Title: Remote Routing Control
1Remote Routing Control
- Project Description
- Hardware Architecture
- Software Architecture
- Progress and Future Work
3Project Goal
- Being able to remotely control routing paths
chosen for end-to-end connectivity - Choose routes based on different routing
characteristics - Debugging routing algorithms on deployed networks
- Three Steps Algorithm
- Topology Discovery
- Reporting Neighbor Tables
- Route Assignment
4Topology Discovery
Route discovery messages by way of broadcasting.
5Discovery Message
- Broadcast level
- Increment at each node
- Node source address
- Tells receiver their parent node
- Broadcast sequence number
- To distinguish between discovery periods
6Reporting Back
Neighbor table and link information messages
7Neighbor Report Messages
- Up to 6 neighbors with
- Node ID
- Signal strength estimation
- Message relayed up to base station
8Route Assignment
Route assignment message tells each node along
the path their upstream or downstream parents.
9Route Assignment Messages
- Source node address
- Original source (initiating base station)
- Destination node (other base station)
- Hop count
- Stream assignment type
- Upstream, downstream, or both
- Path information
- Crossbow MicaZ (MPR2400) motes
- Atmel ATMega 128L processor
- CC2420 Radio chip
- 2.4 Ghz
- IEEE 802.15.4 compliant
- 250 kbps radio data rate
- 512 kB nonvolatile memory
- Motes run TinyOS
- Written in nesC
- And extension of C
- Event driven
- Limited resources
- Component-based architecture
- Built on software components and software
wrappers around hardware - Split phased operation
- Send and sendDone
12Progress and Future Work
- Currently in simulation phase
- DiSens simulator
- Power and cycle accurate simulator
- Work needed on PC endpoint application
- Aiming for deployment on 25 motes
14Architecture for Multi-hop layer
- Implementation Facts and Details
- End Point Application
- Mote Routing Layer
- Demo
16End Point Application
- End point app is connected to mib510 programming
broad via serial port. - Mib510 communicates with a mote via UART
- Connected mote provides a gateway to the wireless
17End Point Application Features
- Multithreaded (4 threads total)
- Serial communication
- HDLC like framing
- CRC checking
- Packet Statistics
- Input and output queuing
- Both reliable and unreliable messages
- Text messaging
- Encoding/Decoding Audio
18End Point Application
- RRC User Commands
- Broadcast Initialization
- Motes will respond back with neighbor tables
- Route Assignments
- Upstream, downstream, or both
- Destroying Routes
- Mote app can go into low power mode
- Application User Commands
- Stream audio
- Send text
- Get stats
- Log audio
19RRC Architecture
20Example Interface
- RRCSend Interface
- command result_t sendUp(TOS_MsgPtr msg, uint16_t
length) - command result_t sendDown(TOS_MsgPtr msg,
uint16_t length) - command result_t sendTo(TOS_MsgPtr msg, uint16_t
addr, uint16_t length) - command result_t broadcast(TOS_MsgPtr msg,
uint16_t length) - event result_t sendDone(TOS_MsgPtr msg, result_t
21Mote Routing Layer Details
- CC2420 Radio Chip
- Provides Acks
- Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
- Link Quality Indicator (LQI)
- Enabled by RRC routing layer
- MacControl.enableAck()
- Retransmits RRC related messages for reliability
- sendDone(TOS_Msgptr pMsg, result_t success)
- retransmit if the sendDone event informs of
failure - Messages for application layer also get a
sendDone event with result
23Link Estimation
- Link Quality Indicator
- Chip error rate calculated over 8 bits following
start frame delimiter - Mean LQI correlates well with packet reception
rate - Received Signal Strength Indicator
- Estimate signal power calculated over 8 symbol
periods and stored in RSSI_VAL register - When above the sensitivity threshold the rate is
above 85 reception - Below the threshold is a gray area
- Other Tactics
- Use a sequence number and calculate reception
rate over a fixed window of time
24RSSI versus LQI
Data taken from Kannan Srinivasan and Philip
Levis from RSSI is Under Appreciated
25Average LQI to PRR
26Simulator Issues
- Disens Simulator needed more features
- Having my own radio model with asymmetric links
- Being able to have two or more base stations
- Will be used for
- power profiling
- packet analysis
- proving correctness of mote application
Port 7777
Port 8888
Specify which nodes have serial forwarders and
their respective ports. App1 and App2 are on the
same PC
28Progress So Far
- Simulated for 10 motes
- Successful end-to-end connectivity
- Actual deployment on 5 motes
- Voice transmission over the network
- Easily allows for analysis of application over
different number of hops - Voice stream sounds good over one hop, but
deteriorates with additional hops
29Future Work
- Randomly generate topologies for simulation and
see the effects - Variable number of nodes (100)
- Use a more complicated radio model
- Asymmetric links
- Deploy and test on 25 motes
31CC2420 Physical Layer Frame