SOS Presents: Dental Seminar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SOS Presents: Dental Seminar


... a situation where you have disagreed with a decision made by one ... in a situation where you have disagreed with the actions of someone very close to you? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SOS Presents: Dental Seminar

SOS PresentsDental Seminar
  • By Becky Zendel and Alan Ko

Outline of Seminar
  • DAT information
  • Ontario School Requirements UofT and Western
  • Out of Province Schools
  • Applications
  • Sample Interview Questions

Dental Aptitude Test
  • http//

  • Carving
  • Natural Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • See website for detailed information regarding
    each subject
  • Perceptual Ability
  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Carving Dexterity Test
  • 30 minutes
  • Survey of Natural Sciences Test
  • 60 minutes
  • Perceptual Ability Test
  • 60 minutes
  • Reading Comprehension
  • 50 minutes

  • Standardized
  • Each section is scored out of 30

  • Each section is scored individually
  • Also scores Academic Average (Biology, Chemistry,
    Verbal Reasoning)
  • Often this is what the Universities look at
    Scientific average (Biology and Chemistry)

American vs. Canadian DAT
  • No manual dexterity/carving
  • NOT accepted for entry into Canadian Schools
  • Canadian version IS accepted by American Schools

  • Registration 230
  • Test Prep Materials
  • Carving Kit 65 GST/HST
  • Additional Soap 35 GST/HST
  • Kaplan Test Prep Book 81 (Book List Price)

  • Held in November and December
  • November 2009 test date
  • Registration closed
  • February 2010 test date
  • Registration deadline 15th of January

U of T Dental School
  • Largest dental school in Canada
  • 70 dentists graduate each year

  • Applicants must have completed three years of
    university education (i.e. at least 15 full year
    courses or equivalent)
  • The earliest time at which applicants may apply
    is during the third year of their program
  • Any courses completed after May 31, 2008 will not
    be considered for admission to the 2008-2009

UofT - Prerequisites
  • 3 years of university studies
  • a full course in general biochemistry.
  • a full course in general mammalian (human or
    animal) physiology.
  • two additional full courses in Life Sciences (For
    example anatomy, biochemistry, biology, botany,
    genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular
    genetics, biol- ogy, neuroscience, nutritional
    Sciences, pharmacology, toxicology, physiology,
  • one full course in a Humanities or Social Science

  • A minimum current grade point average of 2.7
    (4.0 scale) is required.
  • Interview cut-offs
  • GPA 3.83
  • DAT 20 (AA)
  • The worst academic year will be dropped from
    the calculation of an applicant's cumulative
    grade point average provided that (a) the
    applicant has completed four or more years of
    university education by May 31st of the proposed
    year of entry, and (b) the year with the lowest
    grades is not the applicant's most recently
    completed year of study.

  • Annual Fees (domestic students)
  • Tuition 24,421.00
  • Non-academic incidental fees 907.30
  • Dental instruments 5482.00
  • TOTAL 30,810.30

UofT - DAT
  • The DAT must have been taken within two calendar
    years prior to the application deadline.
  • If the test is written more than once, the
    highest set of DAT scores will be used.

  • December APPLICATION DEADLINE. Application forms
    accompanied by the non-refundable application
    service fee of 230 must be received in the
    Admissions Office.
  • Official transcripts and certificates covering
    all previous university and other post-secondary
    education must be received in the Admissions

  • Criteria for selection
  • academic achievement
  • DAT scores
  • the interview process
  • personality test scores

Schulich Medicine and Dentistry at Western
  • Does not require a full course load every year
    but a penalty is applied to the applicants score

  • The average achieved in an academic year in which
    fewer than four full-course equivalents (24
    credits) are taken will not be considered in
    entrance decisions.
  • Courses taken during the Summer sessions will not
    normally be counted as part of the five courses.

  • To be eligible for admission to Dentistry,
    applicants must complete a minimum of 2 years of
    an accredited undergraduate university program,
    and have taken specific science course

Western - Prerequisites
  • All candidates must complete approved physiology,
    biochemistry and organic chemistry courses
  • If a candidate applies to enter prior to
    completing an undergraduate degree, approved
    introductory biology, chemistry and physics
    courses are also mandatory

Western - Prerequisites
  • Recommended Prerequisites
  • AS/SC/KINE 3011 3012 (both)
  • OR
  • SC/BIOL 3060 3070 (both)

  • Should a prerequisite course be successfully
    completed during the summer term, the course
    requirement is considered fulfilled.

