Transaction escrow - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transaction escrow


Protect Data After It Is Collected. Disallowed queries are infeasible. Research questions: ... Disallowed queries are infeasible. Data query attempt. Data ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Transaction escrow

Handcuffing Big BrotherAbuse-Resilient
Transaction Escrow
Stanislaw Jarecki UC Irvine Vitaly
Shmatikov SRI International Eurocrypt 2004
Data Collection Poses a Threat to Privacy
  • Data Collection Examples
  • Financial transaction records
  • (Detection of fraud and money laundering)
  • Medical research databases
  • (Research queries)
  • Computer network monitoring
  • (Intrusion detection)
  • Law enforcement
  • (Searching for criminal profiles
  • cf. CAPS II, JetBlue debacle)
  • Crypto Research Question
  • Can we enable (some) data monitoring
  • while protecting (some) data privacy ?

Our Goal Protect Data After It Is Collected
Collected Data
Data Collection Agency
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 0
Data query attempt
Allowed queries are easy
Disallowed queries are infeasible
  • Research questions
  • What query patterns can be efficiently supported?
  • How private can the inaccessible data remain?

Related Work
Collected Data
Data Collection Agency
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 0
Data query attempt
Allowed queries are easy
Disallowed queries are infeasible
  • stronger than Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
  • We want to have provable data privacy
  • harder than Search on Encrypted Data
  • In our threat model, data creators are not
    trusted to input correct data
  • E.g., money launderers try to avoid detection

Basic Data Collection Capability Need to
Support Efficient Subpoena
  • Data Collection with support for efficient
  • 1. By default, all data are inaccessible to the
  • Data are secret
  • Data creators are anonymous
  • 2. If some data creator (user) U is
  • all his data are revealed to the agency
  • Agency needs to escrow everyones data
  • Once U is subpoenaed, agency must be able to
    efficiently identify all escrows related to U,
    and efficiently open them
  • Everyone elses data remain inaccessible

Verifiable Transaction Escrow
transaction (money transfer to Barbados)
Transaction counterparty (e.g. bank)
Existing Approaches to Data Collection
  • Trusting data collection agency
  • Government agency insiders can search internal
    databases at whim
  • Visa knows all your transactions
  • Traditional key escrow approach
  • Trusting third-party escrow agents
  • Escrows are encrypted under agencys public key,
    whose secret part is shared among N escrow agents
  • Threshold trust model data remain private as
    long as half of the agents are honest

Aldrich Ames
Problems with Existing Escrow Schemes
  • Public-key based escrow schemes provide
  • either privacy, or efficiency, but not both
  • PKEA Public Key of the Escrow Agency
  • Escrowed data consists only of ciphertexts
  • Full privacy
  • Very inefficient subpoena
  • Escrow agency must test each ciphertext (by
    threshold decryption!!)
  • Escrowed data tagged with users identity (U,
  • Subpoena is efficient
  • Privacy is compromised
  • Agency learns who makes transactions when, how
    many, how often,
  • whether transactions of U and U are correlated,

Efficient SubpoenaRequires Deterministic Tags
  • Subpoena John Does money transfers to
  • user U type of
  • 1. If tags are computed non-deterministically
    (as in BDOP 04)
  • Tag FPKEA() (U, type)
  • There might be an efficient procedure
    Test(Tag,trapdoor(PKAE,U,type) ) which
    identifies tags corresponding to the (U,type)
  • This takes at best 1 crypto op. per escrow item
  • Inefficient for large data sets (10M items 1
    day per PC)
  • 2. If tags are computed deterministically
  • Tag F (U, type)
  • Identification of subpoenaed escrows takes O(1)
    crypto op.

Proposed Compromise betweenSubpoena Efficiency
and User Privacy
  • Proposed privacy measure
  • Category-Preserving Privacy
  • From two escrows e Escrow U, m, type , e
    Escrow U, m, type
  • U user identity
  • m transaction description
  • type e.g. money transfer to Barbados
  • the escrow agency learns only whether category(e)
  • i.e., whether (U,type) (U,type)
  • Escrow agency does not learn what these
    categories are
  • This is what deterministic Tag F (U,type)
    always reveals

Category-Preserving Privacy Weaker than
Perfect, but Possibly Good Enough
  • Weaker than perfect privacy
  • Agency learns of existence of correlated
    categories, e.g.
  • All escrows have the same category gt Only
    one user active
  • Two categories always arrive together gt They
    are synchronized
  • Can be good enough for massive data collection
  • With high transactions rates
  • correlations will be hard to find
  • knowledge that some correlated categories exist
    seems harmless

Another Data Collection CapabilityAutomatic
Selective Revelation
  • Automatically open escrows that match some
    user-related condition
  • escrows that do not match remain
    (category-preserving) private
  • Reveal transactions of a person who made more
    than t 5 money transfers to Barbados in the
    last month
  • All such escrows have category (User_XXX , money
    transf. to Barb.)
  • If tag is a deterministic function of (user,type)
  • Automatic revelation is feasible agency looks
    only at entries with same tag
  • If tag is computed non-deterministically
  • Automatic revelation is infeasible at least 1
    crypto op. per each t - element
    subset of escrows ? O(Dt) crypto ops.

