Electricity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An understanding of electricity requires a step-by-step approach, for one ... The flow is restrained by the resistance it encounters. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electricity

  • Electrostatics, or electricity at rest, involves
    electric charges, the forces between them, and
    their behavior in materials.
  • An understanding of electricity requires a
    step-by-step approach, for one concept is the
    building block for the next.

  • The enormous attractive and repulsive electrical
    forces between the charges in Earth and the
    charges in your body balance out, leaving the
    relatively weaker force of gravity, which only

The Atom
  • Electrical forces arise from particles in atoms.
  • The protons in the nucleus attract the electrons
    and hold them in orbit. Electrons are attracted
    to protons, but electrons repel other electrons.
  • The fundamental electrical property to which the
    mutual attractions or repulsions between
    electrons or protons is attributed is called
  • By convention, electrons are negatively charged
    and protons positively charged.
  • Neutrons have no charge, and are neither
    attracted nor repelled by charged particles.

  • Every atom has a positively charged nucleus
    surrounded by negatively charged electrons.
  • All electrons are identical.
  • The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons.
  • All protons are identical
  • all neutrons are identical.
  • Atoms usually have as many electrons as protons,
    so the atom has zero net charge.

  • The fundamental rule of all electrical phenomena
    is that like charges repel and opposite charges

Electrically Charged Objects
  • Matter is made of atoms, and atoms are made of
    electrons and protons.
  • An object that has equal numbers of electrons and
    protons has no net electric charge.
  • But if there is an imbalance in the numbers, the
    object is then electrically charged.
  • An imbalance comes about by adding or removing

Conductors and Insulators
  • Materials through which electric charge can flow
    are called conductors.
  • Metals are good conductors for the motion of
    electric charges because their electrons are
  • Electrons in other materialsrubber and glass,
    for exampleare tightly bound and remain with
    particular atoms.
  • They are not free to wander about to other atoms
    in the material.
  • These materials, known as insulators, are poor
    conductors of electricity.

Charging by Friction and Contact
  • We can stroke a cats fur and hear the crackle of
    sparks that are produced.
  • We can comb our hair in front of a mirror in a
    dark room and see as well as hear the sparks of
  • We can scuff our shoes across a rug and feel the
    tingle as we reach for the doorknob.
  • Electrons are being transferred by friction when
    one material rubs against another.

  • If you slide across a seat in an automobile, you
    are in danger of being charged by friction.

  • Electrons can also be transferred from one
    material to another by simply touching.
  • When a charged rod is placed in contact with a
    neutral object, some charge will transfer to the
    neutral object.
  • This method of charging is called charging by
  • If the object is a good conductor, the charge
    will spread to all parts of its surface because
    the like charges repel each other

Charging by Induction
  • When a negatively charged rod is held near one
    sphere, electrons in the metal are repelled by
    the rod.
  • Excess negative charge has moved to the other
    sphere, leaving the first sphere with an excess
    positive charge.
  • The charge on the spheres has been redistributed,
    or induced.

  • Charging by induction occurs during
  • The negatively charged bottoms of clouds induce a
    positive charge on the surface of Earth below.
  • Most lightning is an electrical discharge between
    oppositely charged parts of clouds.
  • The kind of lightning we are most familiar with
    is the electrical discharge between clouds and
    oppositely charged ground below

Charge Polarization
  • Charging by induction is not restricted to
    conductors. Charge polarization can occur in
    insulators that are near a charged object.
  • When a charged rod is brought near an insulator,
    there are no free electrons to migrate throughout
    the insulating material.
  • Instead, there is a rearrangement of the
    positions of charges within the atoms and
    molecules themselves

Examples of Charge Polarization
  • Polarization explains why electrically neutral
    bits of paper are attracted to a charged object,
    such as a charged comb.
  • Molecules are polarized in the paper, with the
    oppositely charged sides of molecules closest to
    the charged object

  • Rub an inflated balloon on your hair and it
    becomes charged.
  • Place the balloon against the wall and it sticks.
  • The charge on the balloon induces an opposite
    surface charge on the wall.
  • The charge on the balloon is slightly closer to
    the opposite induced charge than to the charge of
    the same sign

  • Electric current is related to the voltage that
    produces it, and the resistance that opposes it.
  • Current is the flow of electric charge
  • Electric charge is carried by the electrons
    through a circuit in a solid conductor (Copper

  • Voltage produces a flow of charge, or current,
    within a conductor.
  • The flow is restrained by the resistance it
  • The rate at which energy is transferred by
    electric current is power.
  • When the ends of an electric conductor are at
    different electric potentials, charge flows from
    one end to the other

  • Charge flows when there is a potential
    difference, or difference in potential (voltage),
    between the ends of a conductor.
  • The flow continues until both ends reach the same
  • When there is no potential difference, there is
    no longer a flow of charge through the conductor.
  • To attain a sustained flow of charge in a
    conductor, one end must remain at a higher
    potential than the other.

