Title: Meanings and Expressions of Mental Health Care among Dutch
1Meanings and Expressions of Mental Health Care
among Dutch
Tamara George Nursing 1152 SC 395-7535
Graphical description of project This
qualitative study using Leiningers Theory of
Culture Care Diversity and Universality has
identified the meanings and experiences of mental
health care of Midwestern Dutch Americans. The
purpose of the study is to advance transcultural
nursing knowledge and to help nurses give
culturally congruent mental health care.
Preliminary analysis of data from 74 extensive
interviews with healthy Dutch Americans reflects
strong core values of religion, family, and
frugality which influence their health care needs
and their perception of care. Many of the
informants lacked knowledge about the current
mental health care system and described stigma
associated with the need for mental health care.
Secondary data analysis is in progress, as is an
article for a juried nursing journal describing
study results.
Education and experience PhD Nursing Wayne
State University 1998 MSN Psychiatric/Mental
Health Nursing Wayne State University
1979 BSN Ohio State University
Grants and awards Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Michigan Foundation Excellence in Research
Award, 2000 Sigma Theta Tau, Kappa Epsilon
Chapter Research Grant, 2000
Key publications and presentations Ethnonursing
Method used for the study of care in the
chronically mentally ill and in Dutch
Americans, Conference on Transcultural
Nursing, Madonna University, Detroit, MI,
2004 George, T.B. (2002). Care meanings,
expressions, and experiences of those with
chronic mental illness, Archives Of Psychiatric
Nursing, 16(1), 25-31