  • In order to be considered competitive, candidates
    must have achieved at least 80 or higher in two
    undergraduate level years by the end of the
    application cycle in which the candidates are

Western - DAT
  • Only the score of the most recent DAT completed
    within the TWO years prior to the application
    deadline of December 1 will be used.

  • Deadline for completion (for graduation in 2014)
    of the application is December 1, 2009. There
    will be no time extensions.
  • Application will be available early October
  • There is a 250 non-refundable application fee.
  • Contact Admissions Coordinator - Dentistry
  • Telephone (519) 661-3744 FAX (519) 850-2958
  • Email

  • Admission to Dentistry is based on academic
    ability and personal qualities, as evidenced by
  • 1) Academics (GPA)
  • 2) Dental Aptitude Test (DAT)
  • 3) An interview

Western - Last Year
  • Applications 671
  • Gender
  • Female 378
  • Male 293
  • Class Size 54
  • Females 30
  • Males 24

Western - Last Year
  • Qualifications of Admitted ApplicantsClass
    average based on best 2 years preceding
    admission 84.75
  • Interview 81.85

Western Last Year
  • Dental Aptitude Test Average Scores
  • Reading 20
  • Biology 20
  • Chemistry 20
  • Perception 19
  • Carving 19
  • Composite Score over 5 Sections - 98

Western Last Year
  • Age range 20-30
  • Median 23
  • Average 23

Dental Schools Outside of Ontario
  • Dalhousie
  • McGill
  • University of Alberta
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Manitoba

  • accepts up to 36 candidates to the first year of
    the D.D.S. program (preference is given to
    Canadian applicants who are from the Atlantic
  • Admission to the four-year Doctor of Dental
    Surgery program requires the completion of a
    minimum of 10 full-year (2 years) academic
    classes at the undergraduate level.
  • Academic requirements
  • One full-year academic class in each of biology,
    general chemistry, physics, organic chemistry
    (each of these courses must include laboratory
    instruction) an approved one-term Bio-organic
    Chemistry course may be substituted for the full
    year Organic Chemistry class
  • Two full-year academic courses (or four one-term
    courses) chosen from the humanities and/or social
  • One full year (or two one-term) writing course
  • One university course (full year or one term) in
    each of the following Introductory Biochemistry,
    Introductory Microbiology, and Vertebrate
    Physiology. These courses should be at the second
    year level or higher and applicants are
    encouraged to contact the Faculty of Dentistry
    for approval of selected courses.

  • Applicants with the best academic record have
    the greatest chance of admission
  • The Admissions Committee makes significant use of
    non-academic factors in deciding which applicants
    are admitted. These include the Dental Aptitude
    Test, interview, a personality-factors test, and
  • Applicants must complete the Dental Aptitude
    Test no later than February to be considered for
    admission to the following academic year (it is
    recommended that you complete the November DAT in
    the event you wish to retake the DAT in February)
  • Applicants must complete the DAT within two
    years of applying for the program. Most
    successful applicants have achieved a score of 15
    or better on each of the components of the DAT.

  • Admissions Profile
  • Number of applicants237
  • Number accepted 36
  • Average in required science subjects A-
  • Average in Higher science subjects
    (biochemistry, microbiology, physiology) A-
  • Average in final 60 University hours A- 

  • A Bachelors degree.
  • Applicants must have received an undergraduate
    degree or be in the final year of a course of
    study at a recognized college or university in a
    program leading to an undergraduate degree
    consisting of 120 credits over eight semesters
    following completion of high school.

  • A cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher (on a 4.0
    scale) is considered competitive
  • Specific course requirements.
  • One year full course load (2 semesters) in each
    of the following courses, with laboratory
  • General Biology
  • General Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physics
  • University-level courses in Biochemistry, Cell
    and Molecular Biology are strongly recommended.
  • Students applying for admission to the four-year
    program must complete the DAT no later than the
    Fall of the year in which they are submitting

University of Alberta
  • The minimum requirement for admission to the DDS
    Program is the satisfactory completion of 60 of
    transferable postsecondary work (2 years), of
    which 30 (5 full year course equivalents or 10
    half year course equivalents) must be taken
    during one Fall/Winter
  • The preprofessional course requirements are
  • (1) General Chemistry (6)
  • (2) Organic Chemistry (6)
  • (3) Biology(6)
  • (4) Physics (6)
  • (5) English (6)
  • (6) Statistics (3)
  • (7) Introductory Biochemistry (3)