Measuring Current
  • Electric current is measured in amperes, symbol
  • An ampere is the flow of 1 coulomb of charge per
  • When the flow of charge past any cross section is
    1 coulomb (6.24 billion billion electrons) per
    second, the current is 1 ampere.

Voltage Sources
  • Voltage sources such as batteries and generators
    supply energy that allows charges to move
  • Charges do not flow unless there is a potential
  • Something that provides a potential difference is
    known as a voltage source.
  • Batteries and generators are capable of
    maintaining a continuous flow of electrons

  • In a battery, a chemical reaction releases
    electrical energy.
  • Generatorssuch as the alternators in
    automobilesconvert mechanical energy to
    electrical energy.
  • The electrical potential energy produced is
    available at the terminals of the battery or

  • Power utilities use electric generators to
    provide the 120 volts delivered to home outlets.
  • The alternating potential difference between the
    two holes in the outlet averages 120 volts.
  • When the prongs of a plug are inserted into the
    outlet, an average electric pressure of 120
    volts is placed across the circuit.
  • This means that 120 joules of energy is supplied
    to each coulomb of charge that is made to flow in
    the circuit.

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Electrical Resistor Resistance
  • A device that converts electrical energy into
    some other from of energy ? light, heat, sound
  • The amount of charge that flows in a circuit
    depends on the voltage provided by the voltage
  • The current also depends on the resistance that
    the conductor offers to the flow of chargethe
    electric resistance.
  • The resistance of a wire depends on the
    conductivity of the material used in the wire
    (that is, how well it conducts) and also on the
    thickness and length of the wire.

  • Thick wires have less resistance than thin wires.
  • Longer wires have more resistance than short
  • Electric resistance also depends on temperature.
    For most conductors, increased temperature means
    increased resistance.
  • The resistance of some materials becomes zero at
    very low temperatures, a phenomenon known as
  • In a superconductor, the electrons flow

Ohms Law
  • For a given circuit of constant resistance,
    current and voltage are proportional.
  • Twice the current flows through a circuit for
    twice the voltage across the circuit. The greater
    the voltage, the greater the current.
  • If the resistance is doubled for a circuit, the
    current will be half what it would be otherwise.

  • The resistance of a typical lamp cord is much
    less than 1 ohm, while a typical light bulb has a
    resistance of about 100 ohms.
  • An iron or electric toaster has a resistance of
    15 to 20 ohms.
  • The low resistance permits a large current, which
    produces considerable heat.
  • Current inside electric devices is regulated by
    circuit elements called resistors

  • Light bulbs, an iron, a toaster are all examples
    of resistors.
  • The current inside electric devices such as an
    Ipod or TV are regulated by resistors

Ohms Law and Electric Shock
  • From Ohms law, we can see that current depends
    on the voltage applied, and also on the electric
    resistance of the human body.

  • The damaging effects of electric shock are the
    result of current passing through the body
  • Your bodys resistance ranges from about 100 ohms
    if soaked with salt water to about 500,000 ohms
    if your skin is very dry.
  • Touch the electrodes of a battery with dry
    fingers and your resistance to the flow of charge
    would be about 100,000 ohms.
  • You would not feel 12 volts, and 24 volts would
    just barely tingle.
  • With moist skin, however, 24 volts could be quite

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  • Many people are killed each year by current from
    common 120-volt electric circuits.
  • Touch a faulty 120-volt light fixture while
    standing on the ground and there is a 120-volt
    pressure between you and the ground.
  • The soles of your shoes normally provide a very
    large resistance, so the current would probably
    not be enough to do serious harm.
  • If you are standing barefoot in a wet bathtub,
    the resistance between you and the ground is very
  • Your overall resistance is so low that the
    120-volt potential difference may produce a
    harmful current through your body.

  • Drops of water that collect around the on/off
    switches of devices such as a hair dryer can
    conduct current to the user.
  • Handling a wet hair dryer can be like sticking
    your fingers into a live socket
  • One effect of electric shock is to overheat
    tissues in the body or to disrupt normal nerve
  • It can upset the nerve center that controls

High Voltage Wires
  • You probably have seen birds perched on
    high-voltage wires.
  • Every part of the birds body is at the same high
    potential as the wire, and it feels no ill
  • For the bird to receive a shock, there must be a
    difference in potential between one part of its
    body and another part.
  • Most of the current will then pass along the path
    of least electric resistance connecting these two

Ground Wires
  • Mild shocks occur when the surfaces of appliances
    are at an electric potential different from other
    nearby devices.
  • If you touch surfaces of different potentials,
    you become a pathway for current.
  • To prevent this, electric appliances are
    connected to a ground wire, through the round
    third prong of a three-wire electric plug.

