Title: Celebrating the world
1Celebrating the worlds finest Transporter Bridge
Crow Point Festival John Hallam Festival
Director, NCIC info_at_crowpoint.co.uk 01633
2Celebrating the Worlds finest Transporter Bridge
- Transporters and people movers
- Heritage and regeneration
- Crow Point concept
- Event overview
- Future plans
3Transporters and people movers
4Transporters and people movers
5Transporters and people movers
6Transporters and people movers
7Transporters and people movers
Franco-British Exhibition, London 1908
Santa Justa Lift, Lisbon 1902
8Transporters and people movers
- 19th Century belief in technology
- Rooted in fantasy eg Jules Verne
- Cheap solution to river crossings
- Failed when motor traffic increased
- Few surviving examples, of which Newports is the
Voyage to the Moon 1902
9Transporters and people movers
10Transporters and people movers
11Transporters and people movers
12Heritage and regeneration
13Heritage and regeneration
- finding our lost sense of place
- focus on communities
- local markets
- eclectic partnerships
14Crow Point concept
- Supporting social regeneration in Newport
- Non-profit making c.i.c, with voluntary Board
- Maximise use of Transporter Bridge for
celebration - Ecology and sustainable transport
- Encourage pride in Newport for future generations
- Supporting diversity and a common sense of place
15Crow Point imagery
16Crow Point site
Location Coronation Park, NP19 0RB
17Crow Point site
Location Coronation Park, NP19 0RB
18Crow Point site plan
19Crow Point cost breakdown
20Social capital
- Majority of income from private sector
- Developmental model for future community projects
- Develop access and use of National Cycle Network
- New training opportunities in event management
- Develop events market for South East Wales e.g.
traders, PA Hire, marketing - Learning experience for community sector
21Crow Point futures
- A future for the Transporter Bridge
- SDR M4 Relief Road showcase the Bridge in the
new southern approach into Newport - Events like Crow Point can focus attention on
bridge - A hub for social enterprise alongside
Wastesavers centre for cycle tourism on Route 4
into Newport. - Second Crow Point event planned for 2008
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