Observations, PREPBUFR, and the Interface to PREPBUFR 1st GSI User Orientation 46 January 2005 Denni - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Observations, PREPBUFR, and the Interface to PREPBUFR 1st GSI User Orientation 46 January 2005 Denni


... reject list are flagged ... are checked, with bad reports flagged and duplicate reports removed ... are compared to the first guess with outliers flagged ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Observations, PREPBUFR, and the Interface to PREPBUFR 1st GSI User Orientation 46 January 2005 Denni

Observations, PREPBUFR, and the Interface to
PREPBUFR1st GSI User Orientation4-6 January
2005Dennis KeyserNOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
Observational Data Pipeline to NCEP
  • GTS and aviation circuit bulletins transferred
    from the NWS Telecommunication Operations Center
    (TOC/NWSTG) to NCEP's Central Operations (NCO)
  • Networked to one of two interactive nodes on NCEP
    IBM-CCS (one production, one development) using
    LDM (Local Data Manager) and DBNet (Distributive
    Brokered Networking) software packages
  • Data are then encoded into WMO BUFR format

Observational Data Pipeline to NCEP (cont.)
  • Most of the NESDIS satellite data are processed
    in batch mode as they become available from the
    various NESDIS ftp servers
  • Regularly scheduled jobs on the IBM-CCS transfer
    "new" files from these servers and encode the
    data into WMO BUFR format
  • NCEP receives Level 3 radial wind data from 154
    NEXRAD radar stations via the radar multicast
    (NIDS format)
  • At eight minutes past each hour, a script runs to
    gather up the most recent radar data into eight
    pairs of files containing the raw data and a
    station list
  • At thirty minutes past each hour these raw data
    are superobed and encoded into WMO BUFR format

Observational Data Pipeline to NCEP (cont.)
  • Mesonet surface data are obtained directly from
  • FSL pushes data to NCO server
  • NCO converts data from netCDF to WMO BUFR format

  • All of the encoded BUFR data are appended to the
    appropriate files (tanks) in the database
  • The files are organized by the WMO BUFR type and
    local subtype and most contain information in 24
    hour blocks (based on report time)
  • Observational files remain on-line for up to 10
    days before migration to offline cartridges
  • While online, there is open access to them for
    accumulating late arriving observations, for
    operational and checkout dumping, and for
    research and study

Network Data Dumps
  • The various NCEP production suite networks access
    the observational database at set times each day
    (i.e., the data cutoff time) and perform a
    time-windowed and, in the case of regional
    networks, geographically-filtered dump of
    requested observations
  • Observations of a similar type e.g.,
    satellite-derived winds (satwnd), surface land
    reports (adpsfc) are dumped into individual
    BUFR files which maintain the original structure
    of reports
  • some interactive quality control is applied
  • Reports on NCEP reject list are flagged
  • NESDIS/National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
    q.c. is applied to marine data
  • duplicate reports are removed
  • upper-air report "parts" are merged.

Network Data Dumps (cont.)
  • Some of the BUFR data dump files are re-processed
    into new BUFR files such that they can be used
    properly by subsequent PREPBUFR processing or
    analysis programs
  • SSM/I wind speed, total precipitable water and
    rainfall products are superobed onto a one degree
    lat/lon grid (in most networks)
  • quikSCAT scatterometer data are q.c.d and then
    superobed onto a one-half degree lat/lon grid
  • TRMM TMI rainfall product is q.c.d and then
    superobed onto a one-degree lat/lon grid
  • Additional function of dump step is to q.c.
    tropical storm position records (used later in
    PREPBUFR processing)

Network Data Dumps (cont.)
  • Current data dump (cutoff) times
  • ETA (NAM) T111 (00, 12Z), T050 (06, 18Z)
  • EDAS (NDAS) 2240/1040 UTC (t-12, t-09, t-06),
    2300/1100 UTC (t-03) for 00/12Z 0520/1720 UTC
    (t-12, t-09, t-06, t-03) for 06/18Z
  • AVN (GFS) T246 (00, 06, 12, 18Z)
  • FNL (GDAS) T605 (00Z), T805 (12Z), T550
    (06, 18Z)
  • RUC (upper-air) T058 (00, 12Z), T026 (all
    other hours)
  • RUC (surface) T005 (early, all hours), T022
    (catch-up, all hours)

PREPBUFR Processing
  • The final step in preparing most of the
    observational data for assimilation by the
  • Executes a series of programs designed to
    assemble observations dumped from the BUFR
  • Encodes information about the observational error
    for each data type as well the background (first
    guess) interpolated to each data location
  • Performs both rudimentary multi-platform quality
    control and more complex platform-specific
    quality control
  • Stores the output in a monolithic BUFR file,
    known as PREPBUFR

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Tropical cyclone relocation
  • A series of programs that relocates one or more
    tropical cyclone or hurricane vortices in the
    global sigma first guess file which is read by
    the analysis