  • All ground wires in all plugs are connected
    together through the wiring system of the house.
  • The two flat prongs are for the current-carrying
    double wire.
  • If the live wire accidentally comes in contact
    with the metal surface of an appliance, the
    current will be directed to ground rather than
    shocking you if you handle it.

AC/DC Current
  • Electric current may be AC or DC current
  • DC means direct current where charge flows in one
    direction ? battery is DC
  • Electrons always move in the same direction from
    the (-) pole toward the () pole

  • Alternating current (AC), as the name implies, is
    electric current that repeatedly reverses
  • Electrons in the circuit move first in one
    direction and then in the opposite direction.
  • They alternate back and forth about relatively
    fixed positions.
  • This is accomplished by alternating the polarity
    of voltage at the generator or other voltage

Voltage Standards
  • Voltage of AC in North America is normally 120
  • In the early days of electricity, higher voltages
    burned out the filaments of electric light bulbs.
  • Power plants in the United States prior to 1900
    adopted 110 volts (or 115 or 120 volts) as

  • By the time electricity became popular in Europe,
    light bulbs were available that would not burn
    out so fast at higher voltages.
  • Power transmission is more efficient at higher
    voltages, so Europe adopted 220 volts as their
  • The United States stayed with 110 volts (today,
    officially 120 volts) because of the installed
    base of 110-volt equipment.

  • Although lamps in an American home operate on
    110120 volts, electric stoves and other
    appliances operate on 220240 volts.
  • Most electric service in the United States is
  • one wire at 120 volts positive
  • one wire at zero volts (neutral)
  • one wire at a negative 120 volts
  • The popularity of AC arises from the fact that
    electrical energy in the form of AC can be
    transmitted great distances.
  • Easy voltage step-ups result in lower heat losses
    in the wires.
  • The primary use of electric current, whether DC
    or AC, is to transfer energy from one place to

Converting AC to DC
  • The current in your home is AC. The current in a
    battery-operated device, such as a laptop
    computer or cell phone, is DC.
  • With an AC-DC converter, you can operate a
    battery-run device on AC instead of batteries
  • A converter uses a transformer to lower the
    voltage and a diode, an electronic device that
    allows electron flow in only one direction
  • To maintain continuous current while smoothing
    the bumps, a capacitor is used.

  • When input to a diode is AC,
  • output is pulsating DC.
  • Charging and discharging of a capacitor provides
    continuous and smoother current.
  • In practice, a pair of diodes is used so there
    are no gaps in current output.

The Electrons in a Circuit
  • When you flip on the light switch on your wall
    and the circuit is completed, the light bulb
    appears to glow immediately.
  • Energy is transported through the connecting
    wires at nearly the speed of light.
  • The electrons that make up the current, however,
    do not move at this high speed.
  • The source of electrons in a circuit is the
    conducting circuit material itself.

  • When you plug a lamp into an AC outlet, energy
    flows from the outlet into the lamp, not
  • Most of this electrical energy appears as heat,
    while some of it takes the form of light.
  • Power utilities do not sell electrons. They sell
    energy. You supply the electrons.

  • When you are jolted by an AC electric shock, the
    electrons making up the current in your body
    originate in your body.
  • Electrons do not come out of the wire and through
    your body and into the ground energy does.
  • The energy simply causes free electrons in your
    body to vibrate in unison.
  • Small vibrations tingle large vibrations can be

Electrical Power
  • Unless it is in a superconductor, a charge moving
    in a circuit expends energy.
  • This may result in heating the circuit or in
    turning a motor.
  • Electric power is the rate at which electrical
    energy is converted into another form such as
    mechanical energy, heat, or light.
  • Electric power is equal to the product of current
    and voltage.
  • electric power current voltage
  • 1 watt (1 ampere) (1 volt)

  • The power and voltage on the light bulb read 60
    W 120 V.
  • A kilowatt is 1000 watts, and a kilowatt-hour
    represents the amount of energy consumed in 1
    hour at the rate of 1 kilowatt.
  • Where electrical energy costs 10 cents per
    kilowatt-hour, a 100-watt light bulb burns for 10
    hours for 10 cents.
  • A toaster or iron, which draws more current and
    therefore more power, costs several times as much
    to operate for the same time.

Electric Meters and Bills
  • An electric meter or energy meter is a device
    that measures the amount of electrical energy
    supplied to or produced by a residence, business
    or machine.

