Title: Academy Student Improvement Process
1Academy Student Improvement Process
2When to Use?
Student Intervention Process
- Student Awareness
- Specific Goals
- Set Boundaries
- Team Plan
- Communication
Student Improvement Plan (SIP)
Student - Teacher
Student-PACE Advisor
Contact PACE Advisor, Parent, Team Leader,
Student-Team (Full or Partial)
- Special Services Referral (Accommodations,
Modifications) - Secondary Reassignment Center
- Academy probation and withdrawn invitation
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Special Ed.
504 Referral Severe discipline issues 2
failures in Six Weeks Low Employability Skills
Student Assisted Services (SAS)
Academy Team
All Teachers
411 Rule -Quality Schools, Dr. William Glasser
Student Intervention Process
5Scenario Student Elphaba is a sophomore on the
Medical/Legal Team. As a freshman she failed two
core courses (English and History) and had an
Employability Grade of 78 for the final average.
Based on the following information, where would
your team begin the process on Elphaba? What
questions would you want answered? What
specific recommendations would you make for
improvement? What if the goals are not reached?
6(No Transcript)
7E-mails and comments from teachers
SS Doing great work especially in groups,
turning in all assignments M Weak test scores,
frequently tardy Sc Working well with lab
partner. Rarely asks questions En Not turning
in work, often late, poor attitude, occasionally
disturbs others El Good effort Sp Doing well
in class
8(No Transcript)
9E-mails and comments from teachers SS Poor
test grades, incomplete work, late M Always
late, always distracted, sorry student, no work
turned in. Sc Portion of one lab missing,
otherwise good effort En Has not been on time
once this six weeks. Rough drafts not turned in
as required. El Good effort Sp Not much work
10(No Transcript)
11E-mails and comments from teachers SS Poor
test grades, missing assignments M Frequently
late, no attempt to turn in assignments Sc Some
daily work not turned in on time. Could use
tutorial time after school or during lunch. En
Late frequently, missing one rough draft and two
final copies El Poor attitude, work not turned
in from group Sp Seems disinterested. Not
working to potential. Several zeroes
12Weekly Progress
13(No Transcript)
14E-mails and comments from teachers SS Group
work improved, test scores also improved M
Minimal effort, late daily Sc Four daily
assignments not turned in on time En Work
turned in. Did stay after school for tutorials
four times in the six weeks El Late frequently,
work not turned in. Sp Minimal work attempted
15 16E-mails and comments from teachers SS
Excellent group project, all members
participated M Improved test scores, still
tardy Sc Three daily assignments not turned in
on time. Lab work good En Rough drafts have
improved. Two assignments were not turned in on
time. Late arrival most days. El Assignments
not turned in Sp Some improvement in work
turned in lately
176th Six Weeks Student Elphaba received passing on
the TAKS test Social Studies Science English Stude
nt Elphaba did not pass TAKS Math
18(No Transcript)
19E-mails and comments from teachers SS Good
group effort M Test grades improved Sc
Attending tutorials, two assignments not turned
in. En Most assignments turned in. Still tardy
frequently El Some attempt has been made to
turn in late work Sp Little effort to complete
most tasks
20Student Probation Process
- Student Team Meeting
- SAS meeting- SIP warning Status
- Student Probation Status
- Probation meeting includes student, parent,
teachers, counselor, administrator
21Student Probation Process
- At minimum, probation letter must be given to
student and parent - Consider giving additional copies to PACE teacher
and team leader - Probation letter must give specific improvement
steps that will be measured - Probation letter must give a specific date when
progress will be reviewed - Deadline for probation placement is Monday April
18, 2005 (30 day min. notification)
22Sample Probation Letters
- Sample letter 1
- Sample letter 2
23In order to conduct a successful TEAM/Student
Conference remember these expectations PURPOSE
To help the student identify the best plan of
action for achieving his/her goals (long and
short term) Focus How can we best help
support the student as they attempt to reach
their goals?
24- Stay on topic
- Keep comments brief
- No war stories
- Limit preaching to Sundays
- Excuses are not the same thing as reasons
- Keep a sense of humor (especially when getting
frustrated) - Give them a way out and not back them into a
corner - Close in the box gradually (it will probably take
more than one meeting) - Listen, Listen, Listen to what the student is
saying - When its time, focus on solutions to problems
there are always options - Be open to new ideas and be creative with
solutions (this is their first time) - Everything said in the meeting is CONFIDENTIAL
(beyond anything else, we are trying to build
trust) - Your are being watched as an example of what
ADULT actions should be
25When doctors lose a patient they lose a life
when preachers lose a member they lose a soul
and when we lose a student we lose a potential.