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • PREPDATA program
  • Reads in and consolidates observations dumped
    from individual BUFR databases
  • Performs rudimentary checks on the data, and
    organizes upper-air data by decreasing pressure
  • Adds forecast background (first guess)
    interpolated to each observation location
  • Adds observational error (read in from a look-up
    table) to each observation
  • Converts dry bulb temperature to virtual and
    dewpoint temperature to specific humidity for
    surface data
  • Generates an initial pre-q.c. monolithic
    PREPBUFR file

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • SYNDATA program
  • Reads in quality controlled tropical storm
    position records file valid at the current time
    and uses them, along with other observations in
    the PREPBUFR file, to generate synthetic (bogus)
    wind mandatory level profile reports (throughout
    the depth of the storm) in the vicinity of the
    storm(s) to better define tropical systems for
    the analysis
  • Runs only if previous Tropical Cyclone Relocation
    processing was unable to locate a vortex center
    (i.e., cases where the vortex is weak)

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • CQCBUFR program
  • Performs complex quality control on rawinsonde
    height and temperature data to identify or
    correct erroneous observations that arise from
    location, transcription or communications errors
  • Attempts to correct commonly occurring types of
  • Data that cannot be corrected are flagged and
    will not be considered by the analysis
  • The checks used are hydrostatic, increment,
    horizontal statistical, vertical statistical,
    baseline and lapse rate and are based upon
    differences from the first guess

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • CQCBUFR program (cont.)
  • Also applies intersonde (radiation) corrections
    to the quality controlled rawinsonde height and
    temperature data
  • The degree of correction is a function of the
    rawinsonde instrument type, the sun angle and the
    vertical pressure level.
  • Converts rawinsonde and dropwinsonde dry bulb
    temperature to virtual and rawinsonde and
    dropwinsonde dewpoint temperature to specific

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • PROFCQC and CQCVAD programs
  • Perform complex quality control on wind profiler
    and on Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) wind data
    from WSR-88D radars, respectively in order to
    identify erroneous data and remove it from
    consideration by the analysis
  • The checks used are increment, vertical
    statistical, temporal statistical, and combined
    vertical-temporal and are based upon differences
    from the first guess
  • CQCVAD includes a bird migration algorithm

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • PREPACQC program
  • Performs quality control on conventional AIREP,
    PIREP and AMDAR (Aircraft Report, Pilot Report,
    Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay) aircraft wind
    and temperature data
  • The flight tracks are checked, with bad reports
    flagged and duplicate reports removed
  • In addition, AIREP and PIREP reports are quality
    controlled in two ways
  • isolated reports are compared to the first guess
    with outliers flagged
  • groups of reports in close geographical proximity
    are inter-compared using both a vertical wind
    shear check and a temperature lapse check

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Performs quality control on MDCRS ACARS aircraft
    wind and temperature data
  • Currently only performs simple data bounds checks
  • PREPACQC and ACARSQC will soon be replaced with a
    new q.c. module used at FNMOC
  • Includes track checking on MDCRS ACARS reports as
    well as all other aircraft types

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Structure of the PREPBUFR file
  • Reports are grouped into unique BUFR Message
  • ADPUPA upper-air (RAOB, PIBAL, recco, drops)
  • AIRCAR (MDCRS ACARS aircraft reports)
  • AIRCFT (AIREP, PIREP and AMDAR aircraft reports)
  • SATWND (satellite-derived wind reports)
  • PROFLR (wind profiler reports)
  • VADWND VAD (NEXRAD) wind reports
  • ADPSFC surface land (synoptic, METAR) reports
  • SFCSHP surface marine (ship, buoy, C-MAN
    platform) reports
  • SPSSMI SSM/I re-prococessed wind speed, tpw,
  • SYNDAT (synthetic tropical cyclone bogus reports)
  • GOESND (NESDIS GOES sounding, retrieval, radiance
  • QKSWND quikSCAT re-processed wind speed

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Structure of the PREPBUFR file (cont)
  • Future BUFR Message types
  • MSONET (Mesonet surface reports)
  • RASSDA (RASS virtual temperature reports)
  • GPSIPW (GPS-Integrated Precipitable Water
  • Individual reports in a BUFR message are further
    defined by a PREPBUFR report type
  • Reports are split into mass and wind pieces
  • All mass reports contain report types in the
    range 100-199
  • All wind reports contain report types in the
    range 200-299
  • Observation errors are defined according to
    report type
  • The assimilation uses the PREPBUFR report type to
    identify the reports in the PREPBUFR file

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Structure of the PREPBUFR file (cont)
  • Most of the observation types in the PREPBUFR
    file are associated with quality markers
  • These are used by the analysis to place a weight
    on the data
  • Each PREPBUFR processing step which changes a
    datum (either the observation itself, or its
    quality marker) records the change as an "event
    with a program code and a reason code
  • Each time an event is stored, the previous events
    for the datum are "pushed down" in the stack,
    thus the PREPBUFR file contains a complete
    history of changes to the data throughout all of
    the PREPBUFR processing
  • The most recent changes are always at the top of
    the stack and are thus read first by any
    subsequent data decoder routine

