Title: Delivering HILT as a shared service
1Delivering HILT as a shared service
- Rachel Heery
- UKOLN, University of Bath
- r.heery_at_ukoln.ac.uk
210 minute overview!
- Explore what we mean by shared terminology
services - Locate terminology services within JISC
Information Environment (IE)
3Shared services?
- Delivering services in automated way
- As m2m services to other software components
- rather than direct to user via browser
- Typically by means of Web Services technologies
4JISC IE architecture
5HILT as shared service
- HILT can be considered as a number of services
- Term mapping
- Disambiguation
- Collection finder
- HILT is just one of a range of potential
terminology services - Domain specific thesauri
- Semantic expansion
6Building scenarios
- To understand how application might use
terminology services - To identify interaction between different shared
services - To explore integrating terminology services with
other DL services - N.B. Need to be validated .
7Scenario query enhancement
8HILT query enhancement
Student enters search term to Portal search
interface, Portal accesses HILT and enhances
term with headings and classification
numbers Portal uses additional information to
search content provider
9Scenario collection finder
Student enters search terms to Portal
interface Portal queries HILT for matching Dewey
notation HILT interacts with IE Service Registry
to locate relevant collections Details of
collections returned to Portal Portal sends query
to appropriate collections
10What is needed ?
- Structured representation of
- Terminologies (thesauri, classification schemes,
ontologies, KOS) - Query (common queries)
- Exchange format (returned records)
- Common standards!
- How many and which ones?
11Current activity
- Revision of international standards for thesauri
structure - Experimental demonstrators
- Vocabulary mark up (MARC21, VDEX, TIF)
- Protocols (Zthes, ADL, OAI-PMH)
- Proposals emerging from research
- Possibilities to interface with proprietary
products using SOAP and XML
12Where to position HILT?
- Somewhere along continuum from research and
development project to operational service - Recommendations in delegate pack
13Further information
- Delivering HILT as a JISC IE shared service,
Rachel Heery, October 2003 - http//www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/hilt/m2m-repor
t/hilt-final-report.html -
- MODELS 11 UKOLN/mda Terminology Workshop,
2000 http//www.ukoln.ac.uk/dlis/models/models11/ - NKOS home page http//nkos.slis.kent.edu/