Title: Getting involved in Local Involvement Networks LINks
1Getting involved inLocal Involvement
Long Term Conditions Alliance
2- LTCA is the umbrella body for national voluntary
organisations in the UK working to meet the needs
of people with long-term health conditions - Our Mission To ensure people affected by
long-term conditions have access to the services
and support they need and can be active
participants in determining their care. - LTCA is also a member of the consortium that
makes up the NHS Centre for Involvement (NCI).
3Presentation Summary
- What is a LINk?
- Why get involved in the local LINk?
- How can we get involved?
- More information
4What is a LINk?
- A strong community voice that can influence
- commissioning of local health and care services
5What is special about LINks?
- Creative building on existing networks and
partnerships - Flexible enabling different methods of
participation, both from individuals and groups - Powerful having legal powers to require
information from commissioners and providers of
services, and to receive a response to comments
6A LINk is a network that is made up of many
groups and individuals, for example
Carers Network
Neighbourhood renewal network
Youth Council
Local Strategic Partnership
Foundation Trust Governors
Patients Transport Groups
Tenants Groups
Local business groups
Minority Ethnic Groups
Patient Groups
Older Peoples Forum
Faith Groups
Support Groups for Specific Service Users
7- A successful LINk will be owned, developed and
shaped by groups, organisations and individuals
at - grass-roots level.
- LINks were established from
- 1 April 2008.
8Why get involved in the local LINk?
- LINks create opportunities to
- influence the commissioning of health and care
service - get our issues higher on the agenda of the
statutory sector - give members a louder, stronger voice
- make use of the legal powers of LINks for the
benefit of our members - network with other PPI enthusiasts and share
9When can we get involved?
- At the beginning to shape the focus and
priorities - When its established to provide members with
an amplified voice - When theres an issue relating to commissioning
or provision of services that would benefit from
broader input and a louder voice
10How can we get involved?
- In person
- Through events
- Through meetings
- Electronically
- By phone
- By letter
- On our terms
11Where to go for more information
- Locally contact your Local Authority or LINk
Host organisation - Documents www.nhscenterforinvolvement.nhs.uk
- LINks Helpdesk e mail info_at_LINks.nhs.uk
- LINks Helpdesk phone Tel 024 7615 0705
- Share information www.pcx.nhs.uk
12- Thank you
- Brenda Cook
- Voluntary and Community Sector
- LINks Project Worker
- Long Term Conditions Alliance (LTCA)