Manufacturing Systems Modeling, Analysis and Design IME 452 IME 545 Chapter 3, Sections 3'1, 3'2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Manufacturing Systems Modeling, Analysis and Design IME 452 IME 545 Chapter 3, Sections 3'1, 3'2


Buffer Empty = Station B Starved. If Both Stations Failed or Operational, ... Time spent waiting for repair is when buffers get filled or emptied. Rule of Thumb ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Manufacturing Systems Modeling, Analysis and Design IME 452 IME 545 Chapter 3, Sections 3'1, 3'2

Manufacturing SystemsModeling, Analysis and
DesignIME 452 / IME 545Chapter 3, Sections
3.1, 3.2
Amy Thompson Instructor
Transfer Lines and General Serial Type Systems
  • Transfer Line a paced, serial system subject to
  • Used for their high rates of throughput for
    single, static products
  • Breakdown could be due to machine failure or
    transport failure of system or unavailable
  • Usually have common material handling and control
    system, so usually capital intensive and
    availability and effectiveness are crucial design

Size of Line
  • As the number of stations along a line increases,
    the probability of all stations functioning
    decreases. (Given that each station is not 100
  • Buffers, though expensive to install and
    maintain, insulate stations from failures
    elsewhere in the line.
  • For system design, want to determine
    effectiveness of a line given buffer capacities,
    failures, and repair rates

Station Failures
  • Buffered Station Operational States
  • Station Failure
  • Total Line Failure
  • Station Blocked
  • Station Starved
  • Operational (cycle) Dependent Failures (_at_80)
    occur only while the system is running, measured
    in number of cycles between failures
  • Time Dependent Failures measured in time units
    between failures

Some Typical Statistical Distributions Used in
  • Exponential
  • Weibull
  • Binomial
  • Lognormal

Probabilistic System Reliability
  • Serial Components
  • Parallel Components
  • A Simple Common Cause Model
  • Hybrid System
  • Bridge Circuit

System Maintainability and Supportability
  • Maintenance
  • Breakdown, Preventative, Productive, Total
    Productive Maintenance
  • Availability (a measure of uptime)

Overall Equipment Effectiveness
  • Process rate ( a measure of the ability to
    operate at a standard speed)
  • Quality rate (a measure of the ability to produce
    to a standard product quality)
  • Equipment effectiveness (an overall measure of
    the system effectiveness)

Throughput and Productivity
  • Throughput the average rate at which product
    comes off the line
  • Effectiveness or Productivity a measure of
    performance of a line configuration defined
  • E() operator is expected value
  • Downtime period during which product doesnt
    leave the line

Productivity Evaluation
  • Methods
  • Discrete Event Simulation
  • Analysis
  • What we will cover
  • Configuration and Productivity
  • Paced Serial lines w/o buffers
  • Two-stage paced lines w/buffers
  • Unpaced Serial lines

Configuration, Reliability and Productivity
Availability of all the machines is R
Calculating System Productivity
  • mi Production rate at state i

Configuration Throughput Distribution
  • Parallel systems have significantly higher
    expected throughput than serial systems (given
    the same machine availability).

Productivity of Pure Serial and Pure Parallel
Normalizing the production rate to one, and
assuming the availability of each machine in the
system is the same, the productivity is
Paced Serial Lines w/o Buffers
  • Operation Dependent Failures
  • Assumptions
  • Geometric distribution of failures
  • Mean cycles to failure (MCTF) is and
    is the failure rate
  • The average time to repair any station is 1/b
  • All uptime and downtime variables are independent
  • Idle stations do not fail
  • Failures occur at the end of a cycle, dont
    destroy product.
  • At most one station can fail on any cycle

Paced Serial Lines w/o Buffers
  • Let
  • representing the probability that no machine
  • Then with some manipulation, an m station line
    behaves like a one station line with parameter ß

Paced Serial Lines w/o Buffers
  • Can approximate ?, and calculate productivity
  • Time Dependent Failures exponential
    distributions, failure rate ?, repair rate b,

Paced Serial Line Example
  • Op dependent
  • ??.
  • Exact
  • Error 0.86

Average Repair time 2 cycles
Paced Serial Line Example
mean time to failure
33 1/3
  • Time dependent productivity

Average Repair Time 2 minutes
Difference from Operation Dependent 2.5
Time-Dependent vs.Operation-Dependent Models
  • Time not suspended for time-dependent failures,
    so time-dependent models have a lower

Assignment, Problem 1
  • Operation Dependent Failure Model
  • Create a 2 station series transfer line in Pro
  • Make both stations processing times equal to
    some arbitrary value of C (cycle time), and use
    no move times.
  • Use one repair person as a resource to perform
  • The first station fails every 10 cycles and the
    second station every 15 cycles. Repair time is 2
    cycles for both stations.
  • Do not allow stations to fail on the same cycle
    (dont allow station 2 to fail while station 1
    has failed.) Assume a repair on station 1 and
    station 2 cant occur at the same time.
  • Determine the line availability.
  • Add a second repair person and allow simultaneous
    failures. What is the new line availability? How
    does adding a second repair person and allowing
    simultaneous failures effect the calculation of
    the expected availability?

