Title: Spyware
1Spyware Adware
- What is it
- and
- how to make your computer go fast again.
2What is Spyware?
Page Hijackers
3Spyware Vs. Virus
Spyware Other Potentially Unwanted Software Viruses
Motivation Profit Intent Harmful
Monitor online activities for commercial gain Damage computer system, corrupt files and destroy data
anti-virus software not helpful Detectable and removable with anti-virus software
Difficult to relate symptoms with spyware infection Sluggish PC performance, increased pop-up ads, unexplained home page change, mysterious search results, etc. Easy to relate symptoms with virus infecton Corrupt program files, loss of computer storage memory, deletion of critical files, etc.
New technology (less than 5 years) Old Technology
4Who Does SpyWare Effect
- Windows Users YES!!!!!!!!!
- Mac Users Not Really
- Linux/Unix Users Not Really
5How Do You Contract Spyware
6How to Cleanup Spyware
- Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition
- SpyBot SearchDestroy
- MacScan
7How Do I know what is safe to Remove?
- If a spyware scanning application found it, it is
removable. - Only exception is free software that comes with
8How to Prevent Spyware
- Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition
- SpyBot SearchDestroy
- SpywareBlaster
- SpywareGuard
- MacScan
- Install a pop-up blocker
- READ EULA before installing Software
- Stay up to date with your security patches!!!!
9Windows Firewalling
10Windows Patching
11Mac Firewalling
12Mac Patching
13Additional Resources
- www.spywareguide.com
- www.spywarewarrior.com
- www.firewallguide.com/spyware.htm
- www.securemac.com
- genetics.cwru.edu/help/
- www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/security/expert/