
- Sometimes put comment at closing brace that just
has function name in it, makes it easier to match
braces for the body