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Operational Report Types in PREPBUFR file
  • 120/220 ADPUPA - rawinsonde virtual temperature,
    specific humidity, station pressure / wind
  • 130/230 AIRCFT - AIREP and PIREP aircraft
    sensible temperature / wind
  • 131/231 AIRCFT - AMDAR AIRCRAFT sensible
    temperature / wind
  • 132/232 ADPUPA - flight-level reconnaissance and
    profile dropwinsonde virtual temperature,
    specific humidity, station pressure / wind
  • 133/233 AIRCAR - MDCARS ACARS aircraft sensible
    temperature / wind
  • 150 SPSSMI - SSM/I superobed FNOC rainfall
  • 151 GOESND - NESDIS SFOV GOES cloud top pressure
  • 152 SPSSMI - SSM/I superobed total precipitable

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Operational Report Types in PREPBUFR file (cont)
  • 156 GOESND - NESDIS GOES 4-layer PW over land
  • 174 GOESND - NESDIS GPES brightness temperatures
    over ocean clear
  • 180/280 SFCSHP - surface marine (ship, buoy,
    C-MAN) virtual temperature, specific humidity,
    station pressure / wind
  • 181/281 ADPSFC - surface land synoptic and METAR
    station pressure / wind
  • 182 SFCSHP Dropwinsonde splash level virtual
    temperature, specific humidity, station pressure
  • 183 ADPSFC, SFCSHP - surface marine (ship, buoy,
    C-MAN), land synoptic and METAR virtual
    temperature, specific humidity (estimated station
    pressure not used)
  • 187/287 ADPSFC - surface METAR virtual
    temperature, specific humidity, station pressure
    (estimated from altimeter) / wind

PREPBUFR Processing (cont.)
  • Operational Report Types in PREPBUFR file (cont)
  • 210 SYNDAT - synthetic tropical cyclone wind
  • 221 ADPUPA - PIBAL wind
  • 223 PROFLR - wind profiler
  • 224 VADWND - NEXRAD VAD wind
  • 242/252 SATWND - JMA IR visible cloud drift
    wind below/above 850 mb
  • 243/253 SATWND - EUMETSAT IR visible cloud
    drift wind below/above 850 mb
  • 245 SATWND - NESDIS IR cloud drift wind
  • 246 SATWND - NESDIS imager water vapor wind
  • 282 SFCSHP ATLAS buoy wind
  • 283 SPSSMI - SSM/I superobed wind speed
  • 285 QKSWND quikSCAT wind

Operational data that do not pass through
PREPBUFR processing
  • BUFR dumps for the following data types are read
    directly by the analysis
  • NESDIS 1B satellite brightness temperatures from
  • NESDIS solar backscatter ultraviolet radiance
    (SBUV) data (ozone)
  • NASA Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)
    rainfall data
  • NEXRAD Level 3 radial winds

  • International WMO standard
  • Efficient means for transferring data
  • Flexibility for adding new observation elements
  • Table driven
  • Table A defines the data category associated
    with a particular BUFR message containing report
  • Table B classifies and defines data elements,
    or descriptors, according to scale, reference
    value, number of bits and units (includes code
    and flag tables)
  • Table C defines data description operators
  • Table D defines the list of common sequences

BUFR (cont.)
  • A special application has been designed at NCEP
    to provide user-friendly access to the BUFR files
    through a series of FORTRAN subroutines in a
    machine independent BUFR library (i.e., BUFRLIB)
  • Allows data to be encoded into or decoded from
    BUFR using mnemonics to represent the data
  • The mnemonics are associated with BUFR
    descriptors in a special version of the BUFR
    Tables A, B, C and D
  • When a BUFR file is first created, the mnemonic
    table is read in from an external location and is
    itself encoded into BUFR messages at the top of
    the output file
  • This allows each BUFR file to be self defined
    (i.e., no external tables are needed to decode
    data out of the file)

Simple Example to Interface to PREPBUFR
  • REAL8 HDR(5), OBS(7,255)
  • .
  • CALL DATELEN(10) ! Y2K change all dates
    expressed as 10-digit (YYYYMMDD)
  • ! Open BUFR file in unit LUBFR (1st arg) for
    input (read) (2nd arg) using BUFR table internal
    to LUBFR (3rd arg)
  • ! Loop through all of the messages in the
    PREPBUFR file
  • ! SUBSET returns message type (e.g., ADPUPA)
    IDATE returns message date YYYYMMDD (same for all
  • ! messages)
  • ! Loop through all reports (subsets) in this BUFR
  • ! Read header info out of rpt HDR(x) where x 1-
    id (STNID), 2-rpt type, 3-D-time, 4-lon, 5-lat,
    ILVL returns as 1
  • ! Read level info out of a report OBS(x,y)
    where on level y, x 1-level category,
    2-pressure, 3-temp obs, 4-temp q.m.,
  • ! 5-u-wind obs, 6-v-wind obs, 7-wind q.m.,
    ILVL returns the number of levels in the report
  • .

Web Site
  • http//www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/d
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