Assignment, Problem 2
  • Time Dependent Failure Model
  • Create a 2 station series transfer line in Pro
  • Make both stations processing times equal to
    some arbitrary value of C (cycle time), and use
    no move times.
  • Use one repair person as a resource to perform
  • The first station fails every 10 cycles according
    to time and the second station every 15 cycles
    according to time. The station can not fail again
    until it is repaired. (Time to failure measured
    since station was last repaired.) Repair time is
    2 cycles according to time for both stations.
  • Assume a repair on station 1 and station 2 cant
    occur at the same time.
  • Determine the line availability.
  • How does this line availability compare with that
    of the operation-dependent model?

Manufacturing SystemsModeling, Analysis and
DesignIME 452 / IME 545Chapter 3, Sections 3.3
Amy Thompson Instructor
Parallel-Serial Production Lines
No Crossover
Parallel-Serial Production Lines
Parallel-Serial Production Line Example
Width m3 (parallel lines), Length n2
Let mttf 270 minutes, mttr 30 minutes The
availability R
No Crossover
Parallel-Serial Production Line with Crossover
Productivity Comparison Parallel-Serial
LineMachine Reliability 0.9
Productivity Ratio Comparison Parallel-Serial
LineMachine Reliability 0.9
Parallel-Serial Observations
  • Synergistic Improvements to Productivity
  • Lower Variability to Throughput
  • Additional Parallel Lines produce Diminishing
  • More Value at Lower Machine Availability
  • Productivity/ Capital Cost Trade-off vs. Buffers

Two-stage paced lines w/buffer with
operation-dependent failures
  • Describe model with a Markov Chain
  • States of the Markov Chain are (S1,S2, z) where
    S(i) is the station status for station i
  • Book uses W for operational and R for needs
    repair. Other nomenclature uses A and B for
    operational machines, respectively, and A and B
    for machines needing repair, respectively.
  • Whether buffers are full are empty effect whether
    machines become idle.

The Buffer-Machine Interaction
  • Basic Building Block
  • Assumptions
  • View System at Start of Cycle
  • Failure and Repairs occur at end of cycle
  • Part is delivered downstream at end of cycle
    before failure or repair
  • If a station starts a cycle under repair, it will
    not deliver a part downstream and its end.
  • If station is operational at start, will send a
    part downstream, unless station is starved.
  • Z is the buffer capacity, x is the buffer level
  • Buffer full Station A Blocked
  • Buffer Empty Station B Starved
  • If Both Stations Failed or Operational, Buffer
    size unaffected
  • Both machines never fail at the same time

The Buffer-Machine Interaction
  • State Diagram (Internal Conditions) See Table 3.1
    for transition states

B fails to repair
A repaired
A fails to repair
A,B Functional
B fails Buffer Full
A,B A Idle
A,B B Idle
A fails Buffer Empty
A,B Xx
B repaired
Buffer Empty
Buffer Empty
B fails to repair
A fails
A fails to repair
A,B Xx1
B fails
A repaired
A,B Xx-1
B repaired
A fails
AB fail to repair
A,B Xx
A repairs
B repairs
B fails
Two-stage paced lines w/buffer with
operation-dependent failures
  • Let S be the set of states of the system. Define
    the steady-state balance equations by applying
    the Chapman-Kolmogorov result
  • P(s) is the probability of being in state s and
    p(u,v) is the transition probability for ending
    in state v given that we began the cycle in state
  • We group the rows of Table 3.1 with similar
    resultant states to obtain steady-state equations.

Two-stage paced lines w/buffer with
operation-dependent failures
  • Example state AB0 or (WW0)
  • 3 possible ways to have reached this state, what
    are they?
  • RW1
  • WR0
  • WW0
  • All equations are shown on p. 75

Two-stage paced lines w/buffer with
operation-dependent failures
  • Using steady-state probability theory and the
    fact that states are mutually exclusive and
    exhaustive, these sets of equations can be
    reduced to the following Productivity
    equation(eq. 3-9)
  • Closed Form Solution for non-simultaneous station
    failures (see eq. 3-10) by Buzacott.
  • Limit theory on increasing buffer size as a
    buffer capacity is increased, asymptotic
    effectiveness approaches the capacity of the
    least effective station.

Deterministic Failure Repair Time and Buffers
  • Time spent waiting for repair is when buffers get
    filled or emptied
  • Rule of Thumb
  • Buffers should be large enough to accommodate at
    least the average repair time
  • See Figure 3.4 on page 79.

