Title: Strengthening Community Participation in Chinas AIDS Response among MSM
1Strengthening Community Participation in Chinas
AIDS Response among MSM
- XVII International AIDS Conference
- Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008
- Edmund Settle
- HIV Programme Specialist
- United Nations Development Programme
2UN Technical Working Group on MSM and
HIVIncrease community based organizations
participation in support of Chinas national
efforts to reduce HIV among MSM
- Improve communication and co-ordination between
MSM CBOs and between MSM CBOs and government,
PLHIV, INGOs and donors - Build government capacities to involve MSM CBOs
in policy-making and public service delivery - Develop the capacities of MSM community
organizations and individuals to increase the
coverage, sustainability and impact of community
based interventions and advocacy efforts - Identify opportunities and increase involvement
of Chinese MSM in global and regional advocacy
initiatives - Promote leadership among MSM CBOs and individuals
3Government Response to HIV among MSM
- 1989 First reported domestic case of HIV
transmission identified through homosexual
behavior (three evils) - 2005 Identified MSM as a key population at
higher risk in the Joint Assessment on AIDS in
China (MOH UN) - 2006 Participated in national consultation
sessions leading up to Risk and Responsibilities
Conference and R/R Conference - 2006 Convened government-led national meeting
on MSM and HIV launched national MSM experts
group - 2006 PR for Global Fund 6 MSM major focus
- 2007 Released National Framework on MSM and HIV
- 2008 Launched national programme to reduce and
prevent HIV among MSM
4Existing HIV prevalence data - MSM
- 2007 - MSM account for 12.5 percent of estimated
HIV cases in 2007, up from 2.5 percent in 2005 - 2003 2007 prevalence rate increased from 0.6
to 10.6 (single urban area)
5UN Technical Working Group on MSM and HIV
Activities (2006 2007)
- Initially held bi-monthly information sharing
meetings on topics identified by group members - Lead in-country national consultation process to
identify major issues relating to MSM and HIV in
China related to Risk and Responsibilities
(UNAIDS) - Convened national meeting on MSM/CBOs role in
increasing access to VCT services (WHO) - Supported the development of the National
Framework on MSM and HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS, WHO)
6UN Technical Working Group on MSM and HIV
Activities (2008)
- Held donor and INGO meeting to identify common
areas of support for MSM CBOs - Supported MSM CBO to convene national meeting on
engaging owners of gay entertainment
establishments (GEE) (ILO) - Supported community-led development and
consultation process on National MSM Community
Strategy on AIDS included MSM CBOs, MSM PLHIV
and GEE - Convened MSM Community Consultation and Action
Plan Workshop - Hold national dialogue on the role of rapid
testing and community based counseling in
increasing access to VCT/STD services for MSM
(WHO) this Fall
7National MSM Community Strategy Development
Workshop (Nanjing)Increased coverage,
sustainability, impact and effective monitoring
- Community facilitated
- Local partnerships (local MSM CBOs, local health
departments) identified and defined - Prevention/awareness VCT Support/care Advocacy
and Addressing capacity needs - outcomes
identified - Potential mechanism to facilitate funding to CBOs
through national and local partners established - National community network on MSM dialogue
8UN Technical Working Group on MSM and HIV
Promoting Leadership
- Supported MSM CBOs to develop, convene and
facilitate consultations/meetings to produce
community endorsed, advocacy documents and
potential joint community programme proposals
(UNAIDS, WHO, ILO) - Facilitated some 20 representatives from MSM
CBOs, 2 government health officials and 1
academic to attend and participate in the R/R
conference (UNAIDS) - Supported development of APCOM, Chinas MSM CBO
representative and government sector
participation (UNAIDS) - Supported MSM community based organization
representative to participate in regional
advocacy training and attend UNGASS 2008 (UNAIDS) - Facilitated three Chinese MSM representatives to
attend regional consultation of MSM outreach
worker manual, and contracted to MSM CBO to adapt
and translate (UNESCO)
9Progress in Community Participation
- Multiple provincial MSM working groups formed
- MSM participation in policy development,
programme design and implementation, and
monitoring increased - MSM community involvement in regional and global
MSM initiatives increased - National Community Network dialogue initiated
- Advocacy documents highlighting the roles and
responsibilities of MSM CBOs in Chinas AIDS
response produced
10Trends Among Community Groups
- Dual roles as advocates (right holders) and
service delivery providers (duty bearers) - Target groups gt Community response
- Volunteer groups gt Partners in the response
- Tokenism gt Community experts
- Activity based funding gt Output based funding
- Intense competition gt Partnership building
11Working through partnerships
- Capacities and mandates of UN agencies
- International NGOs and donors
- Government and GoNGOs
- Community based organizations