Each of the five dials represent one digit of the
present reading.   As you can see, the dials move
both clockwise and counter clockwise.
Reading your Electric Meter
  • When the hand of one of the dials is between
    numbers, always take the smaller number

  • When the power company representative reads your
    meter, they do NOT set it back to zero.
  • The dials keep turning until the next time the
    meter is read. 
  • By subtracting two consecutive readings, the
    amount of kilowatt hours is determined for the
  • By subtracting yesterday's reading from today's
    reading, you can get a feel for how much energy
    (kilowatt hours) you use each day

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Reading your Electric Bill
Monthly Basic Service Charge of 8.05 Plus An
Energy Charge of    Summer (June 1 through
September 30)        8.66 / kWh for all
kWh    Winter (October 1 through May 31)       
7.93 / kWh for the first 100 kWh        6.77
/ kWh for the next 900 kWh        4.24 / kWh
for all additional kWh A Minimum Monthly Bill of
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Electric Circuit
  • In a flashlight, when the switch is turned on to
    complete an electric circuit, the mobile
    conduction electrons already in the wires and the
    filament begin to drift through the circuit.
  • A flashlight consists of a reflector cap, a light
    bulb, batteries, and a barrel-shaped housing with
    a switch.

  • Electrons flow
  • from the negative part of the battery through the
  • to the side (or bottom) of the bulb
  • through the filament inside the bulb
  • out the bottom (or side)
  • through the wire to the positive part of the
  • The current then passes through the battery to
    complete the circuit.

  • Unsuccessful ways to light a bulb.
  • Successful ways to light a bulb.

  • Any path along which electrons can flow is a
  • A gap is usually provided by an electric switch
    that can be opened or closed to either cut off or
    allow electron flow.
  • Most circuits have more than one device that
    receives electrical energy.
  • These devices are commonly connected in a circuit
    in one of two ways, series or parallel.
  • When connected in series, the devices in a
    circuit form a single pathway for electron flow.
  • When connected in parallel, the devices in a
    circuit form branches, each of which is a
    separate path for electron flow.

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Series Circuits
  • If three lamps are connected in series with a
    battery, they form a series circuit. Charge flows
    through each in turn.
  • When the switch is closed, a current exists
    almost immediately in all three lamps.
  • In this simple series circuit, a 9-volt battery
    provides 3 volts across each lamp.

  • The main disadvantage of a series circuit is that
    when one device fails, the current in the whole
    circuit stops.
  • Some cheap light strings are connected in series.
    When one lamp burns out, you have to replace it
    or no lights work.

Parallel Circuits
  • In contrast to a series circuit, the parallel
    circuit is completed whether all, two, or only
    one lamp is lit.
  • A break in any one path does not interrupt the
    flow of charge in the other paths.

Schematic Diagrams
  • Electric circuits are frequently described by
    simple diagrams, called schematic diagrams.
  • Resistance is shown by a zigzag line, and ideal
    resistance-free wires are shown with solid
    straight lines.
  • A battery is shown by a set of short and long
    parallel lines, the positive terminal with a long
    line and the negative terminal with a short line.

  • These schematic diagrams represent
  • a circuit with three lamps in series, and
  • a circuit with three lamps in parallel.

Overloading Parallel Circuits
  • Electric current is fed into a home by two wires
    called lines. About 110 to 120 volts are
    impressed on these lines at the power utility.
  • These lines are very low in resistance and are
    connected to wall outlets in each room.
  • The voltage is applied to appliances and other
    devices that are connected in parallel by plugs
    to these lines.

  • As more devices are connected to the lines, more
    pathways are provided for current.
  • The additional pathways lower the combined
    resistance of the circuit. Therefore, a greater
    amount of current occurs in the lines.
  • Lines that carry more than a safe amount of
    current are said to be overloaded, and may heat
    sufficiently to melt the insulation and start a
  • To prevent overloading in circuits, fuses or
    circuit breakers are connected in series along
    the supply line

  • The entire line current must pass through the
  • If the fuse is rated at 20 amperes, it will pass
    up to 20 amperes.
  • A current above 20 amperes will melt the fuse
    ribbon, which blows out and breaks the circuit.

  • Before a blown fuse is replaced, the cause of
    overloading should be determined and remedied.
  • Insulation that separates the wires in a circuit
    can wear away and allow the wires to touch.
  • This effectively shortens the path of the
    circuit, and is called a short circuit.
  • A short circuit draws a dangerously large current
    because it bypasses the normal circuit resistance.

  • Circuits may also be protected by circuit
    breakers, which use magnets or bimetallic strips
    to open the switch.
  • Utility companies use circuit breakers to protect
    their lines all the way back to the generators.
  • Circuit breakers are used in modern buildings
    because they do not have to be replaced each time
    the circuit is opened.
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