Longer Line with a Single Buffer
  • System Reduction
  • Rule 1 A set of stations can be aggregated into
    a single, virtual station, using equation 3.4,
    assuming all stations have a common repair rate,
    b, and all stations must stop if any individual
    station fails (no buffers between stations).
  • Rule 2 Median Buffer Location if only one
    buffer is placed, place buffer in middle of line
  • This is w.r.t. the failure rates up and
    downstream of the buffer
  • Rule 3 Reversibility If direction is
    reversed, production rate stays the same. (Dont
    have to investigate a reverse design, gives same

Single Buffer Location
Manufacturing SystemsModeling, Analysis and
DesignIME 452 / IME 545Chapter 3, Sections 3.3
Amy Thompson Instructor
Time vs. Operation Dependent Errors
  • Time failures occur independent of the number of
    cycles since the last failure.
  • Operation dependent errors only occur when the
    station is running.
  • Most failures (80) are operation dependent

Compare Time and Operation Dependent Models
  • Specify in Downtime/Locations in Pro Model
  • Specify frequency between downtimes in terms of
    cycle time (c)
  • Specify to use the operator for 2 cycles in terms
    of c
  • Operation Dependent Model in Pro Model
  • Use Usage function in Downtime/Locations
  • Time Dependent Model in Pro Model
  • Use Clock function in Downtime/Locations

Operation Dependent Model 2-Machine Example
  • Operation Dependent
  • Total Throughput Time for 1000 parts 126,600
    using usage function
  • Resource used 166 times
  • Time Dependent
  • Total Throughput Time for 1000 parts 149,800
    using clock function
  • Resource used 248 times

Buffer Placement Example
  • Average Repair Duration 16 cycles
  • Total Failure Rate
  • Median Rule
  • Place Buffer after 2nd Station
  • How Big? Rule of Thumb Accommodate average
    repair time say 16 pieces

Buffer Placement Example
  • Productivity of Line

  • Redo this problem, placing the buffer after
    station 3. Does availability improve?

Manufacturing SystemsModeling, Analysis and
DesignIME 452 / IME 545Chapter 3, Sections 3.5
Amy Thompson Instructor
Unpaced Serial LineVariation in Production Rate
  • Even though average workload may be balanced,
    variation in processing time can occur.
  • Throughput with no buffers or breakdowns

Unpaced Serial LineVariation in Production Rate
  • If CV1.0, then if production rate is 0.1, actual
    throughput is 0.10.5 0.05 units completed per
    minute, 3 per hour
  • If CV0.1, then if production rate is 0.1, actual
    throughput is 0.10.9 0.09 units completed per
    minute, 5.4 per hour

Unpaced Serial LineVariation in Production Rate
  • What effect does adding stations to this type of
    line have?
  • What effect does lowering coefficient of
    variation have on this type of line?
  • What happens when you lower the average time it
    takes to produce a part, without lowering the
    standard deviation of time for producing the

Unpaced Serial LinesVariation in Production Rate
  • If you place buffers of the same size between
    successive stations, assume the first station is
    never starved, and the first buffer tends to be
  • Since the last workstation is never blocked, the
    last buffer will tend to be empty.
  • In general, buffer utilization decreases from the
    front to the rear of the line, with the middle
    buffer being about ½ full on the average.
  • Throughput is dependent upon the ratio of the
    buffer capacity (Z) to processing time
    coefficient of variation (cv).

Unpaced Serial LinesVariation in Production Rate
  • For Z/cv 10, 80 of capacity lost because of
    variability of processing times is recovered.
  • For Z/cv 20, 90 of capacity lost because of
    variability of processing times is recovered. (2
    times larger buffer gives only 10 increase in
  • The capacity lost in the unbuffered line that is
    recovered by adding buffers is only marginally
    dependent on line length.

Unpaced Serial LinesVariation in Production Rate
  • The capacity lost in the unbuffered line that is
    recovered by adding buffers is only marginally
    dependent on line length.
  • Variation in processing time with equal buffers
    and no breakdowns

Unpaced Serial Lines Variation in Production
  • Blumenfeld Equation (approximation) (eq. 3-18)

T is mean service time at each station
Buffers for Unpaced Lines
  • For lines with identical workstations, the best
    allocation of buffers is to have many buffers of
    nearly equal size between stations vs. one buffer
    in the middle of the line.
  • The largest buffers should be in the middle of
    the line, but the difference in size should be no
    larger than one slot.
  • Buffer size should be symmetrical around line.
  • As stations become non-identical, the less
    reliable stations should have larger input and
    output buffers.
  • Buffers are less useful in unbalanced lines.
  • If breakdowns or high processing time variability
    occurs at a workstation other than the
    bottleneck, input and output buffers at the
    bottleneck are more important.
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