Tagged EscrowsEfficient and Category-Preserving
Escrow agency
Tagged escrow
transaction (money transfer to Barbados)
ZK proof of possession of correct receipt
Deterministic Tags Need Private Keys
  • Efficient subpoena requires deterministic tagging
  • Public-key deterministic tagging functions fail
  • If escrow is tagged with Tag FPKEA (U,type),
  • F is a publicly computable deterministic
    function, then
  • privacy is still compromised
  • Agency can identify Us escrows by re-computing
  • Need private tagging function instead

Implementing Tags with VRFs
  • Us tags should be computable only by U
  • Every user U needs a secret key k
  • Use a pseudorandom function PRF Tag Fk
  • Values of Fk look independent from inputs and
    users identity
  • PRFs maintain category-preserving privacy
  • To prevent cheating, U must prove that Tag is
  • Use a verifiable pseudorandom function VRF
  • Each user U has a public key which allows
  • that U computed Tag Fk (type) correctly
  • VRFs are easy to implement with DDH ROM
  • PK g k mod p, Fk(x) (H(x)) k mod p
  • Verifiability of (PK, x, Fk(x)) triple ZK proof
    of discrete-log equality

Verifiability of the Entire Escrow
? Anonymous tag ? Encrypted transaction ? Private
Verifiable random function
Verifiable anonymous encryption
Anonymous and private signature, verifiable by
interaction with the signer
transaction (e.g., money transfer to Barbados)
Escrow Verifiability in Subpoena
  • Escrow (tag t, ciphertext c, signature s)
    (Fk(type), Enck(m), Sigk(t,c))
  • Subpoena protocol on input (U,type)
  • U computes tag tU Fk (type), and proves
  • If agency finds escrow (tU,c,s), U dis/proves
    signature s on (tU,c)
  • If escrow is correct, U decrypts c, and proves
  • If U ever refuses/fails, U is held in contempt
  • If users keys are escrowed by escrow trustees
  • Escrow trustees compute all the above using
    secret-sharing of k
  • All procedures involve threshold exponentiations

Security Properties
  • Subjects of monitoring cannot cheat
  • Subpoena/Revelation of correct escrows cannot be
  • Honest transaction counterparty verifies that
    user submitted a correct escrow to the agency
  • Malicious insiders of escrow agency are powerless
  • Category-preserving privacy protects data from
    agency insiders
  • Cannot frame individuals by inserting bogus
  • Malicious transaction counterparties cannot help
  • the malicious escrow agency
  • Escrow submission and receipt verification
    protocols are unlinkable

Naive Verifiability Violates Privacy
Tagged escrow (e)
Escrow agency
? Anonymous tag (t) ? Transaction ciphertext
(c) ? Private signature (s)
transaction (e.g., money transfer to Barbados)
Tagged escrow
Escrowed data
Verifiability with Unlinkable Signatures
Tagged escrow (e)
Escrow agency
? Anonymous tag (t) ? Transaction ciphertext
(c) ? Private signature (s)
transaction (e.g., money transfer to Barbados)
Tagged escrow
Unlinkable Signatures Camenish Lysyanskaya
signature scheme with ZK proof of signature
possession CL signature on a commitment Here
signature on a ciphertext
Escrowed data
Automatic Selective Revelation
Escrow database
Correctness verified ?
Forcing Consistency of Key Pieces
same category implies - same tag - same
encryption key - consistent key pieces
  • Use VRF to generate a consistent secret-sharing
  • Use VRF to pick a (t-1)-degree secret-sharing
  • f(x) Fk (category)
  • Encrypt the transaction using key kf(0)
  • Attach f (fresh_random_point) as a piece of key
    kf(0) to each escrow
  • Verifiability of each escrow via VRF properties
  • Automatic revelation
  • t escrows ? t shares ? interpolate kf(0) ? All
    t escrows decrypted

Summary Some Open Questions
  • Broader class of patterns for selective
  • Dynamically evolving patterns
  • Patterns not specific to an individual user
  • Cumulative revelation criteria
  • Reveal cumulative transactions once their total
    value reaches a threshold (e.g. all transactions
    which sum to 10,000)
  • Relaxing PKI assumptions
  • Is transaction escrow without users private keys
  • Other privacy measures
  • Support for other data collection functionalities

Comparison to BDOP, Eurocrypt04Randomized
PK-based Tagging
  • BDOP04 allow search on public-key encrypted data
  • Treat category c as a keyword and tag escrows
  • Tag F (PKA, c) where c (U,type)
  • and F is a randomized function
  • Subpoena
  • Key-Escrow Agents compute a trapdoor tc from
    (shared) SKA for the subpoenaed c(User,type)
  • For each tagged escrow item, Agent runs
    test(Tag,tc) which reveals if Tag ? F (PKA, c)
  • Properties
  • Full Privacy (F encrypts category c)
  • Inefficient for Very Large Data Sets
  • Needs one crypto op. per each escrow entry
  • Insecure against cheating Users
  • BDOP does not support verifiability in
    creation of the encrypted data

Contrast with Private Computation
  • 2-Party Private Computation PC (example)

In DataA
In DataB
Private Computation of Set Intersection
Out DataA U DataB
  • PC Goal Stop info leakage between two data
  • A learns nothing about DataB except DataA U
  • B learns nothing about DataA except DataA U
  • Of course, A knows all of DataA and B knows all
    of DataB
  • Our Goal Restrict access of A to DataA itself

Other Related Work
  • Search on encrypted data SWP00, BDOP04, G04
  • User (email sender) has no incentive to cheat
  • We need verifiability if U escrows its
    transaction data correctly
  • Different efficiency requirements
  • Untraceable electronic cash Chaum, Fiat, Naor
  • Not a general encryption, no subpoena support
  • In e-cash, user is non-anonymous for a bank,
    anonymous in transaction
  • Here, user is anonymous for Escrow Agency,
    non-anonymous in transaction
  • Private Information Retrieval Chor et al. 98,
  • Keeps the query secret from the database owner
  • In our case, owner knows the query, its the data
    that is secret
  • Anonymous credentials Camenisch, Lysyanskaya
  • We use unlinkable CL signatures/credentials to
    disable cooperation between malicious escrow
    agent and malicious transaction counterparty
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