University of Alberta
  • Applicants must write the Canadian Dental
    Aptitude Test (DAT)
  • if the test is taken more than once, the best set
    of scores will be used, (at the latest, the
    November prior to admission)
  • meet minimum requirements a score of 15 or more
    must be achieved in each of Reading
    Comprehension, Perceptual Ability and Manual

University of British Columbia
  • Receive 300-350 applications each year and accept
    only 40 students
  • Be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Complete 3 academic years (90 credits) at a
    recognized faculty at The University of British
    Columbia, or its equivalent
  • Achieve a minimum overall Grade Point Average of
    70 or 2.8 on a 4.0 grading scale for ALL
    college/university work (including failed
  • Three components of the DAT are used in our
    calculations Academic Average, Perceptual Test
    and the Carving Test
  • minimum score of 12 must be obtained on the
    carving portion of the exam for your application
    to be considered

University of British Columbia
  • English, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology,
    Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry (full year)
  • To reduce traveling expenses, out of province
    applicants may have their interview conducted at
    another dental school that participates in the
    revised CDA structured interview and details will
    be provided upon request.

University of Manitoba
  • number of out-of-province students vary from
    year to year. Out-of-province applicants and
    Manitoba residents compete equally for the first
    29 positions in the class (wait list is made up
    of Manitoba residents)
  • require 2 years of undergraduate
  • courses biology, chemistry, organic chemistry,
    biochemistry, physics, English, non-science
  • As guidance for prospective students, successful
    applicants have recently had an average Adjusted
    Grade point average (AGPA) of 3.7, had Dental
    Aptitude Test (DAT) scores averaging from 18-23
    and have been within the top 20 of the pool when
  • Grades, interview and DAT score equally weighted

Interview Questions
  • Often times board directors, CEOs, etc, like to
    be kept up to date on the progress of a project.
    How would you, as the leader of the project, make
    sure that these people are kept up to date?
  • One of your close friends parents have just
    gotten a divorce and she's very upset over it.
    What would you do?
  • Lately you've been noticing that one of your
    friends has been acting strangely, and you and
    your other friends often talk about her. What
    would you do?
  • Have you ever been involved in a group project
    where one person didn't do their share of the
    work, but still got the same mark? What did you
    do? or what would you do if you have never
    actually experienced that?
  • You have just submitted in a project/proposal,
    and everyone complements you and says what a
    great job that you've done. Except for one
    person, who just criticizes everything you did,
    and tears the project apart. What would you do?
  • 6) You have just been accepted to a couple of the
    schools that you've applied to for Dentistry. How
    would you go about making your decision about
    which school to go to?

Questions Continued
  • 7) Have you ever been in a situation where you
    have disagreed with a decision made by one of
    your supervisors?
  • 8) Have you ever been in a situation where you
    have disagreed with the actions of someone very
    close to you? What did you do?
  • 9) Have you ever had to reassure someone of a
    decision that you have made but that they do not
    agree with?
  • 10) Do you play any sports? What's your favorite
  • 11) Why do you want to be a dentist?
  • 12) Tell us about a mistake that you have made at
    some point in your life.

Advice from a Dental Student
  • different universities have different approaches
    to teaching Dentistry - some are more practical
    oriented, some more theory oriented, and some are
    Problem-Based Learning, so you should look into
    this- what is the curriculum like at the school,
    and choose the school that suits you best
  • If you are not very good in art or things like
    that, then consider taking private classes for
    the Carving Section for the DAT

  • For the interview, the questions are almost
    always from the CDA- sometimes at the end, if
    they have time, they'll ask you a typical 'why do
    you want to be a dentist' or 'what do you like to
    do in your free time' type of question. Other
    than that, the questions are like, 'Here is a
    hypothetical situation, what would you do?' or
    'Have you ever been in a situation where.... and
    what did you do?'
  • Dentistry is not easy!!! There's a lot of work
    involved! The upper years and teachers are there
    to help you. No one wants you to do poorly. And
    it is not competitive anymore like in Undergrad
  • If you can, you should just apply! Who cares if
    you don't get in, you should just apply for the
    experience. That's what I was doing, but somehow
    I actually got in!! )

Contact info
  • Alan Ko
  • Becky Zendel-
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