Title: Modeling and Simulation Implementers Forum
1Modeling and Simulation Implementers Forum
- SIW Fall 2001
- September 12, 2001
22001 Implementers Forum PRP
- Chair Patricia Devine, Digital System Resources
- Vice Chair John Mellby, Raytheon Systems
- Secretary VACANT
- Albert Ludwig, The Boeing Company
- David Macannuco, Lockheed Martin Nav. Elec. Sys.
- Steve Woffinden, Gensym Corp.
32002 Implementers Forum PRP
Chair Patricia Devine, Digital System
Resources Vice Chair John Mellby, Raytheon
Systems Secretary VACANT Glenn Gross, Lockheed
Martin Albert Ludwig, The Boeing Company James P.
Perneski, Lockheed Martin Info. Sys.
4Implementers Forum PRP
- PRP duties
- Support abstract and paper review
- Assist in presentation and forum preparation
- Low key job that is very rewarding!
- Thanks to those who volunteer to help!
5Implementers Call for Papers
- IMPL addresses hands-on experience in developing
federations. Papers should emphasize generally
applicable implementation-level details (how does
it work, how is it used, how can it improve).
Timely lessons learned from using the latest
HLA-related developments are of particular
interest. Papers are requested in the following
areas - Legacy simulation migration to HLA (full-up
simulations are preferred to laboratory
exercises). - SOM/FOM interoperability.
- Federate/Federation performance, especially
WRT large, real-world simulations. We want to
collect metrics including the maximum number of
entities used in a HLA exercise. - Federate/Federation development tools.
- Exercise execution issues (e.g.,
performance issues resulting from the RTI). - Experiences using the RTI, especially time
management, data distribution, ownership, and
6Implementers Call for Paper
- Authors should be prepared to lead a focused
discussion in the areas addressed in their paper
with the objective of developing community
consensus regarding resolution of issues by means
of standards, procedures, policies, etc. - Implementers received over 30 papers!
- Only had time for 16 papers (Wednesday and
Thursday forum) - Thanks to all of the authors
7Fall 2001 Papers
- Wednesday
- 0815 0830 Introduction
- 0830 0900 068 Migration of a Legacy Radio
Frequency (RF) Propagation Model for the Aerial
Common Sensor (ACS) Simulation - Eugene Pappas - 0900 0930 100 The Dynamic Adequate Threat
Environment Architecture for Computer-Generated
Actors Dr. Martin Stytz - 0930 1000 008 Modeling Component-Based
Intelligent Agents in an HLA-Environment Using an
Agent Development Tool Jennie Andersson - 1000 1030 BREAK
8Spring 2001 Papers
- 1030 1100 018 D-OMAR Simulation for the AMBR
Experiment in Native-and HLA Mode Stephen
Deutsch - 1100 1130 029 HLA-Based Object-Oriented
Modeling/Simulation for Tank-Helicopter Combat
System (HOST) Tae-Dong Lee - 1130 1200 058 A Comprehensive Federation
Management Capability for the Joint Simulation
System (JSIMS) Paul Perkinson - 1200 1330 LUNCH
9Spring 2001 Papers
- 1330 1400 060 Collaborative Mission
Planning, Rehearsal and Visualization John
Woodyard - 1400 1430 082 HLA/RTI Integration with a
Smalltalk Discrete Event Simulation David Cedel - 1430 1500 081 HLA/RTI Emulation Framework for
Rapid Prototyping and Debugging Ronald Painter - 1500 1530 BREAK
- 1530 1600 079 On the Road Again Paint the
Night Lessons Learned from SMART 2001 and FCC2
Integration Testing Maximo Lorenzo - 1600 1630 Forum Discussion and Adjournment
10Spring 2001 Papers
- Thursday
- 0815 0830 Introduction and Welcome
- 0830 0900 032 Experiences with Data
Distribution Management in Large-Scale
Federations Wayne Civinskas - 0900 0930 033 Independent Throughput and
Latency Benchmarking for the Evaluation of RTI
Implementations Aaron Corder - 0930 1000 038 pRTI 1516 Rationale and
Design Mikael Karlsson - END OF JOINT SESSION
11Spring 2001 Papers
1100 065 Utilising HLA Tools to support the
Federation Development and Execution Process
Chris Rouget 1100 1130 070 Achieving
Scalability within High Level Architecture Run
Time Infrastructures Matthew Dorsch 1130 1200
078 Suggested RTI Enhancements for Engineering
Level Simulation The Paint the Night Experience
12Spring 2002 Focus
- A special focus of the 2002 Spring SIW will be on
the interoperability of process models. Most
large commercial and government organizations
have developed and maintain sophisticated models
of various aspects of their operations (e.g.,
manufacturing, transportation, distribution,
financial, information technology).
Increasingly, these organizations need to link
their process models with those of their
suppliers, customers, shippers, subsidiaries, and
partners to insure orderly and efficient
operations. To achieve these goals,
organizations need to link together heterogeneous
sets of models built with multiple suites of
modeling tools and databases -- few of which were
designed with any thought of interoperability.
13Administrative Notes
- Fill out the forum evaluation form
- Help yourself to a donut in the back of the room.