Title: Every Ripple Counts
1Welcome to Open House!
Every Ripple Counts!
- Thank you for attending!
- Please enjoy meeting and visiting all of your
- On sale now!
- 25 cash TODAY will give you a 5 discount as
well as FREE autograph pages! - Purchase an engraved nameplate for 5!
- Visit the table by the café tonight!
4Yearbook Available Online!
- No cash tonight?
- Visit our website tonight and order online with a
credit card!
5Something for Nothing!
- Heron Creek Middle Schools student government is
sponsoring the collection of Box Tops, Campbells
Soup Labels, and empty Capri Sun pouches! - This is an easy way to earn money that will go
straight to HCMS. These items can be sent into
school at any time. Please turn this trash
into the front office or into any teacher on your
childs team. The team that collects the most
will be rewarded with a party of their choice! - Box tops can be found on hundreds of different
food and household items. Please check your
boxes, bags, and packages before throwing them
6Community of Caring Movie Night!
- This Friday 6-8pm!
- FREE family event!
- Concession items available for purchase!
- Visit for email addresses to contact teachers!
- Visit for the school calendar of events!
- Visit for the newest newsletter!
- Visit to stay connected!
8C of C Surveys!
- Help us earn 250!
- All you need to do is complete the online parent
survey! - See the website for the survey link!
- Thanks for your help!
9Donuts for Dads!
- Tomorrow morning in the café 745-845am.
- Come spent some quality time together!
- Free event!
10School Advisory Council (SAC)
- The Heron Creek School Advisory Council is
looking for members for the 2009-10 school year.
The committee meets on the first Thursday of each
month in the office conference room at Heron
Creek. Meetings begin at 745 a.m. and are
generally 45 minutes in length. - Visit the yearbook table tonight for an
information sheet!
11Patriot Pride Shirts!
- Available now for purchase! 10! Earn Ripple
Rewards every Friday!
12Special Parent Night!
- Sarasota School Districts middle schools have
joined together to offer a special parent night
in order to provide you with an opportunity to
obtain information and free resources regarding a
new electronic academic and career advisement and
planning tool, FACTS.org. A representative from
the Florida Department of Education will be
present to share all the tools and resources that
FACTS.org has to offer to students and parents! - October 6th at Laurel Nokomis 6pm-7pm
13Support the Patriots!
- Attend a Golf, Tennis, or Volleyball Game now!
- Check online for dates!
14School Store Open Now!
- Purchase school supplies as needed throughout the
school year without a trip to the store! Students
can shop here! - Pencils, pens, poster board, white out, erasers,
folders, binders, binder dividers, paper,
notebooks, note cards, glue sticks, highlighters,
rulers, colored pencils, post-it-notes, report